CSP 3-Part Master Class
with Dr. David Kaufman, live on Zoom from NYC, NY
Dedicated in honor of Tom Barth

Antisemitism, Zionism & Anti-Zionism

Tuesdays June 4, 11 & 18, 2024
10:00 - 11:00 AM PDT/1:00-2:00 PM EDT/20:00-21:00 Israel Time
The Community Scholar Program is dedicated to fostering a global community of lifelong learners by providing in-person and online accessible and enriching adult Jewish education, inspiring intellectual and spiritual growth, and uniting people across diverse backgrounds and locations. By leveraging technology and collaborating with esteemed educators, scholars, and thought leaders, we aim to make high-quality Jewish educational resources accessible to individuals around the world, regardless of their background or location. This past year, thanks to your support, we hosted over 180 online programs (with an average attendance of over 150 people per event), grew our national and international audiences and offered in-person events in Southern California and New York City! With your help, we can continue to bring high level on-line and in-person programming to our local, national and international audiences! Please click this LINK to see our membership opportunties. Thanks for learning with and supporting CSP!

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Both in the past and present, Antisemitism, Zionism, and Anti-Zionism are interrelated and even symbiotic phenomena—and understanding their historical relationship is a critical step toward meeting the challenges they may pose for the Jewish future. To fully understand the current problem of Anti-Zionism, we must first gain a better understanding of both Antisemitism and Zionism, and hence our first lecture, on "Antisemitism," examines the origins and dynamics of modern Jew-hatred; the second, "Zionism," takes a closer look at the dialectic of Antisemitism and Jewish nationalism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; and the third, "Anti-Zionism," traces the development of Zionism and its antithesis over the past century.

David E. Kaufman, our presenter for these 3 sessions, was born and bred in Brooklyn, New York, and educated at the Bialik Hebrew Day School and the Yeshiva of Flatbush High School. He holds degrees from Columbia College, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and Brandeis University. A PhD in American Jewish History, he has taught at numerous colleges such as CUNY, Brown University, University of Massachusetts/Amherst, Hebrew Union College/Los Angeles and Hofstra University. In addition to numerous articles on the social, religious, and architectural history of the American synagogue, Dr. Kaufman has authored two books: Shul with a Pool: The Synagogue-Center in American Jewish History (Brandeis, 1999) and Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity (Brandeis, 2012). David currently lives on the Upper West Side and is engaged in public education, researching, writing, and teaching the history of the New York Jewish community.

Celebrating our 24th year, the Community Scholar Program is dedicated to fostering a global community of lifelong learners by providing in-person and online accessible and enriching adult Jewish education, inspiring intellectual and spiritual growth, and uniting people across diverse backgrounds and locations. By leveraging technology and collaborating with esteemed educators, scholars, and thought leaders, we aim to make high-quality Jewish educational resources accessible to individuals around the world, regardless of their background or location. We ignite passion for Judaism! CSP live-streams programs on our CSP Facebook site and shares recordings on our new CSP YouTube Channel (please visit and subscribe!). If you are interested in our I-tunes archive of over 200 programs, you can listen at this LINK. You can reach us on the web at and by phone at (949) 682-4040.

Community Scholar Program participates in the community-wide Create a Jewish Legacy initiative, in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation Orange County and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.  Contact CSP at (949) 682-4040 to explore the many ways you can leave a legacy to CSP.
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