Public Relations (PR)


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Public Relations (PR)
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I keep it pretty simple at the moment, but my bread and butter is:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Blogs that I run
  • Blogs that I guest post on

I'm looking at jumping into video of some format

  • Periscope
  • Blab
  • Youtube

Candice Meisels

, Consultant at Candice Meisels PR

I specialise in PR for start ups with limited budget. You should definitely focus on PR to try create brand awareness and media exposure for your business. You can call and email media contacts and pitch your business/product/service to them. Ensure that you practice your pitch before hand especially if you're phoning as you will have to get your USP and story across in the first minute or two. If you send an email, keep it short and sweet. Hope this helps! Good luck! Candice

Jef Lippiatt

, Owner at Startup Chucktown

Definitely appreciate the advice. I practice my pitch frequently. I have 3 versions of it. - 1 sentence (10 - 15 seconds) - 3 - 4 sentences (30 seconds) - 6 - 8 sentences (2 minute maximum) Each pitch builds on the previous, so as I gauge their interest I can seamlessly expand based on reactions or questions.

Kate Yeng added an answer to this question
Kate Yeng

Kate Yeng at Assignment Help

PR is important for the Small businesses to expand their reach and promote their services to the large pool of audience, for example if you are looking to serve customers beyond numerous cities, release a press to promote as you are not doing a common thing, i just post a press release explore it here

Tania Willett

, Owner and PR Consultant at TJW Public Relations

Yes, absolutely. Positive PR strengthens your business credibility and reputation. For start-ups and small businesses, having that added business credibility can be the extra boost needed that sets them apart from their competitors. If you go down the "DIY PR" path, you can achieve free publicity, unlike say, spending thousands of dollars on advertising. Feel free to take a look at my website where I regularly publish tips and advice on how small businesses can do their own PR.

Shannon Peel added an answer to this question
Shannon Peel

Shannon Peel, Creative Entrepreneurial Owner at MarketAPeel

You never know where a lead will come from. Guest blogging gives you content for social media, brand awareness reach, CV credibility, SEO backlink (be careful where you post), and can spark a bigger piece for your own site. 

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

Would be great to get your thoughts here too @Tom Valcanis 

Yee Trinh added an answer to this question
Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

Hi @Wendy Huang .. been doing a bit of this myself so I thought I'd share some great press release distribution sites I've found for free.. 

1. PRLog
2. Newswire Today
4. Online PR Media
5. Press Release Point
6. PR Urgent News
7. openPR
8. IssueWire
9. ...  expand
Celia Harding added an answer to this question
Celia Harding

Celia Harding, Director at PR Shed

It depends on your budget and the time and resource you have available internally.  If you are a bigger business and can afford to pay $8k-$15k a month, it can make sense to hire a reputable agency. Just make sure you do your due diligence and set clear measurables/KPIs, so that everyone is on the ...  expand
Gisele Boulay added an answer to this question
Gisele Boulay

Gisele Boulay, Founder at Gisele Boulay Communications

Hi Andrew: Would that be business coaching? For effective PR, you'd need to position yourself as an expert. There are a few ways you can go about this. Tactic A - Media Relations. Journos are always looking for experts with interesting stories/points of view. Identify a fresh and interesting angle ...  expand
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