F3 Tulsa FNG Survey
Welcome to F3 Tulsa!  We are excited to grow together! An app called Slack is our primary means of communication.  But, we may use your answers from the questions below to reach out to you outside of Slack if/when necessary.  After you complete this survey, you will be emailed a copy of this survey with access to the links below to get connected with us and start your F3 journey with some good, next steps!
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
First and Last Name
F3 Name
Location of First Beatdown (workout)
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Phone Number
Did someone invite you?  What is their name?
How did you hear about F3 Tulsa?
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number
Se enviará un correo electrónico con una copia de tus respuestas a la dirección que suministraste.
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