My Online Learning Courses

Use the links below, or code JUN_24_BEST to get the best price on my courses.

Learn to recognize, and avoid, common pitfalls experienced in projects.

Most of us aren’t project managers - but understanding the basics makes things a LOT easier… learn them here!

Discover the building blocks of a knowledge base and apply them in hands-on exercises in Lucidchart and Confluence.

Learn how to search for, and find, tickets in Jira using Basic and Advanced searching (JQL) includes hands-on exercises!

Your complete guide to improving your soft skills as a Customer Support agent.

Discover the building blocks of HR data analytics and use them to help your organization thrive & make better decisions.

A detailed look at how to successfully run a User Acceptance Test (UAT). For project managers, developers, team members and more.

Post mortems help teams learn from every project or incident. Learn how to perform them, and build a culture of improvement.