Farewell Winter 2023
GC is based in Indiana with team members around the Midwest.
We help individuals and organizations excel in leadership, communication, 
strategic planning, and process improvement.
Hello friend!

We hope to elevate your mood as we pass along communication Pro Moves in every edition of our quarterly newsletter. We believe that skillful interactions lead to a fulfilling life.

I just had a moment of that awareness in line at the post office. We mail a lot of books, workbooks, Pocket 8s, journals and such to clients. When it was my turn, the service provider Anne (who regularly goes above and beyond) said, "I don't know what you do at GC, but every time I see that logo there's someone kind on the other side of my window." 

I'm good to retire now. Not really, but it made my week. And now she knows what we do. Thanks, Anne, for caring so much about how you leave others feeling. It shows.🙂

The best teacher in the world is someone who loves what he or she does, and just loves it in front of you. Fred Rogers (Creator of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood)

So we will continue to love the study of communication in front of you.

Michelle Gladieux
President, Gladieux Consulting

Shine On

As a farewell to winter, we have a special (read: hilarious) video to share from musician Dan Smyth dubbed I Can't Wait (for Summer). I haven't met a human who's seen it who didn't smile at this pop-rock romp.
From what you've just seen, I bet you'll agree we could place a SHINE ON spotlight on Dan for being such an authentic communicator. Done. Congrats, Dan. You are not afraid to be silly and I deeply admire that quality in humans. Find his new album Eye Dream at

Sneak Peeks

Our team is grateful for a full few months of executive coaching, training events, strategic planning, and process improvement work. Travel for keynote presentations is blooming as spring beckons. An increasingly popular topic request has been Communicate with Courage, drawing from key points in my book. Response to the book's release has been amazing, and I thank you sincerely. Here's our local Chamber of Commerce team just after a book workshop.
Special thanks to John Urbahns, President & CEO for gifting the book to his staff. He's pictured in the center to my left. If you have a presentation of your own coming up, review the questions we ask clients who want to raise their speaking game. Don't miss the audience analysis section to help you feel and be more prepared. For more ideas to boost your energy, skill, and presence, we've added new downloadable, e-fillable resources to

Pro Moves

Another Pro Move: if you've ever found yourself with more positional power than someone who was once your peer on the organizational chart, you know how weird it can feel. There are ways to make it work.

If you're dealing with disagreement at work or home (and who isn't?), this short love letter to conflict might expand your thinking. When we argue more skillfully, growth is almost always the result. 


Tim Jones is our Project Manager and expert in managing hundreds of personality surveys each year. Downtown Indianapolis is our favorite meeting spot. Here we are on our walk to a planning meeting. We thank Tim for the careful, kind way he guides coaching clients to know themselves better.
I'm not the only person on this team addicted to the natural high of presenting. Cheers to Kristen Schenkel (Research and Training Associate since April 2019) who presented Time & Stress Management Best Practices at the Better Business Bureau conference to a standing-room only crowd. Well done, K! That smile shows how she felt about the comments from participants.
Speaking of fun, if you're looking for a movie to open your heart and mind, STUTZ was terrific. Jonah Hill communicates with courage to share his brilliant mental health counselor with the rest of the world. I jotted some notes while viewing last weekend:
  • Life force guides us when we're lost.
  • Judging ourselves harshly blocks our potential.
  • Progress = learning to work and live with pain, uncertainty, and constant work.
  • Possibility is feeling yourself reacting differently.
  • We might think people we look up to are exempt from struggle. This is false. 
  • We overcome fear first behaviorally, then emotionally.
(My takeaway? Don't wait until you feel secure to give what's calling your name a go!)


It's always exciting when other writers take the time to reference your work! We hope you'll find these selections useful:

Forbes: Facing a Tough Conversation? Communicate with Courage

Inc. Magazine: 9 Business Communication Tactics That Are High-Risk and Not Worth Taking


We've recently taught nine Excelling as a Leader & Communicator half-day seminars at Teijin Automotive Technologies in Huntington, IN. Hats off to the 60+ Team Leaders, Supervisors, and Area Managers who participated fully and offered generous feedback like "The material is immediately applicable with tools for the long haul. The workbook is high quality. A lot of care went into the preparation and showed us we are important!"

Quotable in Q1

We'll see you in a few months for the next edition of BREAKDOWN, thanks in large part to Heather Shively. She's the designer who demonstrates patience through dozens of edits. She believes if even one reader finds a helpful tool while perusing, it's worth the effort. Thanks, Heather!
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