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She holds the key to their survival.

Kailani’s family have kept a secret for generations. She never thought it would put her in jeopardy until the night her phone rings and a stranger says, “Our society is under attack.”

With danger all around her, Kailani is forced into a deadly race across the country to find the others who share her secret. But she’s not going alone. Because before that call, she had an entirely different crisis on her hands–her arranged marriage to two men, including the man who broke her heart, Benjamin.

A centuries old secret becomes a race against time and the survival of the Trinity Masters hangs in the balance. Kailani, John, and Benjamin may not survive the mission. But even if they succeed, the fate of their trinity is at stake due to past mistakes and present tensions. And in the end, Kailani may seize the power to dissolve their marriage.

350 pages, ebook

First published May 2, 2023

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Mari Carr

209 books3,848 followers
Writing a book was number one on Mari Carr’s bucket list. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller, Mari’s computer is now jammed full of stories — novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends.
Mari writes contemporary sexy romance novels. To learn more about her spicy stories, click here.
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Email: mari@maricarr.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle the Romance Witch.
2,379 reviews75 followers
April 30, 2023
Ok I’m going to get this out of the way first… No, I will not tell you who kidnapped Juliet and Devon … No, I will not tell you who becomes the acting Grand Master. Phew, there, now I can give you my thoughts on the book now.

The newest mini-series in the Trinity Masters/Masters Admiralty world kicks off right where the last story ended, with the aftermath of the kidnapping of the Grand Master and one of the Husbands. There has been so much anticipation for this story it’s insane and I was thrilled to get the chance to devour it early, and I can tell you as a long time reader of this series that you will be screaming, laughing and crying through this book. Mari Carr and Lil Dubois have a magic touch with their ménage marriages, but they have gone way above and beyond with their newest trinity and the drama revolving around them. That said I am dying for the nest two in this trilogy and learning what comes from this newest crisis the society faces as they come together.
I loved every second of this story and was barely able to put it down. Like everyone else I was dying to find out who would be replacing Juliette and who kidnapped them, but the more I read the more I was rooting for Kailani and her men to find their way through all the personal pain and to love. Kailani was an obviously proud and sassy woman, whose strength has serves to protect her in a mostly male dominated world of wealth and power, but I loved to see her open herself and finally have fun with her men, releasing the stress that could have broken her otherwise. John has lead such a heartbreaking life, his past filled with sadness that could have broken a lesser men, but instead he put in the work to make sure that he knew himself and despite almost allowing his hurt to lead to disaster, he had the grace to forgive and accept the beauty of love when it was offered. Benjamin was a little harder to get to know, mostly staying in the shadows of his lovers, but when he finally came out of them to show his true nature his was sexy, deliciously demanding, and alpha in the best of ways, despite having his own issues with trust, faith, and loss. These three were truly made to be together and once they got past their issues and accepted that they completed one another and could really only work with all three of them together, they were a beautiful trinity. I look forward to seeing more of them throughout this trilogy.

For full review see the blog @
Profile Image for TinaMarie.
3,495 reviews34 followers
May 25, 2023
Benjamin Dara is a Legacy within Trinity Masters. He grew up privileged, in a wealthy family and believes he can obtain anything he desires. A driving force that doesn't understand the word can't.

John Wilson is an LAPD Detective who joined after the Mayor of LA recommended him. He grew up in the foster system after being abandoned by this mother and was looking forward to having a ready-made family he could have as his own. He's extremely successful closing cases but he guards his heart fiercely, unwilling to be abandoned again.

Kailani Iona is also a Legacy. She grew up in Hawaii and works for her family's hotel businesses. She is passionate about her environmental conservation work. She's a powerful woman with a tender heart that never recovered after Benjamin walked away when they were in college.

These three were excited to finally be called for their Trinity marriage, until they discovered who their new partners were going to be. Kailani and Benjamin have past history that turned love into bitterness. Kialani wants their Trinity dissolved, if that can't be done it will be in name only. John hopes of family seem to be dwindling before his eyes.

