International arbitration and the future of energy disputes

23 May 2024

Tirana English
Start: 09:00 (Tirana) -End: 15:30 (Tirana)

Join us in Tirana for the Arbitration and ADR Days in Albania (AADA) 2nd Edition Annual Conference!

This year’s AADA’s Annual Conference offers an insightful discussion on international arbitration and the future of energy disputes. Bringing together experts, practitioners, academics, and stakeholders, our panels will explore relevant topics and best practices in dispute resolution. Join us and learn about developments impacting Albania, the region, and globally.

(Tirana Time Zone)

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome and registration

09:30 - 09:35


09:35 - 09:45

Welcome and opening remarks

  • Bilgen Aldan, Chair of ICC Albania, Tirana

09:45 - 09:55

Opening speech

  • Klajd Karameta, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania, Tirana

09:55 - 10:05

ICC Court Representative

  • Ulrich Kopetzki, Director, Arbitration and ADR, Europe, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

10:10 - 10:30

Keynote Speech

  • Franz T. Schwarz, Partner at Wilmerhale, London

10:35 - 11:50

Panel I: Energy disputes arbitration – Quo Vadis?

This panel discussion will highlight the importance of international arbitration in resolving disputes within the energy sector due to its cross-border nature and complex contractual relationships. Panelists will address emerging issues and potential areas of dispute within the energy sector, such as renewable energy investments, cross-border infrastructure projects, and digitalization of energy markets. The panel will explore recent trends in energy disputes, including issues related to contract interpretation, pricing disputes, regulatory challenges, and environmental concerns.

  • Laurent Gouiffès, International Arbitration Partner, HoganLovells, Paris
  • Fabio Santacroce, Partner, ArbLit, Milan (online)
  • Dr. Dini Sejko, MCIArb, Lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
  • Flonia Tashko, Managing Partner, Tashko-Pustina Law Firm, Tirana & Prishtina

Moderated by:

  • Blerina Xheraj, Module Co-Designer for the LLM in International Business and Commercial Law at BPP Law School, London

11:50 - 12:15


12:15 - 12:40

Coffee break

12:45 - 14:00

Panel II: Perspectives from the region


This panel discussion will provide insights into the unique challenges and opportunities related to arbitration and energy disputes in the Western Balkans and SEE region.


  • Oltjon Dano, Partner, Kalo & Associates, Tirana
  • Gergana Monovska, LL.M., Partner, Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, Sofia
  • Visar Ramaj, Partner, RPHS Law, Prishtina
  • Irina Suătean, Senior Associate, Filip and Company, Bucharest

Moderated by :

  • Enisa Halili, Principal Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Frankfurt
More speakers to be announced soon.

14:00 - 14:25


14:25 - 14:30

Concluding remarks    

14:30 - 15:30


More speakers to be announced shortly.

Bilgen Aldan

Chair of ICC Albania, Tirana

Oltjon Dano

Partner, Kalo & Associates, Tirana

Laurent Gouiffès

International Arbitration Partner, HoganLovells, Paris

Enisa Halili

Principal Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Frankfurt

Klajd Karameta

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania, Tirana

Ulrich Kopetzki

Ulrich Kopetzki, Director, Arbitration and ADR, Europe, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

Gergana Monovska

Partner, Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, Sofia

Visar Ramaj,

Partner, RPHS Law, Prishtina

Fabio Santacroce

Fabio Santacroce, Partner, ArbLit, Milan (online)

Dr. Dini Sejko

MCIArb, Lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Irina Suătean

Senior Associate, Filip and Company, Bucharest

Franz T. Schwarz

Partner, Wilmerhale, London

Flonia Tashko

Managing Partner, Tashko-Pustina Law Firm, Tirana & Prishtina

Blerina Xheraj

Module Co-Designer for the LLM in International Business and Commercial Law at BPP Law School, London



Marriott Hotel Tirana

 Sheshi “Italia”, 1001, Tirana, Albania  

Additional information 

Book your group rate for ICC Albania

Ardita Seknaj

Secretary General, ICC Albania




Ministria e Drejtesise