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First Love

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First Love is the first half of The Love Duet, a second chance, contemporary romance from the same author who brought you Walking Away and The Just Series. 

The Love Duet is a rewritten, rebranded, and EXTENDED (including new material) version of the Blue Dream Duet which is no-longer available.

Official blurb/detailed blurb coming soon...

424 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 12, 2022

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About the author

Xavier Neal

118 books2,207 followers
I'm USA TODAY Bestselling Romance Author who has published over ninety works to date.

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The Gamble (Romantic Comedy) - https://amzn.to/2uf4ZFw

Part of The List (Contemporary Romance) - https://amzn.to/2udYwuz

Walking Away (Contemporary Ménage Romance) - https://amzn.to/2pAOEGf

Can’t Match This (Romantic Comedy) - https://amzn.to/2XapsVw

Hike, Hike Baby (Romantic Comedy) - https://amzn.to/32QqyJJ

Baewatch (Romantic Comedy) -https://amzn.to/2IHjMAl

Sleigh Bride (Holiday Romantic Comedy)- https://amzn.to/3nOfJ4L

Aleatory (Contemporary Age-Gap Romance) - https://amzn.to/2Pqt07F

Picnic Perfect (Romantic Comedy) -

Eden (Dark, Taboo Romance)-

Baby Got Pack (Romantic Comedy) -

Waiting (Contemporary Age- Gap Romance)


Senses Series
Duched Series
The Bro Series
Private Series
The Bennett Duet
The Love Duet
The Compassion Series:
The Free:

Dalvegan Dragons-
The Hockey Gods Series- https://amzn.to/31KBuXo
Adrenaline Series - https://amzn.to/2MAo669
Prince of Tease Series- https://amzn.to/2Iu3ZkA
The Just Series - https://amzn.to/2MBGDPi
Must Love Series- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074HX1VK2
Hollywood Exchange Series- https://amzn.to/2WqmfFo
The Culture Blind Series- https://amzn.to/2K5hDOv
Camelot Misfits Series - https://amzn.to/2XfW5pn
Synful Syndicate Series- https://amzn.to/2K311Xw
Haworth Enterprises Series-
Draak Legacy Series -

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,615 reviews215 followers
May 8, 2022
Wow. Where to start with this book. It is full of angst and soul shattering moments. You could really feel the deep, emotional love that Ryder and Presley shared with one another. Yet, their story is not all sunshine. It is like a rose and that there are thorns.

As much as I really enjoyed this book, I do have to admit that was not the case in the beginning. When I first started reading; I found myself turned off by all of the "f" word. Not that I can't handle the "f" word but I felt that the multiple times it appeared in a very short amount of time was off-putting. However, I am glad that I did stick with the book as I just got deeper and deeper into this story the more I read. I can't wait to finish this duet with book two.

This letter that Ryder wrote for Presley says it all:

You were my first addition, my sweetest high.
I tried to replace you in various ways, but always failed.
You wanted to protect me.
You were my family when it felt like I had no one else.
For the pain I caused you, I will never forgive myself.
Lettering you walk away was the hardest thing I've ever done.
I've changed, but my love for you never will.
You were my first addition, my sweetest high, the one I'll never stop chasing.
I haven't given up all hope.
Not yet.

