About Ciall Ceannaithe

The daily business of running a primary school has changed enormously in recent years. It continues to change with new circulars and directives issued regularly. Keeping up with constant change can put a strain on other areas of day-to-day management. Ciall Ceannaithe offers you an opportunity this summer to review, evaluate and streamline some of your own professional practices as a school leader.

This online course offers convenient and practical professional development focused on the needs of school leaders. Ciall Ceannaithe is designed to support school leaders undertaking their leadership journey.



How to book your place

Click here to access the online booking form - please note forms and online payments will be processed and authorised during 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. For queries/help there is a dedicated email address - online@ippn.ie between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday only

Who should participate?

  • Newly appointed principals
  • Deputy Principals
  • Aspiring school leaders /teachers 
  • Experienced principals who wish to reflect on their current practice 

When and where?
Online from July 1st to July 31st. Course must be graded and approved by July 31st. The duration of the course is 20 hours online learning. Last date to register for the course is by 4.45pm, July 25th.

A charge of €95 per person is applicable.
Fee includes access to the online platform, access to key resources, communicating and engaging with peers and course facilitators.


What skills will I learn?
Following the successful completion participants will be better equipped and more effective in dealing with the following areas of their new role:

  • Sustainable Leadership
  • Decision Making 
  • Staff Relations
  • Staff Communications
  • Curriculum Leadership: Effective Leading of Teaching and Learning in the School Community
  • School Self Evaluation/LAOS
  • Relationship management with children, parents, Boards of Management, DE
  • Personal Development
  • Professional Development
  • Wellbeing

Course Aims

This course aims to assist school leaders achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Gain an overall perspective on their role
  • Develop a sense of pacing and timing
  • Distinguish tacit from factual knowledge
  • Provide practical advice on key situations
  • Benefit from the knowledge of experienced school leaders
  • Approach their role with greater confidence and self-belief
  • Increase self-awareness and work life balance.
  • Have essential resources to hand in a user-friendly format.
  • Become a skilled and effective leader of teaching and learning in the school community
  • Lead the School Self Evaluation process competently and successfully through all its stages of school improvement
  • Gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the essential role of the school leader in leading teaching and learning


How do I to successfully complete the course?
In order to meet the requirements set by the DES, course participants must complete the following to secure Certificate of Achievement (which is required to secure EPV days):

  • Complete and pass 5 assignments
  • ALL discussion forums to be completed
  • Course Reflective Learning Logs – will be provided to Drumcondra
  • Declaration of Integrity
  • Review of Sign Off of my CPD Record

Course Structure:
The course consists of five modules that guide you through your leadership role. During the course you will be asked to participate in moderated discussion forums with fellow participants. The course encourages participants to be interactive and to reflect both on the material presented and on their own professional experiences.

Along with the discussion forums, each participant must complete and pass all five assignments, in which participants are asked to contribute their views, opinions and experiences and to share good practice on issues related to each module and also to the overall theme of each course.

The course is primarily aimed at supporting and developing principals and aspiring school leaders' knowledge and leadership skills, their interpersonal awareness and professional attitudes. All participants who contribute in the course will be treated as independent adult learners.

Online facilitators are allocated to the course and will interact with and support participants on each module's discussion forums and assignments. While participants are offered guidance in course materials and are encouraged to participate in reflective exercises and discussion forums, each participant is wholly responsible for his/her own learning and interaction with the course.

FAQClick Here for course FAQs 


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