When the Grandmaster and one of her husbands is kidnapped, keyholders are activated to safeguard the Trinity Masters. Kailani is one of those keyholders. She must go in person to notify the other keyholders to find out who will be the interim Grand Master. Her Trinity may be falling apart but they won't let her face this task alone. They were able to avoid each other before this but put these three in the same room and things get combustible. While they may be good in bed, old hurts and betrayals are harder to manage and let go.

This story focuses on Benjamin, John and Kailani's Trinity while dropping bits and pieces of the on-going troubles within their organization and cameos from other Trinities we've met previously. A good read with lots of heat while managing an emotional rocky road. This story is less about action and more about emotions with the kidnapping arc left to be continued in future installments.

For more of my reviews follow my blog at https://wyldheartreads.wordpress.com/

If you prefer to listen to my reviews, you can find my reviews on Spotify here: https://anchor.fm/wyldheart-reads
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews852 followers
May 4, 2023
So, was I little surprised with this book. Most definitely. I was waiting to find out what happened to Juliette and Devon and I got Kailani, John and Benjamin. Yes, Benjamin – not Ben. They were interesting but I was a little disappointed and now have to wait for Stolen Faith to see if all my questions are answered.

So, not only was I disappointed that the mystery wasn’t solved but I was a wee bit disappointed with how this Trinity was handled. I understand that this was a dire and strange situation but I totally didn’t agree with what happened within the story … with who the temporary Grand Master was or with how she handled situations. Flaky is the only word that I would use for her.

But, the Trinity was working it’s problems out. They were figuring out things and healing past hurts. One passing comment is all it took for it to go off the rails. Was I expecting that? Hell No. I was hoping that calmer and clearer heads would prevail but … Trinities are put together for a reason and Juliette had her reasons. Kailani, John and Benjamin really started to work and there was love. You felt it. From the minute the call came in, they came together, they worked together, they loved together. And then my heart broke. Hopefully it will be mended in Stolen Faith.

I adore the way Mari and Lila write stories. They know how to bring the characters together and bring them to life. They teased us with Forgotten Promise but gave us a wonderful story. Yes, they disappointed me but, you can’t please everyone all the time. But, they kept me hooked. Will the Trinity last? Will they find Juliette and Devon? Why kidnap Izabel, Rowan and Brennon? What part will Colum and the Master’s Admiralty play? So many questions … too long of a wait for the next book.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Mia.
515 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2023
Have you ever wondered if there was a back up safety plan in case something happens to Juliette? I mean she is head, heart and brains of Trinity Masters. (Okay she has plenty of back up in the form of Devin and Franco.) Apparently this rather scary idea has been thought of and there are keyholders. But their identities are only known to s select few.

So why am I mentioning this scary idea? Well someone has kidnapped both Juliette and Devin. Franco managed to escape the attack but not without injury. And then there is Column from . And things seem to point to someone who is a member of the Trinity Masters.

Kailani has just met the rest of Trinity. Let's just say, one is fine but the other one was a hard no for her. So she has left Boston and headed back home to Hawai'i. Benjamin is still struggling with the fact that one of his partners is Kailani with whom he had a college era romance. The "innocent" in this Trinity is John, a cop from the LA area. Both Kailani and Benjamin have grown up with the knowledge of the Trinity Masters but John is an orphan to whom this Trinity means family.

So when Kailani gets the message that she needs to find the other key holders, Benjamin and John are there to protect her and help her. This is only the start of the story. And given that Mari Carr and Lila DuBois are both masters at fast paced, sexy, unpredictable drama, find your favorite beverage and block a large block of time to finish this in one go. (Okay, find some food to nibble on too.) And yes, you might want to send the rest of the people who live with you away for a day or two.

And while we wait for the next book in about 6 months, it is perfectly okay to mutter under your breathe words about how mean and evil these two authors are with making us wait.
Profile Image for Shelley.
680 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2023
Forgotten Promise is the first book in the Trinity Masters: Crossroads Contempt series. It could be read as a standalone book but might be confusing, since it picks up at a cliffhanger (though there is some backstory explained in the beginning of this book for those new to the series) and jumps in with both feet at an explosive pace.

