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This subreddit is devoted to sharing gifs and videos of robots that are useless or just don't do their job quite right.

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I never knew how to eat popcorn, finally something that will help me !

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I love that she was genuinely shocked, confused, and happy it technically worked perfectly


I would probably have one shoot to the back of my throat and choke me.

u/crikeydilehunter avatar

Thank you for using r/nocontext properly

u/eRa_Tension avatar

And thank you for not responding with r/evenwithcontext improperly

u/spiketheunicorn avatar

Thank you for thanking them properly.

Thank you for thanking them properly.

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Did she do a ted talk?

Yes! Before her surgery. It was great, you should watch it!

u/GranimalSnake avatar

It's really good to see her recovery going well. She seems genuinely like a fun person to be around, and the world clearly needs her shitty robots.

u/donkeyrocket avatar

You should check out the collabs she has with William Osman. They're pretty hilarious together in their joint shittiness.

u/alflup avatar

You know I never realized this, but she and Gallagher could make one hell of a comedy special together.

I wish all the shitty creations Youtubers would get together and make something really shitty. William Osman, Allen, Peter Sripol, Simone, Youtube Buddy.

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In this same vein of creators is Micharl Reeves for those who like dead memes and self loathing.

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u/c0ldsh0w3r avatar

I'm hoping that she joins forces with StyroPyro and they fall in love, but then something awful happens and they're forced to become a duo of supervillains, a la The Mighty Monarch and Dr My Wife.


Dr My Wife

dr. mrs. the monarch?

u/c0ldsh0w3r avatar

That one works too. But he also has referred to her as Dr My Wife.

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u/Napalm3nema avatar

I can’t wait until they are taking applications for Henchman 21. I have that 21 body on lock.

u/c0ldsh0w3r avatar

My ex was in love with 21. It showed because all of her ex's looked like him. All of them. Except me, of course.

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u/steffesteffe avatar

I felt the same way after watching her tv-show. She just seems like a great person.

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u/polak2017 avatar

TED or TEDx?

u/mathias_314 avatar


u/CuntCrusherCaleb avatar

What's the difference?

If I'm not mistaken, TEDx is organized by the community, TED is organized by the TED people.

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u/DishwasherTwig avatar

I think it was before she even knew she had a tumor.

u/mathias_314 avatar

She signed up to do it before she knew but she gave the talk after she was diagnosed

u/DishwasherTwig avatar

Ah, that was it. I know she mentioned that she might not have done it had she known she had a tumor, but I guess it was agreeing to do it, not actually doing it she was talking about.

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Could I get a link?


Who is this?

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u/rynodigital avatar

She did and it was great, I watched it after hearing about her illness so it made it hard to watch knowing that, you could see the strain in her right eye. Just glad she’s doing well now!

u/darkercheese avatar

Nice... it's like she was teaching them all an important lesson in a very subtle way.

u/uabassguy avatar

!remindme 8 hours

u/E_N_Turnip avatar

Hey! Do the thing now!


u/uabassguy avatar

But it hasn't been 8 hours yet

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u/TheSleepyJesus avatar

It would appear that way

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u/Acetronaut avatar

There’s also a Tested version of this where she and Adam Savage create a popcorn satin helmet.

She actually kind of reminds me of Adam Savage

u/Acetronaut avatar

They’ve worked together for many years and I think he’s a bit of a mentor to her.

...oh how I envy her.


IIRC Simone is a member of Tested, or honorary member or something.

u/alflup avatar

If they really are rebooting Mythbusters, she and Adam could finally push Jamie over the deep end.

u/Acetronaut avatar

Are there rumors of this happening? Like the OG Mythbusters coming back?

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u/Acetronaut avatar

She’s an actual member.

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u/Phantomglock23 avatar

They're prototype was hilarious! Kinda cool how they worked on it so far from one another

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u/zAcrylic avatar

Gotta love Simone. So glad she’s recovering well!

I have the biggest crush on her. She’s the best!


Me too!

I had this professor which was one of the most incredible professors I had in my life. He unfortunately passed away after having a brain tumor just like she did. He didn't recovered and had major complications. So when I heard she was going to have surgery I didn't say anything on the internet to not jinx it. I'm very glad she is OK and will recover her life back!

Tumor sucks


Who is Simone and what happened to her?


Simone Giertz is basically one of the most famous creators of comedic robots (AKA Shitty Robots).

She makes robots created with intentionally minimal thought behind the design to see if something funny comes out the other end (the answer is usually yes.)

