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Alter Aeon Recent Changes and Additions

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Warning - limiting search to 1000 results. Changelog Entry [3204] for May 12, 24 From Draak: Fixed a bug with certain tattoos, primarily those of crossed weapons, not turning out right due to keyword issues. Spectators should now be excluded form dying breath. (Monolis) Tweaks to various abilities that cause bleeding. This generally involves changing them from having a certain percent chance to start bleeding each hit to giving them a culmulative chance to start bleeding over multiple hits. Some abilties, like bloodletting stab, still start bleeding each time. New debuff: crippled. Primarily inflicted by blunt damage attacks, and, to a lesser degree, edged damage types. Crippled characters will experience a persistant drain on movement. Certain skills, such as crippling strike, can instantly cripple opponents. Unlike bleeding, almost any creature can be crippled. Only monsters with largely homogeneous anatomies, such as blobs, pure elementals and ethereal beings, are immune to crippling. Found 1 matching entries.

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