Boston CreativeMornings with Darin Hager – A BostonTweetUp Review


What’s #BostonCM All about?

Well here is our review of the past Creative Morning. Essentially they are monthly events throughout Boston with the mission of “inspiring people before they go to work”

What happened at the #BostonCM?

This particular Creative Morning had seasoned entrepreneur and shoe designer Darin Hager talk about his experience starting and running HeyDay Footwear. He spoke about the various challenges he faced and how he created a business that worked and is still working for him and his partner and former model, Jules.

One of the best slides of Darin’s presentation was one that listed all of his roles as CEO, Chief Everything Officer.

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CreativeMornings with Darin Hager of Heyday Footwear from CreativeMornings/Boston on Vimeo.

Note: There is a video of the event being made and as soon as that video is done we will update this post. If you want to be automatically notified of when we add the video, simply leave a comment below.

Event Takeaway:

  • Location Matters: The location was ideal because there was already a design conference in the same venue. This made it great for both the conference attendees as well as the hosts that were also attending the conference
  • Great Hosts: The hosts greeted everyone as they walked in and made sure everyone was happy. The team all had different tasks ie greeter, photographer, setup, breakdown, video etc. The team effort made the event run smoothly
  • Great Food: Because this was a breakfast event, bagels and coffee were readily available and there was enough food for everyone
  • Creative Name badges: The Name badges not only had a space for everyone’s name but also for people to write in the favorite shoe, which is a good conversation starter.

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