Living Simply Brave 

Starts with pursing a life full of purpose, being authentic and breaking free from codependency, setting healthy boundaries, and building exceptional relationships with the Enneagram.  Creating an exceptional life where you can be seen, heard,and loved as your TRUE SELF.

Come join us for our Living Simply Brave Masterclass "Connecting YOU"

If you are reading this now.. you are probably ready to kick off 2020 with big intentions and I am ready to guide you through some of the most impactful self development tools I have ever experienced..

I double dare you to join in if you,
  • Are sick of putting your dreams on the back burner because you don't have enough time, you're terrified of failure, and you don't even know where to start?                                     
  • Do you struggle to prioritize yourself, our needs, and set boundaries? 
  • Do you have NA-SAYERS in your life who are crushing your list of dreams circling in your head, but no lack an support team to help implement a clear action plan to make them happen?
  • Do you want to do some really exciting ( and maybe kinda scary) things in 2020?
  • Do you want to connect with other Brave Sisters who want to up LEVEL their lives in 2002?

I hear you BRAVE SISTER, I am right there with YOU!!

So many of us are so pumped to start the new year off right but end up falling a bit short because all the things are so overwhelming and you don't know where to start!!

Well not this year BRAVE sister, not on my watch

 I'm here to help you create a real life ACTION PLAN.  If you have a plan that fires you up, you can (and will) take the next right step.  And meeting any goal is just a series of taking the next right step over and over.
 You're in the right place if you're looking to:
  • Break free from limiting beliefs
  • Gain clarity around your goals for 2020 
  • Connect with like minded women who are pursuing a life filled goals and dreams
  • Build exceptional relationships
  • Focus on your needs and implement a self care routine daily
  • Dedicate time to pursuing your dreams the ones that light you up 
  • Cultivate the confidence and courage to set boundaries 

Living Simply Brave is hosting a 3 part series Masterclass Series in Jan, Feb, and March