It starts less than 2 hours after the Grand Master and one of her husbands were kidnapped and carries on from there. The fail safe for security in the absence, but not death, of the Grand Master is to contact the keyholders. One of the three of them will be the acting Grand Master of a top-secret society that has influence in all of America, if not the world.

One of the Keyholders is Kailani Iona. It is an inherited job and she is the 4th generation in her family who accepted the responsibility. No one has ever been called on to date. Today that all changes. She was placed in her trinity marriage only a month ago and her duties will keep her from following through with it. That's okay with her since she has no desire to allow Benjamin to crush her heart a second time. Benjamin has feelings of his own on the subject as a legacy member of the Trinity Masters. John is a very new member and a crime solver for the LAPD. He sort of feels caught in the crossfire between Kailani and Benjamin and all he really wants is a true family to call his own forever.

Now everything is disrupted while Kailani has to pull the three keyholders together, find out who is now in charge and at the same time solve what has happened with the missing Grand Master and some other trinity members. Can they pull it off without killing each other or falling in love?
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,662 reviews18 followers
May 2, 2023
More twisty, turny goodness in the Trinity Masters series, which I have missed tremendously while traveling around Europe with the Masters Admiralty. Not saying I don't love those books as well, but I've missed the Grand Master and all the goings on in the U.S. Plus, whereas the society may not have begun here, the book series did.
So, we know from the start that GM Juliette and one of her hubbies, Devon, has been kidnapped. And that's all you're getting from me. Other than, we have quite a few cameos from old favorite, and maybe not so favorite, depending on your tastes, TM members. We meet the newest trinity in Kailani, Benjamin and John, and right off the bat, there's friction between them...and it's not the sexy kind! I'll admit that there was someone within this trio that I didn't really care for at first, but I'll keep that identity to myself. One I adored, which I will reveal was John. His personality, back story and character was the most endearing for me.
Crossroads Contempt is a trilogy in the sense that each book will have a new trinity, but I'm thinking that this arc will deal with the kidnapping across all the books. And for those who are new to the TM/MA world, jumping in with Forgotten Promise might not seem as daunting as starting from book 1, Elemental Pleasure. Of course, if you're like me, you'll then binge all the books you can, while still working, living your life and feeding any pets or humans who are responsible for!
But you'll have plenty of time, since the next book, Stolen Faith, isn't being released until October. I guess I'll be re-reading this series as well. Tough job, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice ;)
1,223 reviews9 followers
May 6, 2023
Forgotten Promise is the first book in the Trinity Masters: Crossroads Contempt series. Kailani, John, and Benjamin are matched together for their wedding, but there’s bad history between two of them. Before their fate can be decided, the Trinity Masters are under attack. Between a rush against time, a hidden legacy, and now lusting after their partners, this potential trinity has a serious task to complete, but will this marriage survive when the time runs out?

Oh man, I was completely hooked on this book and needed to know what would happen next! There is so much going on within these pages, about half that have to do with the series, the other half having to do with the relationship, and I loved every second I spent reading. If you’re looking for something with serious action, angst, passion, all the emotions, a rush against time, and lots of potentials for danger, this is absolutely the book (and series) for you. I loved all three main characters, and they all brought something to the table. I loved John I think the most, because of his background and how much he just wanted someone to want and love and fight for him. Kailani and Benjamin were great, though, too, in their own ways. Brave and bold and arrogant and I think my favorite part about all three of them was that they were all a bit scared and all wanted to be wanted. They made a great team, when they could put the past aside and could stay focused on the task, even if that task was winning the trust back of their broken Trinity. I loved this book. I am already feeling so invested in the twists and turns that are facing the society and I’m dying to both reread the entire series and to get the next book!
55 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2023
Whilst there was alot I really like about this book, it was often frustrating and difficult to like. Kailani and Benjamin have a troubled history so when they are called to the altar with John it does not go well, with Kailani storming off, refusing to be in a marriage with Benjamin. As their pre-wedding month draws to a close the story links with Francisco's announcement that Juliet and Devon were taken. The trio are drawn in to the situation and relationships take a back seat as events unfold.

