Advertisers Still Too Reliant On Third-Party Cookies For Programmatic, Study Finds

Advertisers still rely on third-party cookies for programmatic, with retail becoming the largest programmatic buyer on the programmatic

Although Google plans to eliminate third-party cookies by the end of 2024 and fully implement the Privacy Sandbox, its targeting cookie alternative, the industry is far from prepared.

Despite several setbacks, the …

1 comment about "Advertisers Still Too Reliant On Third-Party Cookies For Programmatic, Study Finds".
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  1. Craig Mcdaniel from Sweepstakes Today LLC, March 11, 2024 at 2:56 a.m.

    There is a third option that would not be well liked by the ad distributors but makes a ton of sense verses going cookieless.  I hand place a sweepstakes sponsor's URL link into my program. If a member reads the sweeps data and then enters, the member will be taken to the sponsors page. The sponsor's cookie is not needed and the data is controlled by the sponsor.  Better yet, because the URL is hand placed into our program, it is secure from the hackers. it's never happened in 20 years.  Finally, it makes sense to consider sweepsptakes because what is the goal? To get the data into your database.

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