Transform team collaboration ebook cover

Impossible Alone: Strategies for Unleashing Team Success

Discover strategies and tools from Atlassian Marketplace partners to empower your teams

Executive summary

Driving team success is critical to the growth of your organization, but to achieve this, it requires strategic thinking around enhancing the customer service experience, streamlining ways of working, improving team collaboration and optimizing knowledge sharing within teams.

No matter what team you’re on – whether you're a content marketer collaborating on a doc in Confluence, a customer service rep triaging tickets or a developer mapping out a sprint in Jira, you can find apps in the Atlassian Marketplace to extend your Atlassian tools and empower your teams to work better together.

In this guide, we'll take a look at common challenges dynamic teams face and hear from leading Marketplace partners to discover strategies to make working with complex teams simple and effective.


Common Challenges Teams Face & Tools to Solve them

thumbs up Icon

IT and Support teams: Providing an excellent customer service experience

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Agile teams: Inefficient and repetitive workflows

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Cross-functional teams: Difficult team collaboration and knowledge sharing

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Impossible alone, powerful together

Empowering complex global teams can be challenging. Companies
face heightened pressure to deliver better customer experiences,
release products faster, and increase productivity. Research shows
that 86% of consumers will leave a brand after as few as two
poor experiences, and 49% of consumers have left a brand in the
past year due to poor customer experience. A lot of this pressure
falls on IT teams. They’re being asked to do more with less while
responding quickly and accurately, and due to this 62% of IT leaders
report having trouble keeping up with business demands, according
to Salesforce.

So how are companies prioritizing teams and delivering innovative
solutions with competing priorities and limited time? Teams are
looking for tools to automate processes and improve how their
teams work together. No matter what team you’re on – whether
you’re a content marketer collaborating on a doc in Confluence,
a customer service rep triaging tickets or a developer mapping
out a sprint in Jira, you can find apps in the Atlassian Marketplace
to extend your Atlassian tools and empower your teams to work
better together.

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