Eurasian Association Introduction to Pickleball
Join the EA Sports & Recreation Club for an introduction to Pickleball - a game played with a large wooden paddle and a plastic ball with holes - on a badminton court with the net at a lower 36 inches. The session is open to adults and children above the age of 10 years old and above. The game has a slower pace than badminton, and is also popular among older adults and seniors.

Interested players may sign up via the form below by 20 March 2023.
Only registered participants are allowed to attend the camp.

Pickleball Introductory Camp Details
27 March 2023 (Monday)
7pm to 9pm
St. Patrick's School, Indoor Sports Hall
490 E Coast Rd, Singapore 429058

Attire: Sports shorts and T-shirts with non-marking sports court shoes.
(Anyone with coloured soles will not be allowed to play.)
Equipment will be provided. 

*Children participating must be born in the year of 2013 or earlier.
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