
Business Growth Dominates: 31% of Outsourced B2B Jobs in Advertising


Business growth is the key driver in B2B jobs outsourced in the last 12 months, according to new research by SavvySME. 

The SavvySME B2B Jobs Report 2023, found that business growth has been the biggest area for businesses outsourcing jobs.

Almost 31% of B2B jobs outsourced on SavvySME were businesses looking for advertising agencies. A further 12% of B2B jobs outsourced were for marketing agencies. Almost 10% of jobs were in search of digital specialists.  

While only 2.34% of jobs were outsourced to business coaches, the most sought after solution was business growth. 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS):

“Businesses are increasingly outsourcing their requirements to experts and subcontractors to meet the challenges presented by the modern complexity of information technology and the changing expectations of consumers.” 

Andrew Egan, SavvySME Top Influencer in Telecommunications, said marketing is a key area he outsources in his business Adept IT. 

“The one item in my business I would outsource is marketing.”

“I recognise it's something I'm not particularly good at, but something that's critical to driving ongoing growth of my business.”

The report found other key areas outsourced by businesses were those in accounting (17%) and legal (3.45%). 

Hitesh Mohanlal, SavvySME Top Influencer in Tax, discusses why accountants are important for all businesses

“Any serious business will have and need an accountant to deal with their compliance matters.”

“Getting things wrong can cost thousands in additional tax and sometimes you will not even know it is costing you money unless you talk to someone who knows.”

The report shows that admin support is another key area businesses are outsourcing.

Almost 4% of jobs outsourced were for local virtual assistants (VAs), as demand for local based VAs increases.

Kathie Thomas, SavvySME Top Influencer in Virtual Assistance, says there are many reasons why businesses would prefer a local based virtual assistant

“Protection of their IP and their database for starters - they wouldn't want these things to go offshore.”

“Often our culture, the way we do things, the way we communicate is a factor.”


Which are the top 10 most outsourced B2B service providers in the last 12 months?

Advertising Agencies 30.52%
Accountants 16.99%
Marketing Experts 11.91%
Digital Specialists 9.45%
Virtual Assistants 3.56%
Adwords & PPC Consultants 3.46%
Business Lawyers 3.45%
Branding Agencies 3.26%
SEO Agencies 2.75%
Business Coaches 2.34%

Source: SavvySME B2B Jobs Report 2023 


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