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Fourth and Goal

Blue Forty-Two

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Blue Forty-Two is part of Kristen Proby's With Me in Seattle Universe.

It only takes a moment to change a life.

In a matter of seconds, an unexpected and devastating injury shatters Holden Cramer’s chances of ending his nineteen-season career on a high note. That brief moment in time not only irrevocably alters who he is, but also his relationships with everyone and everything around him.

Yet one look can jump-start another.

Tamryn Miller worked hard to get where she is: one of the youngest and most successful female injury management doctors in the league. She knows what goes into ensuring the players’ welfare, and what happens when those needs aren’t met—her past guaranteed that. With one look at the incredibly handsome quarterback as he lay writhing on the turf, Tamryn knows exactly what she needs to do…even if she has to ignore the burning attraction between them to do it.

Forced together by fate and pain, Holden must learn that he’s not an island, and sometimes, all you need is a little help from your friends—especially when those friends are ones you want in your life forever.

88 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 14, 2020

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About the author

Rayvn Salvador

24 books182 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rayvn Salvador is a lifelong bibliophile who left her eighteen-year IT career over a decade ago to read and make stuff up for a living. She lives in Florida with her feline familiars and incredibly supportive beau—who hopes nobody ever needs to check her search history. They love to attend sporting events and concerts, but if she’s not doing that and isn’t on deadline, you’ll likely find her taking long walks through the woods, sweating while working out in virtual reality, investigating haunted locales, or contemplating the recesses of people's minds in documentaries. She pens the Haunted New Orleans (paranormal romantic thriller), Willow Falls (small-town romantic suspense) and Fourth and Goal (football romance) series, and is hard at work on the next book to make your pulse race.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Alexis.
230 reviews69 followers
October 11, 2021
I was hooked from the beginning and I couldn’t put it down! The characters and story just draw you in and keep you interested. A definite must read.
Profile Image for Baby Girl.
702 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2021
Loved, loved this book. Holden and Tamryn were meant to be. They supported each other through some rough patches and uncertainty. Such a beautiful piece of writing magic!
Profile Image for Bertie Welck.
760 reviews21 followers
February 26, 2021
Holden had his dream taken away when he when injured in a football game. Tamryn who is one of the team’s medical doctors is assigned to be his doctor.
They have a connection from the start. They get through a few ups and downs and finally get to their HEA.

I am loving all the books in the Quick Snap series.
Profile Image for Crystal P.
563 reviews8 followers
July 21, 2023
Blue Forty-Two from Rayvn Salvador earns 5 stars for maybe being the first book to make me consider why some love Sports Romances so much. As an avid sports fan, and especially a football fan, the opening scene is everything I want in a sports book - Rayvn takes you inside the head of a star QB before and during that big play that has every fan on the edge of your seat and it is as superb as the pass the QB makes!

From there, the story manages to be a beautiful story of Holden, the QB from the opening play, coming to terms with a path change he was forced to make. Change is difficult and even moreso when it involves something that seems to define your very being and this is the case with football for Holden, so he is understandably struggling. Then Tamryn enters and her attempts to distract him from his pain and sadness with building trust mostly do the trick - she balances being his doctor and his friend until things get a little more than friendly.

This lovely story is a reminder that new paths, while scary, can hold many great things you may have missed otherwise, and can lead to an awesome future you never saw coming while you were focused on the future you were focused on reaching!

Holden and Tamryn were super sweet and I adored their story!
Profile Image for Jessie.
213 reviews19 followers
October 22, 2020
This was a sweet, heart felt quick read with a dash of angst. What I would call the perfect palate cleanser novella.

You have Holden who is the star QB who gets hurt on the field. Not a little hurt but one of those every takes a knee and the stadium is silent hurt. Career over. Tamryn is on his team’s medical staff as a doctor who specializes in injury management. Naturally this brings these two into close proximity and it doesn’t take long for sparks to fly.

Both characters have complicated pasts with their fathers in which they bond over solidifying their attraction. Their love is quick paced and adorable. Holden is stubborn and Tamryn in just the woman he needs to keep him together.

Rayvn is a new to me author and I would definitely pick up her work again. You can tell her love for football and it made the story that much better. The flow is natural and easy to read making it an enjoyable novella that I could’ve read more of!
1,131 reviews7 followers
September 12, 2020
Holden's world as he knows it ends in a split second, a life altering injury that will take him out of the game. Tamryn is a well know sports injury specialist. Holden pushes everyone who loves him away and thinks he must deal with his injury alone and Tamryn sets out to prove him wrong.

This was my first book by this author but not my first in the With Me In Seattle Universe. I am enjoying the chance to meet new authors when they join another author's world. I thought the author did a great job of developing the characters in this quick little novella. This was a sweet way around a tragic event. So much emotion packed into Blue Forty-Two. I have grabbed another book by this author to check out more.
Profile Image for Lisa.
564 reviews20 followers
September 15, 2020
This is an ARC review. All opinions are solely my own.