The biggest problem for the trio is communication, or lack of it between Kailani and Benjamin and poor John, who had been dreaming of the day he got his new family, is left hanging. There is some great drama at times, although I felt that the side plot was contrived and fell quite flat in its resolution. Tensions do run high at times but, despite the trio crossing the continent several times, there wasn't a great deal of action.

Most of this novel centres on lots of dialogue and introspection - unlike most of the previous novels, not alot really happens. I thought Kailani was unreasonably petulant alot of the time, although Benjamin turns out to have his own secrets that don't help. Ultimately, between limited action and an unresolved (for me) ending, this novel was a little disappointing. I felt really sorry for John and would not have been upset to see him find a better trio. I also didn't like the acting Grand Master's high- handed approach. It's an enjoyable, if frustrating novel and while I did enjoy it, by the end I was only interested in getting back to the missing Grand Master and husband.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
108 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2023
Forgotten Promise is part of the Trinity Masters world. Kailani and Benjamin's families have been part of Trinity Masters, a secret society, for generations. They have a past relationship that didn't end well. They've always known that they were expected to accept an arranged trinity marriage set up by the Grand Master. When it is revealed that they are to marry each other, along with John, they request that the engagement be dissolved.

But before they get an answer, the society comes under attack. Kailani plays a significant rule in making sure the Trinity Masters survives. With danger all around her, Kailani is forced to rely on help from Benjamin and John. As they work together they realize they have undeniable chemistry. As they face intrigue and danger around every corner, will they find a way to make their trinity work. Will Kailani succeed in her mission? What will happen to their trinity?

As this book is part of the Trinity Masters series, there are appearances by a lot of characters from other books. So while it can be read as a standalone, it is nice to get to see characters from previous books. I enjoyed this book. I really loved John's character and how he pushed Kailani and Benjamin out of their comfort zone. I can't wait to see what happens next.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
925 reviews
May 2, 2023
Forgotten Promise by Mari Carr and Lila Dubois is the next book, and start of the newest mini-series, in the Trinity Masters/Masters Admiralty world. This writing duo knows how to deliver a well written story with strong, well developed characters while weaving many pieces of a fast moving puzzle together to keep you you intrigued turning the pages so fast until the very end. The trinity of this book is Kailani, Benjamin and John and they have a rocky start because of the past relationship between two of them but eventually realize that the present is a much better place to live, and learn how to listen and fight for what they want. While they are trying to figure our their situation, there is a big story unfolding in the world that is picked up right from the previous book, where we find out what happens to this secret society when the Grand Master has been kidnapped and the protocols that follow. And in true fashion from these authors we don't always get all of the answers right away but have so many questions with one or two answers leaving us needing the next book. I cannot wait for the next book.
60 reviews
May 3, 2023
For Real? He Asked for What????

If you know anything about Trinity Masters/Master’s Admiralty bet you are expecting intrigue, subterfuge, menage and a bunch of twists and turns. Well buckle your seatbelts and get ready for a wild ride.

Kailani and Benjamin have a history and very long memories. So much so that at their joining ceremony it goes from joy to shock to downright indignation and poor John is watching his dreams of a family disintegrate. And before they can find out if their request is granted, the unthinkable has happened – the Grand Master and Devin are taken. So instead of getting a decision on their trinity, Kailani receives a call that changes everything. The failsafe her family has kept watch over for generations puts her in a race against time and failure is not an option. Along the way Kailani, Benjamin, and John work together to protect and help Kailaini complete her mission and in doing so find that love never dies, and a family is very possible.

Except lack of communication and misunderstanding could cost them everything they hold dear.

