Post-Webinar Survey - Mastering Narrative Filmmaking - 7/5/20
Thank you for giving us your honest feedback on this presentation. Your input will be incredibly helpful to us as we work to improve these for the future. This form is completely anonymous.
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Overall, did you find the information useful? *
No, not at all
Yes, definitely
As far as your expectations for this session, did it meet your expectations, exceed them, or fall short? *
If your answer above was that it fell short, please explain what you were expecting and how it didn't meet that expectation.
Would you recommend a session like this to a friend on social media? *
Yes, definitely
Absolutely not
What part of the session did you like the most or get the most out of? *
What part of the session did you like the least or find the least useful? *
What was missing that you hoped to hear about? *
Did you think the Zoom platform worked for this type of thing? *
Was there too much interaction with attendees or not enough? *
Too much
Not enough
What did you think about the mix of what was presented on screen: the two of us on screen together, Tom on screen alone, slides and clips on screen without seeing Tom talking? *
How would you value answering questions in a presentation like this? *
How would you prefer asking questions? *
Do you have suggestions for how to better utilize the Chat feature? *
How was watching the clips? *
How did our audio sound? *
What did you think of the clips & stills used? *
Added a lot of value to the converstation
Any suggestions to improve a webinar like this going forward? *
Any suggestions to improve the Zoom experience? *
Any suggestions for future free webinars that Tom could present? *
What online classes might you be interested in taking from No Budget Film School? (please check all that apply and/or suggest one) *
In general, if you took a paid class, would you prefer to take shorter classes (say, 2 hours), or longer, more in-depth classes over several days? *
What time of the day would you prefer to take Zoom classes, assuming we get back to normal? *
Any final thoughts or comments you'd like to add?
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