FerricTDS mkII released

FerricTDS mkII – the updated award winning Tape Dynamics Simulator

New in version 2:

  • Introducing operating level calibration for better gainstaging and output volume compensated processing
  • Metering ballistics revised and aligned accordingly
  • Updated tape compression algorithms increasing punch, adding 2nd order harmonic processing, less IMD
  • Updated limiter algorithm featuring ADC style converter clipping
  • All non-linearities are running at higher sampling frequencies internally
  • Adding a sophisticated analog signal path emulation

Available for Windows VST in 32 and 64bit as freeware. Download your copy here.


  1. Vadim Nekrasov says:

    Sounds amazing! Thank you for the update!

  2. heavymetalmixer says:

    Really cool, time to try it! Btw, will you update the manuals for the plugins you’re making changes on?

  3. No way! 🤩

  4. I kept using a 32-bit daw to keep using your plugins … finally, thanks

  5. Oh wow, surprise of the day (week, year?). So cool, finally in 64 bit. Thanks.

  6. great to wake up to! THANKS!

  7. Thanks Bootsy.. Best wishes…

  8. Thanks again for the previous batch of VOS 64-bit updates, this new one and all that will come afterwards. Just tested this new FerricTDSmkII build on a track in REAPER on Windows 10 64-bit, and it’s working and sounding great.

    Greatly anticipating the forthcoming Thrillseeker series updates.

  9. Sweeeeet.

  10. I’ve been waiting for the moment ! Your work is brilliant !

  11. Man, I love FerricTDS a lot, can’t wait to try out the update! Thanks for doing what you do.

  12. Wish there was a Mac version

  13. Thanks so much for updating this!

  14. Stunning quality, even better than Mark I. Thanks for making it available as freeware. As stated in the manual, I suggest (especially for bus/mixbus processing) to find the right combination between calibration level and dynamics/saturation, it can yeld very different results.

  15. I’ve been using mk I over all the years and never found something better on upright bass. Great to have it in 64 bit finally. Now I can erase my 32 bit plugin folder finally:-)

  16. ohhh cubase 10 blacklist them and won’t let me use them

  17. One of the best. Never thought I would see the day when my lovely VOS plugins, Ferric TDS in particular, make a 64bit comeback. Patiently waiting for the Thrillseekers. Bootsy, you are a legend!

  18. Shane Jean-Mary says:

    thx for your amazing work! looking forward to revisit your plugs in 64bits!!!

  19. Where is the mac version….??😪

  20. heavymetalmixer says:

    After trying it for a few days there’s 2 things I wanna say about it:
    1) ¿Why a fixed “calibration” setting instead of a Input Gain control?

    2) I think a variable value would be better as output instead of steps for TRIM. It may not matter in mixing but it sure does for mastering. Also, it would be awesome if we can type an exact value.

    • 1) Because its not just input gain but maintains overal equal output volume
      2) You mean a stepped TRIM control? In .5dB steps?

      • heavymetalmixer says:

        2) Right now TRIM works in steps but I don’t know of how many dBs. With “variable” I mean more typical knobs that slowly moves betwen 0.1 db values when dragged (unless the mouse wheel is used). If it’s not possible, what about a number under TRIM showing how the difference in dBs when is turned? Just to know.

  21. I’d forgotten how great this plugin is. It just gives me the bits about tape that I want, and does it very well!

  22. And that’s the great new.Made my day 🙂

  23. Hi,
    Congratulations on this update. We were waiting for it 🙂 !
    I’ve shared the news here : https://www.projethomestudio.fr/variety-of-sound-annonce-ferrictds-mkii-64bits/
    Best regards,

  24. sounds phenomenal, thank you very much

  25. Tenderhook. says:

    I keep getting an error when I try to download and install this plugin. I put the .dll file into my plugin directory like it says to do in the manual, but when I scan for new plugins, it finds the file but says “error” beside it. I’m using FL Studio v20.8.4 on Windows 10.

  26. The Legend returns! Hooray! 🙂 ❤

  27. Thank u so much!!! for 64bits plugins youre the best!!! im missing this plugins and wasnt able to use it at cubase pro.

  28. Alex Cremers says:

    I’ve been waiting for this but sadly the saturation button does not work on my Windows 7 PC. I don’t think the SC Off 250 Hz works either. Dynamics and Limiter seem fine. I think I had the same problem years ago with the old version.

    • They seem to work fine here on Win7 (Ableton Live 11). Maybe your gain is too low for the saturation to take effect? The mkII version give you different gain staging settings, make sure you take the one that gives you a good signal (needle bouncing around 0 on the VU meter). The SC filter is obviously just affecting how much

      • Alex Cremers says:

        It doesn’t matter what I do, SNTMNTL, the Dynamics/Limiter works, but the Saturation and SC dials don’t. I remember everything once worked but it was along time ago on my previous PC with Windows XP. It was probably my favorite plug-in.

  29. Sounds Fantastic Boosty! Tried it on bass guitar and it’s amazing! Thank you for the update… I’m very grateful for all of your work.

  30. iatmoulach says:

    Really good news, I’ve tried it
    The only problem is that the sound seems to be “phase reversed”, when I use it in parallel, a great part of the sound nulls

  31. Christopher Fuentes says:

    Please make a Mac Logic Pro X version, this is my favorite plug in and it really breaks my heart to know that I can’t use it 😢
    I would gladly pay for it 🥺

  32. Love this on drums.

    I appear to have found a bug with nastyVSC where the volume cuts out ocasionaly when adjusting the limiter controls (in reaper daw)

  33. a veteran user says:

    Nice of it to cum out in 64 bit but how come the new release omits the mod/class switch, uses 25% more cpu cycles (on a zen3 @ least) and introduces a few ms latency. Why is latency so popular these days!!!

  34. Eu amo muito esta página

  35. HI there! I’m grateful to havce this as a 64bit plugin after using the x86 version bridged forever. One question, if I dial in the exact same settings on, and pass the same signal into, the 64bit version, the output is much more compressed or limited. Quieter output, less peaks. What is affecting this outcome and what should I adjust?

  36. My FL Studio is not pulling up Ferric TDS after I donwload it on my Windows laptop. Can somone please help me? I just want the right steps to do this so that it shows up in my FL Studio on my new laptop.

  37. Gabo Granate says:

    Espero que me sirva para las voces en la masterización

  38. It’s my first time on this page I hope to enjoy your plugins

  39. – DL link(s) not working


  1. […] FerricTDS mkII (22.2 MB download size, ZIP archive, 32-bit & 64-bit VST2 plugin format for […]

  2. […] end of August I started re-releasing my very own plugins and also did mkII versions for FerricTDS, ThrillseekerXTC and TesslaSE. I will continue that route and on top of my list is to have the […]

  3. […] FerricTDS mkII by Variety Of Sound – Tape Saturation (Free Download) […]

  4. […] FerricTDS mkII by Variety Of Sound: FerricTDS is a tape saturation effect that adds analog-style saturation and dynamic range reduction to your audio. It’s perfect for music producers looking to achieve a more vintage, analog sound in their tracks. […]

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