Save Boating in Mission Bay: Act Now! | New Mode

Save Boating in Mission Bay: Act Now!

In its current form, the City’s proposed De Anza Natural plan would result in an outright ban of motorized boating in Northeast Mission Bay without proper studies or public input, and could create an alarming precedent for other hasty boating bans in Mission Bay.

Make Your Voice Heard!

Use this page to easily send a letter! If you are able to customize your own letter, let the City and regulatory agencies know that instead of sudden bans, it should engage in a study to understand the impacts of boating and consider sustainable measures seen in other areas of Mission Bay that protect wildlife and recreational access!

Your support ensures Mission Bay thrives for boaters, families and wildlife. Thank you for being part of this important cause!

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Dear City of San Diego Councilmembers, Planning Department Staff, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife staff, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff,

[your name will go here]
[your location will go here]
[your email address will go here]