**I received a copy of the ARC and I am voluntarily leaving this honest review**
Profile Image for Maureen Ames.
333 reviews13 followers
June 12, 2023
Forgotten Promise is the first book in the Trinity Masters: Crossroads Contempt series by the amazing writing duo of Mari Carr and Lila Dubois. This book, while the first in this series, is actually a continuation of sorts from Danger's Heir, in the Trinity Masters the Mafia book 3, picking up where Danger's Heir story left off, so I feel that to fully enjoy this story you need to read the Trinity Masters, Mafia Series first. Kailani, John and Benjamin are the next up in the Trinity Society to be "paired" of an arranged married. The trio has many things to overcome to seal the deal in their relationship. A crisis with the Trinity society and past history between Benjamin and Kailani. Throughout the story, Kailani, Benjamin and John, especially, work together to make this trio work while trying to stop the threat to the Trinity Society. This was not a all love and roses read, but one that shows how hard it can be to work at a relationship and overcome the problems couples face. This was one of my favorite reads so far this year.
2,608 reviews15 followers
May 3, 2023
Exciting Trinity Masters Romance!!

I know I am not “giving away” anything to say that the Grand Master is kidnapped! The mechanisms set in place in case of such an emergency are the focus of this delightful story.
We also have a new trinity match. Kailani who is involved in the secondary security level in case of that emergency; John who is an LAPD detective, and Benjamin who broke Kailani’s heart when they were younger.

The complexities and intricacies of both the situation and the new possible trinity make for stellar reading. This is like the “007 Bond” franchise, and should put onto film, though they probably could not do the books justice. Politics, personalities, romance in threes, history, and attack on all they hold dear are the baseline. The backstories and details of those involved absolutely make this an exceptional story which you will not be able to put down.

***** I am voluntarily leaving my honest review of this book *****
Profile Image for Evita.
646 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2024
It’s going to be hard to write a review without giving any spoilers but I will do my best. First of all, damn just when you think you know what’s going to happen, you get a curveball thrown at you. One of the things I love about this whole series is that it was written by these two amazing authors.

Our trinity consists of Benjamin, John and Kailani. Each of them come in with some emotional baggage, two of them have a past that may not be something their trinity will overcome. The men travel with Kailani as she has to impart information to other key holders as they also try to make their union work.

I absolutely loved this story, the pace, the characters who bring in some heat, you know that Mari and Lila are masters (pun intended) at giving us all of that and more. We will wait patiently for the next installment, we need answers!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book.
Profile Image for A.
700 reviews
April 30, 2023
Forgotten promises really has two stories rolled into one that intersect on a thrilling roller coaster of a story. It was awesome, and I couldn’t put it down. Mari Carr and Lila Dubois really know how to write a super steamy riveting story. They usually end in a cliffhanger that leave you screaming What at the end. Kailani is put into a trilogy with a man that broke her heart years ago. They both hurt John, the third man in their trilogy, when they refuse to be bound. Kailani also has a secret position in the Trinity Masters. She has to gather the other two people, and then they find out who the acting grand master will be. This story brought back one of my favorite characters too! Don’t miss this book. It was an awesome beginning to the new part of the adventures of the Trinity Masters!
Profile Image for Kerry.
787 reviews
May 8, 2023
What can I say, Mari Carr and Lila Dubois have done it again and left me emotionally exhausted and so unbelievably frustrated with so many questions that I want to scream, hug them and cry all at the same time.

I LOVE the Trinity Masters and highly recommend you read them all but this one book one of a trilogy so you can start here if you are new to the series - but trust me, you'll have to go back for more!

Kailani , Benjamin and John's story is one of hurt, drama, suspense, misunderstanding, trust and confusion all rolled into one. Their menage is the first part of this amazingly written story while the newest threat to the Trinity Masters is the subplot that twists and turns and brings old and new faces to the table with everyone in a state of flux. I fell so hard for John and his need for a family and a place to call home while Kailani and Benjamin have LOTS to work out before they can be what John needs. Do they get there? Only reading will answer this but I loved every minute with them and rolled with the highs and lows this story brings.

