Raider Fit Presents:

Beginner's Guide to Strength Training

Take the guesswork out of starting a fitness routine with this easy-to-implement 3-Step Guide.

Learn exactly WHAT to include, HOW to build your program, and WHEN to schedule yourself a routine that gets you RESULTS that you can actually SUSTAIN.



Learn How to Program Results 
Based Workouts


Learn How to Schedule Workouts
in a Way You Can Commit To


Get Tips on Nutrition to Support 
Your Workouts & Tips to Stay Consistent

Time to take the guesswork out of Strength Training


There is a right way and a wrong way  to train.


We don’t get healthier and fitter by focusing on restriction and fat loss. We get there by focusing on BUILDING lean muscle mass and getting STRONGER.


I talk to women all of the time who want to get stronger, healthier and fitter. But, they feel like they are plagued by a million barriers to even get started, let alone to successfully build and commit to a workout routine.

The most common things I hear are:


I don't have any idea how to get started.

I don’t have the time to commit right now.

I’m too tired from work and the kiddos to workout.

I tried group fitness, but I keep getting injured.

Going to the gym scares me. I’m worried I am going to be judged, or worse, pitied.

I’m too out of shape to strength train.

I’ve tried it before and couldn’t stick to it. It’s just not for me.


Sound familiar?


And no wonder we feel this way!

Fitness is an absolute skill - especially strength training. 

It takes time to learn and practice to get good at!


When we’re on the internet looking for fitness motivation or ideas of where to start we are bombarded by snatched women with rippling abs pumping 220lbs back squats. 

Pretty freakin cool! 

What’s not cool is, it sets us up to think fitness is for some people and not for others. 



To make matters worse, all of the “beginners” workouts I’ve seen floating around include exercises like push ups, planks, pull ups. 

These are not beginner exercises. 

They are NOT where you START a successful lifelong fitness journey.


I’ve seen too many driven people trying to get strong and healthy throw in the towel before they ever get a chance to reap the benefits. 


This is exactly why I felt obligated to create the Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training.


Finally a guide made for beginners

to successfully start Strength Training!

In this Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training you’ll learn how to program your own workouts. 


This guide takes all of the guesswork out of strength training by telling you where to get started, exactly what you need in your workouts to build a strong, lasting, injury free foundation. And how to include these elements.


It makes consistency easier by helping you map out a monthly schedule of 30 minute, results driven workouts you can realistically stick to. 

They’ll fit right into your busy schedule without zapping your precious energy.


Other “beginner’s” programs over complicate things and don’t actually teach you what is at the base of strength training or how to stick to it. What’s the point if you end a program just as lost about how to get started and how to stay committed as when you started?



Get ready to feel confident getting strong knowing exactly what foundational elements to include to optimize your precious time and stay injury free. Download your free guide now before that wave of New Year motivation starts to fizzle!

You and your health are so very worth it. 

I'm Kinsey!

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I'm a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, 250 hour Yoga Teacher, Group Fitness Instructor, and have the honor of having placed 1st in my age group and in gender in Spartan Races, DEKA Fit Competitions and the Aiken 1/2 Marathon.

After working in the Los Angeles Fitness Scene for  over 10 years I grew tired of promoting aesthetic and weight loss as the goal of workouts.

Having had my own personal transformation from body obsessed to body confident, I have dedicated my life's work to empowering busy individuals to accomplish things they never dreamed of.

It starts with my signature R.E.P.S. Method and teaching you to not just get stronger but to feel confident working out on your own at home or in a gym! 

It doesn't end there. I have had the privilege of watching 100s of clients take their new found strength and self esteem out into their world, making it a better, more supportive place wherever they go.

I hope to meet you soon! Can't wait to see how strong you get!


1. How the heck does this work?

As soon as you click "Hell YES!" on the Guide you will get an email delivered to your inbox with your very own copy of the Beginner's Guide to Strength Training. The guide will include how to map out your workouts, the 4 essential Strength Training Foundations to include, how to design your workouts for success, and example workouts to reference.

Over the next 4 days you will receive a series of emails that include  bonus tips to support you along your strength training journey. These will cover everything from tips to staying consistent to nutrition to help support your training!


2. What Do I Need For the Workouts I'll be building?

You will need 30 minutes 2-4 days a week to complete your workouts. You can opt to program bodyweight workouts for a while, but the Guide will also include options for dumbbell and band exercises!

3. Is There a Meal Plan Involved?

Nope! One of the biggest reasons I see people finish challenges unsuccessfully is because they are given too many changes all at once.

My goal for you with this guide, is not to feel overwhelmed and unsuccessful, but rather, excited to keep working out and honing the new skills you started developing!

But fear not! One of your 4 emails will include general tips for fueling around your workouts!

4. What if I Have NEVER Worked Out Before? Can I Still Use This?
Hecks. Yes.

This guide is literally built FOR YOU. Everyone starts their Strength Training Journey somewhere, and this program will help you learn where YOUR journey starts!