She's actually so successful at creating Shitty Robots, it's her full time job. It helps that she seems for all intents to be a genuinely lovely person, so she's very likable.

Many people affectionately call her "the Queen of Shitty Robots".

What happened:

About 6-8 months ago (I forget exactly when) she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which if not removed was likely to cause major complications and possibly even death. Recently she had that tumor removed and she seems to be recovering quickly (for a tumor.)

She has made videos that very frankly talk about it (yet still has her comedic charm.) one before the surgery after the surgery

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u/Notagamedeveloper112 avatar

I love that scene. It’s not only comedic but shows how most employers used to treat their low paid workers.


Used to?

They still do, but they used to, too.

u/justablur avatar

Cheap labor is great whenever you want 1,000 of something

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yes, now they treat them even worse

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Yeah anyone who's spent some time in a super repetitive job can relate. I was working at a car wash one summer, went to the mall with my brother. Walking through the parking lot he says what are you doing. I had folded in about 5 or 6 mirrors walking by cars.

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Was just thinking about that, it would be perfect for this sub

Came here for this. Leaving robot shitty.

i'll buy 3

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u/Mayo-over-miracle avatar

This looks like a torture device you would see in SAW.

u/moonhexx avatar

The torture is the $15 for the popcorn.

The real torture is trying to get the piece of popcorn out of her gums for he next 18 hrs

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Similar amount of spillage to when I just eat it from my hand. 11/10, would use

Oh god, not a vex contoller.

u/irlshibe avatar

This year they made new ones that have a touch screen (i think)

u/SatanistSnowflake avatar

Vex V5.

On another note, is Vex super well known out in the US? I know there's a lot more US teams but I figured the density would be somewhat similar to the UK's. I quite liked doing it, too.

u/irlshibe avatar

Im actually not sure, but here in PA it is sorta well known but if i mention it to anyone they have no clue what im talking aboug

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u/SteelyDanzig avatar

It's so weird to me that someone would put so much time and effort into effectively a basic Rube Goldberg machine that only half works.

That's the land of shitty robots my friend. Have you seen William Osman's work?

u/syh7 avatar

He is a genius, I absolutely love his videos.

u/Bluecat16 avatar

If Simone is the queen of shitty robots, William is certainly the king.

u/AKittyCat avatar

Clown Prince

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u/Ruth-Gree avatar

Michael Reeves is another who you should check out

Michael Reeves is like if William Osman didn’t pretend his inventions had use lol



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I like watching his videos because I get to see familiar spots since I'm from the same city.

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u/BuntRuntCunt avatar

The experience of designing and building something is still valuable, even if that something is useless. Also, to entertain herself and this sub.

u/thelonious_bunk avatar

That it why she is the queen of the sub. Her contraptions are silly as crap and wonderful.

u/Noshamina avatar

It's humor and ingenuity all in one. It's kind of like asking why someone would put so much energy into making jokes.

Basically she created a job to do this. It is weird.

u/Ben_ji avatar

Do you realize which subreddit you're viewing?

I suggest you check the sidebar before commenting.

u/81isnumber1 avatar

Nice username

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This gives me flashbacks to that Netflix documentary Evil Genius. Now I won’t be able to sleep again.

u/thegreybush avatar

I can't not look at her right eye and see how swollen it is. it makes me happy that she is doing well and recovering from what seemed like such a dangerous situation

What happened?

u/thegreybush avatar

she had a golf ball sized brain tumor behind her right eye.

Jesus! Well in that case she's looking pretty good, now :)

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Chaplin's Modern Times 2.0.

The scene the comment above is referencing, for anyone who's not familiar with it.

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u/Tree_Top_Lover avatar

I’m always afraid Simone’s hair is going to get caught up in one of her robots

u/kensues avatar

she is so cute 😍😍

u/tubspider avatar

Is it a fail if she intended to create a shitty robot but it ended up working?

Choking hazard!!

u/Gustafer823 avatar

All hail the shitty robot queen!

Someday, somehow, she’s going to accidentally build a device that revolutionizes robotics, electrical engineering, or AI.

u/alflup avatar

Or, more likely, inspire some young girl to go into STEM after seeing how awesome Simone is and creating the first FTL engine.

Similar to how Star Trek got pretty much every person in NASA into working for NASA.