Blue Forty-Two by Rayvn Salvador is a novella that is a part of the With Me In Seattle universe created by Kristen Proby. If you haven't read that series this is a small taste of that amazingness. The Quick Snap novellas are set in the realm of football.

This novella starts out very intense when star player, Holden, suffers a career ending injury. Tamryn is a doctor with the team who is tasked with helping him work through his injuries. They have an immediate attraction and they try to resist.

These are very quick reads but there is substance in the plotlines. I'm glad this was a novella. I think if it were a full length novel the medical aspect would bog down the romance. I felt like even though the medical aspect was not the full focus it was still handled well.
Profile Image for Laura.
584 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2020
Wish I could give this right-hand stars!!

Ohmigosh! I absolutely love Holden & Tamryn! I loved how hard they worked to get Holden healthy and how stubborn he was . These two and there chemistry had the pages turning and me ignoring everything else until I reached the end!!! This book is perfect for those who have been missing football.
Profile Image for Anna Edwards.
Author 89 books708 followers
September 12, 2020
This is Rayvn's first book and I've been really excited to read it. I'm glad I got a chance because I loved every minute of it. The heroine is badass, the hero hot and the romance with just the right amount of heat. A highly recommended read. I look forward to more.
Profile Image for Michelle Bestard.
85 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2020
This is my first Rayvn Salvador book. I immediately fell in love with the storyline and the characters. I enjoyed how easy and pleasant of a read the book was. I thought this book was sweet, real and just the right amount of heat!! I recommend this book and am definitely going to read more of her books!
Profile Image for Dianne Donovan.
35 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2020
Loved this story!

Not a sports fan but was able to follow the story and understand what Raven was writing about.

I highly recommend this book!!!
Profile Image for Katie.
189 reviews
July 13, 2023
A fun novella that helped me recover after a rough day at work
107 reviews2 followers
September 17, 2020
What a pleasant surprise

I love the interplay of the two characters. I am not a huge football fan, but the story is really about two people finding each other and falling in love despite all that life throws at them. I definitely recommend this book
62 reviews
September 8, 2020
This is my first Rayvn Salvador book. I loved it. I enjoy sports romances and it was a quick, easy, enjoyable read. Will definitely read more from this author in the future.
Profile Image for Katrina.
121 reviews10 followers
July 17, 2022
Kristen Proby's Seattle Universe/Sports Romances
Two of my favorite things in one book.

If this book is any clue on the rest of the Quick Snap's books, then they are going to be a new favorite.
I really enjoyed this book. It was my first by Ravyn Salvador and I can't wait to read more.
I love sports romances. But this one is my favorite kind when the heroine is a bad***. Tamryn was a great character. She played such an important part of Holden's recovery it really made the story so much more.

Ready for more Quick Snaps!
Profile Image for Tammy.
731 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2024
Holden Cramer is a quarterback coming to the end of a successful career. He is hoping to end his career by winning the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, he receives a career ending injury at the end of the regular season. The team’s injury management doctor Tamryn is called in to help him with his recovery. As she works with him, the two of them grow closer, especially after she kicks his but at Madden NFL. Blue Forty-Two is a short, sweet romance with a great epilogue. I recommend it to anyone who likes contemporary romance.

I listened to the audiobook. The narrator did a great job.
363 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2021
Very well done

I really enjoyed this book. While I love so many authors that write longer stories, what this author covered in the few short chapters was exceptional. She was able to develop the characters, the feels, and the conflicts beautifully. I loved Holden and Tamryn together, I loved her passion for the game and I love seeing Will Montgomery in all of these Quick Snap novellas.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.7k reviews311 followers
February 1, 2021
Holden Cramer, a star quarterback, gets a career-ending injury to his knee. Tamryn Miller is a doctor on the team’s medical staff, specializing in injury management. As often happens, Holden stubbornly feels the need to deal with this soul-crushing injury on his own. But Tamryn knows what is ahead and insists on partnering with him to get the best results possible for his recovery. Despite their immediate attraction, both want to remain professional and they try to resist the chemistry and put all of their efforts on the long journey ahead. Will this difficult path bring them closer together? Or will the suffering and inclination to lash out drive them apart?

This was a good story line with both characters dealing with their own issues along the way. But knowing you have someone there who understands and is working side-by-side and is consistently dependable goes a long way in inspiring the injured to try just a little harder each time. If they get through to the other side, both will have built up an inner strength that will be unstoppable as they face a future together. Will they give it a try?
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,136 reviews30 followers
October 25, 2023
This was my first book by Rayvn Salvador and I loved it. I don’t judge shorter books by the same standard as I do longer ones simply because there isn’t a lot of time for character development. In this story a lot of character development absolutely wasn’t needed – IMHO. We got the gist of what motivated Holden to become the star player he was until a horrible accident took him out of the game.

