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VIC Branch Forum: Why Diversity and Inclusion is Integral to AI [Virtual]

Join us for an enlightening panel discussion to explore the critical importance of diversity and inclusion in the field of Artificial Intelligence and how they can profoundly impact technological development and ethical implementations.

Event Start: Tue 14 May 06:00 PM AEST
Event Finish: Tue 14 May 07:00 PM AEST


Registration End Date: Tue 14 May 11:00 AM

<p><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Aptos,sans-serif;">Our May Branch Forum is here!<br><br><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1713854119000"></img></span></span></span><br><br><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Aptos,sans-serif;"><span style="font-family: Roboto;"><span style="color: #0d0d0d;">Artificial Intelligence shapes our future, making decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. From algorithms that manage our healthcare to systems that decide who gets hired, the need for inclusive and diverse perspectives in AI development is more crucial than ever. This panel discussion, chaired by Dr. Ruwangi Fernando, will address the pivotal roles that diversity and inclusion play in ensuring these technologies are fair, unbiased, and representative of the global population they serve.</span></span></span></span></span><br><br><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Aptos,sans-serif;"><span style="font-family: Roboto;"><span style="color: #0d0d0d;">Artificial Intelligence shapes our future, making decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. From algorithms that manage our healthcare to systems that decide who gets hired, the need for inclusive and diverse perspectives in AI development is more crucial than ever. This panel discussion, chaired by Dr. Ruwangi Fernando, will address the pivotal roles that diversity and inclusion play in ensuring these technologies are fair, unbiased, and representative of the global population they serve.</span></span></span></span></span><br> </p>

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Muneera Bano

Muneera Bano

Dr. Muneera Bano is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO's Data61. A passionate advocate for gender equity in STEM, she was honoured as the 'Most Influential Asian-Australian Under 40' in 2019 and a 'Superstar of STEM' by Science Technology Australia. She was the finalist for 'Google Australia’s Anita Borg Award for Women in Computer Science', Asia-Pacific 2015 and nominated for "The Most Disruptive Woman Award by AWS" at the WOMEN IN TECH®- Global Movement APAC 2023 Awards.

With a PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Technology Sydney, Muneera's research focuses on the intersection of computers and humans, particularly in engineering technology to serve people's needs. She is currently involved in projects related to responsible AI at Data61, promoting diversity and inclusion within the AI field.

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Catherine Lopes

Catherine Lopes

Catherine is a member of the Governing Board at the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, where she contributes strategic insights to drive positive environmental outcomes. She also serves in Risk Audit Committee and Technology working group.

With over 25 years of experience as a seasoned Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO), strategist, founder, and thought leader, Catherine is passionate about leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data, and Technology to create value and drive innovation across sectors such as financial services, utility, and not for profit organizations.

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Ruwangi Fernando

Ruwangi Fernando

Dr Ruwangi Fernando is an Information Technology specialist with over 16 years of experience in broader IT technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. Having worked as an international academic in Sri Lanka, the UK, and Australia and a consultant for top-tier companies internationally, she is now a changemaker for Women of colour in STEM and advocating for an intersectional approach to diversity and inclusion in the Australian STEM sector.

Dr Fernando believes in giving back and founded STEM Sisters to empower STEM women of Colour, delivering seven award-winning structured programs, events, workshops and advocacy campaigns. Dr Fernando is also the co-founder of iSTEM Co., a research, consulting and talent sourcing company whose core objective is to enable employment of women of colour and women from CALD backgrounds in Australias STEM organisations.

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Fatemeh Jalali

Fatemeh Jalali

*The views expressed are my own and do not represent those of my employer

Dr Fatemeh Jalali is a distinguished AI & IoT specialist, visionary inventor, and pioneering leader in data science. Recognized as Australia's Most Innovative Engineer and Veski VIC Fellow, she has also been honored as one of the 200 Most Qualified Young Researchers by the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation. Having worked for high-tech companies such as IBM Research, BP and well-known universities such as The University of Melbourne, her career is marked by a proven industry track record in fostering data science teams and pioneering practices, alongside the authorship of highly cited papers and patents.

As an industry advisory member at the University of Melbourne, an industry supervisor/advisor, and a dedicated mentor, Fatemeh has cultivated strong alliances with eminent researchers and prestigious academic institutions.

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VIC Branch Forum: Why Diversity and Inclusion is Integral to AI [Virtual]

  • when

  • Event Start:
    Tue 14 May 06:00 PM AEST

    Event Finish:
    Tue 14 May 07:00 PM AEST
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