The subplot is once again masterfully created and we are once again facing a threat that could make or break the Trinity Masters, only time and two more books will help us find the answers we so desperately need and want....Mari Carr and Lila Dubois have a wicked streak and leave us desperately in need of book two and three!
Profile Image for Lissa.
189 reviews11 followers
May 2, 2023
So many “Forgotten Promises”: between Kailani and Benjamin, between John and his childhood caregivers, between the Trinity Masters and the Keyholders… The last book, “Danger’s Heir” finished on a shocking event, so this book had me jumping in with both feet! I couldn’t put it down! Kailani, Benjamin and John were a challenging trinity. As a reader, I had doubts as to if they were actually going to make it in the end. I also loved “visiting” with other members of the Trinity Masters, most I remembered from previous books in this series. They brought a lot of humour and I caught myself laughing out loud numerous times! As always, Mari Carr and Lila Dubois wrote an absolutely fabulous story! Five Fabulous Stars!!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Janet Rodman.
470 reviews17 followers
September 23, 2023
Forgotten Promise begins a new story arc that involves what would occur to the Trinity Masters if something happened to the Grand Master. This story is exciting and fast paced. Kalani Ione is matched up with her Trinity just before the Grand Master and one of her husbands is kidnapped. Kalani is a Key. She is one of three people who guard all of the Trinity Masters’ secrets in an emergency. It has never been used before. She and her trinity are tasked with finding the other two Keys before it is too late. One of the three will become the Grand Master until Juliette is found. While this is happening, the newly formed trinity must figure out their relationship and work through their issues. This story is full of suspense which has you guessing at every turn. You also can’t help but root for this trinity to work out. I am looking forward to the next part of this story.
Profile Image for Marie.
3,711 reviews37 followers
September 27, 2023
It's a fine line between love and hate

For years Benjamin and Kailani have only focused on their hate, but this is about more than their past, more than their present with John.... it's about the future of the Trinity Masters.
Explosive, emotional, dangerous, targeted and unprecedented, Kailani is torn as she fights for her Trinity, fights to follow protocol and save the Trinity Masters, whilst she loses her heart to not one but two growly, possessive, Alpha men who give her no space to catch her breath and recenter herself. It's steamy, sexy, fast paced and gripping. This is the first in a Trinity Masters spin off duo, the second book is out next week and will have the conclusion of the fight they are currently facing. Can they eliminate the threat and rescue the kidnapped or will the Trinity Masters as we know them cease to exist?
Profile Image for Lisa.
640 reviews
May 2, 2023
Forgotten Promise is another fantastic Mari Carr / Lila Dubois Trinity Masters book – they always keep me entertained with such great characters. I just love Kailani! Her story is compelling but not over the top. John and Benjamin are a wonderful foil – they come from such a different backgrounds and I love how they complement each other. And as usual, the supporting characters are half the fun. All the different situations and personalities come together to enrich the story.

Just enough heat, lots of suspense and a growing atmosphere of danger thrown in. Overall a wonderful book that you should add to your TBR pile (or maybe put it right at the top). I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy and I whole heartedly suggest you read this one too.
Profile Image for Linda.
93 reviews5 followers
May 3, 2023
Wow! As with all the Trinity Masters/Masters Admiralty books, this one kept me on the edge of my seat! There are twists and turns, a continuing mystery, interesting and complex characters, and an elaborate storyline.

The main characters in this book are Kailani, John, and Benjamin, but there are also many “guest appearances” from other past stories. It was like visiting with old friends and makes me want to start back at the beginning of the TM/MA journey.

I was expecting that the book would showcase an unresolved issue, and that was definitely the case. I cannot wait for the next book!

I am all in for as many TM/MA stories as the authors want to write. This book series is a definite favorite of mine - so unique and interesting every single time!
Profile Image for Melanie Marnell.
3,689 reviews29 followers
April 28, 2023
I don't know where to begin. I was blown away by Forgotten Promise. Mari Carr and Lila Dubois put their fiendishly talented and devious minds to work and have really outdone themselves. There is just so much going on. There's mystery, drama, intrigue, twists, turns and a rollercoaster ride of emotions that set as a backdrop for a newly formed Trinity. Are there a ton of unanswered questions? Absolutely. Do they all get answered? Unfortunately, no. Do you keep turning pages to find out what happens next? Definitely. The Society has been attacked and is in full battle mode. Hang on to your seat!