Tamryn is one of the team doctors and she is put in charge of Holden’s recovery. The attraction between the two of them was strong right after his injury but I wouldn’t call it insta-love because they had known each other through the team for a while.

While the story was a bit predictable that didn’t make it any less enjoyable. I did kind of need to suspend belief at how the intimate encounters went down. Having recently suffered a broken leg myself, I’m skeptical that even a man as young and fit as Holden would have been able to maneuver things as well as he did without having a lot of pain considering that he had more than one significant injury and had recently had surgery.
311 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2021
This is the story of the relationship that develops between Holden, a professional quarter-back who is seriously injured during the final game of the divisional playoffs, and Tamryn, the team’s injury management specialist physician, as they navigate his recovery and future. This is my first novel by Ms. Salvador and it was filled with wonderful moments showing the love that evolves from mutual physical attraction to a profound understanding and respect for the toll and cost Holden’s injury means to his career. This journey also brought haunting memories to Tamryn whose father was a professional football player, and the reason she specialized in injury management. It was a very nice read that gave me a true understanding of the fragility of a professional football player’s career.
2,347 reviews123 followers
February 19, 2021
Three and a half stars

Blue Forty-Two by Ravyn Salvador is part of the Quick Snap universe created by Kristen Proby.

Holden Cramer’s life is changed in an instant when a violent tackle on a game-changing play crushes his dreams of leading his team to the Super Bowl again. Team injury management doctor Tamryn Miller is there to help Holden navigate not just the physical pain and changes but the impact to his emotional health and well-being. And well, that spark of mutual attraction flares to life as well.

Ravyn Salvador’s Blue Forty-Two gives insight into the life of a professional quarterback, and what the love of the game looks like to those who play. Looking forward to more from Ms Salvador!
617 reviews
January 31, 2021
Holden is his football teams quarterback and can see the trophy just beyond his fingertips until it has been snapped away from him. Holden's injuries sidelines him from the divisional playoff game and his chance to play football again. Luckily for Holden, he has a dedicated team injury doctor, Tamryn, who can help him at least to be able to walk again if he takes her advice seriously. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I look forward to reading more books written by her. This is a short and fast read that is one in eleven books in the Quick Snap Collection series with other authors.
Profile Image for Tahnia Ross.
1,926 reviews8 followers
February 1, 2021
Holden thinks that football is his entire life. His parents died in a car crash and he has no one in his life except his teammates. When he is seriously injured on the playing field Holden thinks his life is over. He cannot imagine doing anything else. Enter Tamryn, the injury management doctor for the team. She is the only one who can get through to Holden; the only one he does not toss out of his hospital room. Tamryn is the only one who can help Holden through the bad times. This steamy short story is for adults only and ends in a HEA. Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Debbie Benson.
5,539 reviews23 followers
January 31, 2021
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. I found this story a bit inspirational. Holden is injured severely on the field and knows his career is over. Tamryn is one of his doctors and is determined that she won't allow him to sink into depression. The reason for this is personal for her. Together they work on his recovery and in time he recovers enough to start a new career as a coach with Tamryn as his wife. It is hard when it seems that everything is taken away to recover and go on.
Profile Image for Aliama.
2,234 reviews6 followers
January 31, 2021
Holden is a football player and in the final moments of a very important game he suffers a life changing injury. Not only is Tamryn one of the team doctors but she has a past with life changing athletic injuries. This is their story about not only the physical healing that athletes have to go through but the emotional and psychological healing as well. A wonderful, emotionally written story with realistic characters. I must read. A received an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
2,294 reviews23 followers
February 1, 2021
This was a good sports romance with lovable characters. This story is about Holden, football player that get injured at a critical point in the season and Tamryn, the doctor that will be helping him through his recovery. This time together allows for feelings to grow but what will become of his recovery and their feelings when recovery is over, if it ever is? Great story that builds a relationship over time.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
157 reviews
February 4, 2021
This is my first book of this author's, and I am blown away by how fantastic the story is. It is definitely a great compliment, coming from a non football fan like me. However, I didn't particularly like Holden at the beginning of the story, but he did grow on me as the story unfolded. Tamryn, in comparison, is a wonderful female protagonist, and an inspiring role model for women. I enjoyed reading this romance immensely and will be on the lookout for more of this author's works!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Esme Greiner.
1,195 reviews9 followers
February 9, 2021
Holden is the quarterback who meets Tamryn, the team’s injury management physician, when he sustains an injury in the final game of the playoffs. Holden is resistant to have Tamrym help with his injury but she insists. They are both attracted to each other and as they work together that attraction grows but you can’t deny chemistry. Will she be able to help Holden recouperate? What will happen when they no longer deny what they feel?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Crystal.
374 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2021
Blue Forty-two was a very good wholesome and quick love story. While Holden thought his life was over due to his injury, it was really just beginning. He had to learn there was was so much more to life Han football and Tamryn was able to show him that. Looking forward to other books by this author and reading more of this series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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