The learner’s podcast.

Ever wonder how a magician learns magic? How a breakdancer learns spinning? How a tea sommelier learns...sommeliering? This is how.

We know a lot of talented people. It’d be cool to hear how they learned to do this stuff.

That’s how we started our journey to unlock the secrets of how humans learn. We’re pair of learning professionals who geek out on people achieving mastery, and we’re lucky enough to know a bunch of people who have done just that. And they did it in some interesting, unique, and unexpected skill sets.

A beekeeper? Awesome. A master networker? Sure. A meditator? Perfect. Join us as we explore each of these learning journeys, and find some surprising commonalities in each of them.

-- Lauren & Kerry

Listen to HYLT

Episode 6

Cosplay is a craft that requires time and effort -- and also handling setbacks, avoiding comparison envy, and thinking outside the box. Hear how Jill developed those skills!

episode 3

Tobi Olowule moved a lot growing up, which gave him what he calls the “raw materials” to be a master networker. Learn more about what that means!

episode 4

Chris Inch once thrifted a book on beekeeping. Later, he was the #1 Google hit for “bee swarm” in Ontario. Find out what happened in between.

episode 5

We all know good storytellers...and bad ones. But what does mastery look like? Join us as we talk editing, stage fright, and story evolution with Jonathan Barrie.



White Circle Vector

Lauren Raham


Lauren loves being a beginner. Whether it's sewing, jogging or podcasting editing, she delights in using her beginner's mindset to develop new skills. Before she became an instructional designer, Lauren was a college radio host, and she's thrilled to bring her radio-friendly voice back to the airwaves for deep conversations and laughter.

White Circle Vector

Kerry O’Brien


Kerry taught himself to play drums when he was 17. Since then, unlocking his learning process has continued both personally (learning more instruments!) and professionally (working as the Sr. Manager of Learning & Development at Clio). Count on Kerry to bring energy, questions, and a surprising number of analogies to every conversation.