1,093 reviews6 followers
May 2, 2023
Forgotten Promise is the first book in a new mini-series within the Trinity Masters world and it is a scorching hot menage romance with a lot of heat, drama and suspense. The trinity in the center is made up of two very stubborn, highly volatile characters and one very careful, guarded and patient man whose emotions and feelings run deep and who manages to bring them all together - until past mistakes almost bring it all crashing down. There is a happy-for-now ending for the three, but the mystery and suspense carries on and we'll hopefully get to see more of these great characters in the next book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Foodiegirl.
786 reviews19 followers
May 8, 2023
I know whenever I begin a Trinity book I have slow downand savor it. Mari Carr and Lila Dubois have fiendish and devious minds, and have outdone themselves again. The Society has been attacked and the Grand Master has been kidnapped.
As always there's a rollercoaster ride of emotions, an unwanted Trinity. A huge mystery filled with drama, intrigue, twists, turns and that set's up a new Grand Master.
The backdrop for a newly formed Trinity that's in trouble from the beginning. We are left with a ton of unanswered questions? Do they get answered? Hang on there is so much going on in this book you better be ready for a lot of action.
May 22, 2023
No one compares to Mari and Lila!! These amazing women create incredibly fast paced, suspense filled books full of the most magnificent steam. Naturally Benjamin, John and Kailani do not disappoint and hold onto your seats cause you won’t be able to put this one down. Benjamin and John are delicious as their protective sides flair while helping Kailani execute the most important mission yet. With tons of twists and turns, communication issues and suspense, the possibilities are endless. Can’t wait for the next book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Carla Black.
170 reviews18 followers
May 27, 2023
I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway. I loved this book it was very different and very creative, a lot of imagination. The 3 main characters in this book are like none others you have ever encounter before in a novel. It's about a wealthy secret society ruling the nation, the strange marriage habits the society invokes and the extra sexy, extra passionate and hot sex scenes that are very graphic are worth reading this book alone. Lots of twist and turns in this book with exciting action moments that are not in the bedroom as well. I highly recommend this book, I couldn't put it down. #goodreadsgiveaway
Profile Image for Dar.
3,861 reviews79 followers
April 28, 2023
One of my favourite things about this book was getting to connect with previous characters! They had me laughing and smiling, and in one case cheering, which was great, because some dire circumstances occur in this story. Those had my heart aching at times, and also, one of our new characters, totally tugged at those feelings as well. This trio seems so unmatched, until you get to know them, then you get it. They took a roundabout way to get to their HEA, but it was just so right, it couldn’t be denied. Now, about that heartache……
May 2, 2023
I was blown away by this book! It was really refreshing to see a story so well written from multiple points of view and timelines. This book is overall amazing. Kailani, John, and Benjamin show more passion in and out of the bedroom than I have read in a while. This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. It was refreshing to know that what I expected was not what happened. So many books follow the same storyline and are very predictable. This one lets your imagination get away with you and all of the conspiracies that are possibly not only with these three but with the Trinity Masters as a whole. I can't wait to see where these three end up and Who will lead the Trinity Masters from here on out! Will they or won't they? Who will lead? Oh, the possibilities.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,570 reviews
April 30, 2023
So many emotions, twist, turns and surprises in this story. Franco is still devastated and left, along with the reader, no wiser as to what has happened to his wife and husband. Another Trinity is also missing and John’s trinity is falling apart. All this added to a robbery that has nothing really to do with the missing Grand Master and the reader is kept riveted to the story. The lengths Benjamin goes to to get he, Kailani and John back together made my mouth water. It is true not all questions have been resolved but maybe next time.

1,704 reviews10 followers
April 30, 2023
This story within a story kept me wrapped up in the mysteries, rooting for our intrepid trio, and sweating from the sexy times. You don’t have to have read previous books in this world but it increases the enjoyment and wry humor. The baggage between Kailani and Benjamin broke my heart and made me mad that they were so stubborn that neither would open up. Can John be the catalyst to bring them together? Did the Grand Master have a sixth sense about this marriage? Don’t miss this start to the next Trinity Masters brain twister.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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