Feed Forward
Thanks for responding to our call for participation. We want to give everyone a chance to share their hopes and dreams for UUCA. 

Your Feed FORWARD suggestions will clarify your ideas.Responses should be 200 words or less, unless stated otherwise. Please complete this form by August 1.  

Coming this fall (dates TBD), please attend a FEEDBACK meeting either in person or via Zoom, to help us refine our findings for the December 2024 Congregational Meeting to decide whether or not to proceed with a capital campaign in 2025.

Thanks again!

Jamie Harms and Dianne Moreau, CCEC@uuannapolis.org
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What activities at UUCA do you and/or your family members participate in? (e.g. Faith Formation, Mindfulness, Choir, UULM, Small Group Ministry, etc.) Use as many words as you need.
As a people of faith, what can we do to better serve the greater community?  
If we could do two big things to make UUCA more amazing, what would they be? 
What should be our top three financial priorities for the near future? 
Imagining ahead to 2040, what activities and/or characteristics would make UUCA even more valuable to its members and society at large?
If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to hear from us, please let us know here:
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