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She is genuinely the greatest person

u/Alec_Ich avatar

This sub just loves to jerk themselves off about this girl lol

u/StevenEll avatar

This comment is the equivalent of going to r/nba and complaining about their love for LeBron James.

u/Alec_Ich avatar

Lmao people do that all the time. Also this sub is supposed to be posts about robots and half of them are about this woman

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I think I'm going to unsubscribe because boxxy is my true queen, not whoever this is


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This looks like a saw trap lol

u/Galba__ avatar

I made a solar powered car that had a coaster on a lift on it so you could have a personal waiter to carry your drink around for you. This was in middle school for a independent study project. Then my teacher took it away bc I kept using it in class. I think my parents still have it at their house I’ll see if I can find it to post on this sub.

u/lasa_na avatar

This is some little brother Disney channel shit.

u/Unskuller_OSRS avatar

When looking at the thumbnail I thought this was something from a saw movie at first

u/c_o_n_E avatar

Surgeon simulator for popcorn

u/Andyman117 avatar

Title worthy of r/wheredidthesodago


Damn i love that laugh at the end.

Wholesome saw trap

u/chezly avatar

Just as messy as eating it with your hands

u/Al-PRO avatar
u/cannotlol avatar

Anyone know which controller she's using?

u/zAcrylic avatar

God rest his soul. Tumors do indeed suck.

On a brighter note, I too am really happy she’s getting back in tip top shape!

Wild wild west out here

u/slylizard1of7 avatar

This is some carrot top stuff right here

Long live the queen!!

u/Gumbo64 avatar

this isn't a shitty robot this is amazing

So sad. You can see on her right eye that this is before she knew that she needed operation.

RemindMe! 5 hours

But WHY??!!

Because then a i want to be reminded too see the TED she did. Why are you asking though??

Because you set a remindme with no context, I hope you enjoy the TED talk though

So? I need no context in my own reminder? Thanks

I mean you posted it in a public comment section hence my confusion

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You can just save the post for later too

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u/desperationhelp avatar

Dude is obviously gonna fap to this when he gets home because science

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u/KittenStealer avatar

Hey man its been 5 hours.

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Wasn't there a charlie chaplin thing like this?

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She’s a keeper😍

Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times", anyone? Looks like we've made no progress whatsoever...

The scene the comment above is referencing, for anyone who's not familiar with it.


Bro, why we making modern cars if older ones already exist?

Your argument is stupid.

It's a joke, mate... have you seen the movie?


Im aware of the feeding machine

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All her robots are the exact same thing. Just a swinging arm she sticks different shit to the tip of. Watch the swinging arm smack popcorn, or poorly apply lipstick, or whatever else she glues to it today.


You are clearly not familiar with her work

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u/UbermorphPoint45 avatar

Didn’t Charlie Chaplain do this like 100 years ago?

The scene the comment above is referencing, for anyone who's not familiar with it.

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This is from her TED talk, where explains what the point is.

In essence, building stuff that's meant to fail is a really great way of learning how to build stuff, as you're less likely to get disheartened and give up.

Entertainment, but what I also get from her videos is how limiting robots are in real world situations and how we can expand our minds on incorporating and become comfortable with robots in our daily lives.

Trial and error, the future is that much closer.


She reminds me of some blond Youtuber I used to watch. What was her name?

Simone Giertz. she is likely the YouTuber you used to have watch


Thanks for responding but that's not who I'm thinking about.

She was a skinny blond who was anti-feminist and pro-conservative and made a lot of sarcastic videos with ironic cut scenes

I can't think of her name though. I don't know if she still makes videos, but she was prolific for awhile and was very interested in politics.

Lauren Southern? But she doesn't really look like her.


Not Lauren. She's kind of goofy and tries to make all her political stuff funny. She talked a lot about the Tea Party and why she was a tea bagger and stuff like that.

Not really sure how to search for her on Youtube and maybe it's better to use Google to find her. There are millions of Youtubers so I'll probably never find her.

It's silly really. I'm not really into her videos but now that I can't remember her name it's bugging me to death.

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u/hung_lo_mein_kampf avatar

Lets be honest, that's a nuttn' halo...


Female Inventors are really catching up to male inventors.


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Nope, she did real TED, not TEDx bullshit

Where ?

Isnt this the girl that got thousands of dollars in donations for a surgery that is like 95% successful?

Shady as fuck

I'm guessing that you're not a regular to r/shittyrobots, are you?

u/powerhower avatar

What does success rate have to do with cost?

Healthcare is free where she lives...

When did healthcare become free in the United States?

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