2023 KVRU 105.7 FM News Survey
Thank you for participating in this news survey, so KVRU can pilot its Wednesday 5-6pm weekly news.

We are taking demographic information for the purpose of understanding different needs from various communities.  Thank you for supporting our efforts to grow as a hyperlocal radio station.

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Email *
Name: or "Anonymous"  *
Races & Ethnicities that you identify with *
Age  *
Gender *
Sexuality / Sexual orientation  *
Yearly Income *
Do you stay updated with the news?  *
How often do you stay updated with the news?  *
Why or why not? (Based on your answer above)  *
Do you feel like your communities and interests are covered by national news? *
Do you feel like your communities and interests are covered by local news?  *
Why do you feel the national or local news covers or doesn't cover your interest and/or communities?  *
Do you get your news on TV?  *
Which news channel(s)? (or put n/a) *
Do you get your news through Newspaper? *
Do you get your news through Social Media?  *
Do you get your news on Radio?  *
What issues would you like to be covered on KVRU or a hyperlocal news source? *
Other comments, questions, or concerns you have? 
Do you want to stay connected with KVRU? *
If yes, write your name, pronoun, e-mail, and phone below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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