Profile Image for Tami czenkus.
1,551 reviews21 followers
May 8, 2022
Good Lord did Xavier Neal put us through the ringer with First Love. I felt ALL the emotions Ryder and Presley felt while I was reading this story.
First Love is the ultimate love story that will leave you YEARNING for the conclusion, I think I may have stared blankly at my kindle when I finished.
Presley and Ryder have history to say the least, they allowed outside influences dictate their lives and they put themselves in some precarious situations because of it.
For me, First Love was a reminder that first love NEVER dies... it may lay dormant for a long time but they will ALWAYS be your first love.
Strap your self in for a rollercoaster of emotions that will leave you breathless.
Profile Image for Nicole  Marie Johnson.
729 reviews3 followers
May 19, 2022
A raw, emotional book that has had me reeling since the moment I finished it. It sucks you in and has you feeling EVERYTHING. I cannot even begin to explain how emotional this book was! Ryder will have you swooning and crying for him. Presley will melt your heart and make you feel every bit of what she has and break you now that it’s changed her so much. I am so ready to read the next part of this story and I will be carrying these characters with me until then! Seriously Xavier Neal blew it out of the park with the feels in this one.
Profile Image for Kori Dicken.
520 reviews12 followers
May 6, 2022
wow- just wow!
This is the Xavier Neal I have come to know and love!
The angst, the heartache, the suspense- I loved it all!
Fair warning, this is a cliffhanger but hope all will turn out for our Presley in book 2 of this duet.
Ryder has messed up big time- several times for that matter, but his love for Presley is STRONG- that much is evident. Will Presley be open to another chance, or is she content with her mundane life with Xander- can't wait to find out!~
Profile Image for Stephanie Jynelle.
1,097 reviews4 followers
May 8, 2022
Wow! Just wow! This revamp to First Love as the title has a different voice. Not super different but more clarity. I like the flash back memory of them together. It makes it feel necessary. More realistic of how we may look back on our first love if it was in high school. The judgement and jelousy hasn't changed. Addiction hasn't changed. How we deal with it in some areas has changed.
The ending for this part was right on. Pres can't stradle the line or hide. Ry has to own his shit while always rembering his true north. Sometimes, we have to leave for a while to really find a directiom and passion that is greater than the pain of lost love. Its never forgotten. For some they do realign and find each other at the right time to be able to live that promise of love and living.
Excited for part 2 of this revamp. I forgot how much I love Katherine and Doc. Love the connection to Doctenne.
Another outstanding love story that resonates regardless of when our first love happened.
Profile Image for Andrea Turner.
286 reviews20 followers
May 12, 2022
Get ready for the emotional rollercoaster ride of your LIFE!! Ryder and Pres is going to leave you begging for more. These two have been through hell and back. I felt all the angst, heartbreak, love, and soul crushing addiction. Ryder’s POV is going to HURT!! This man has been through so much, and he clawing his way out as much as he can. Pres is just living, but not truly alive (if you know what I mean). There is so much history with these two that you are cheering for them from the sidelines, praying that everything will work out! I’m beyond ready for the next book, I know Xavier is going to give it to us HARD!!
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.3k reviews140 followers
May 9, 2022
There are two very important things you need to know about this book, 1. It is only the first book in a duet and yes that means there is a cliffy looming at the end and 2. You need to try to prepare yourself emotionally for the marathon level workout that Ryder and Presley's romance is going to put your poor heart through! The angst, heartache, poignancy and emotions flow as thickly as molasses as this complex tale of love, sweetness, humor, drama, mistakes, pain and how we deal with it, regrets, the lies we tell ourselves and hope begins. These two will have you laughing and then crying, make you anxious to hug them and comfort them and then feel a fierce desire to shake them and ask, "WHY?!" and as you travel along this very rocky road with them, you will fall, and I mean fall hard for them and that inspires a burning need in you for them to get that HEA. Our hearts just need to be strong enough survive the trip. Book two cannot get in my hands soon enough to make me happy. This is my unbiased, unsolicited review.
Profile Image for Becky Wise.
2,559 reviews48 followers
May 7, 2022
First Love is a terrific emotional gripping read. Ryder is a mess but is working on fighting his demons. Presley is so strong and trying to go through the motions of being happy. You feel the underlining sadness that Presley and Ryder both hold onto. The lost love that comes back that changed both their lives. The love that has never died as both are off in different directions. Presley is wonderful with children and finally opening up about her first love. You feel the realization with Presley that her future is not what it could be with her current boyfriend. Ryder is coming to terms with his addiction and his greatest addiction is Presley. As you relive their past you feel the love between so strong. I for one cannot wait to see what happens with Ryder and Presley's love story in the next book. I could not get enough of this one.
Profile Image for Karen Swoffer.
398 reviews5 followers
May 11, 2022
Xavier Neal has once again written an emotionally gripping story that pulls you in. Presley and Ryder’s story is full of pain and trying to hold on to what they have.
Presley is a smart, good hearted, girl next door kind of woman. She longs for the relationship that has kept her heart for years that apparently was never meant to be.
Ryder’s family life was lousy at best. After making a decision, that he would regret for life, so he can try to gain some acceptance from his father, his life continues on a downward spiral.
First Love is a highly addictive emotional read. Throughout the story, both Presley and Ryder have memories that create a very vivid look into their pasts and how those memories have shaped them into the people they are today. The memories show the consequences of choices made and how life is full of choices and circumstances. Be advised, First Love ends with a huge cliffhanger.
I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine and were not influenced by the author or her promotional team.
Profile Image for Melinda  Parker.
1,206 reviews20 followers
May 12, 2022
This story wrecked my heart. Xavier Neal delivered raw and real!

We meet Ryder and Presley as teens. As if that isn’t enough pressure.  But both have battles to overcome.  Ryder deals with family and home pressures while Presley works to fit in with Ryder. 

Ryder becomes embroiled in an inner battle that brings about changes so devastating that he’s playing a game that’s stacked against him.  And Presley is part of his collateral damage.  For Presley, the one thing she wanted became an unfortunate circumstance. 

We watch as both struggle to stay together and yet fall apart.  Ryder spiraled out of control and Presley pushed past the pain.

But the past and present collide.  Demons, guilt, and hope begin again. But is it worth the pain? Can Ryder truly overcome his past? The heart wants what it wants but sometimes love may not be enough.

The book ends on a cliffhanger that left me reeling.  I’m just waiting to see if Neal puts my heart back together. An emotional and angst filled read that you need.
1,265 reviews43 followers
May 11, 2022
What a heart wrenching and beautiful story (journey) of a love, forgiveness and starting over.

Ryder and Presley share a wonderful story of two young people that are everything to one another…until they are not.

Reading the emotions these two characters go through will take you on a your own rollercoaster of emotions. This story is deeply emotional and will have you all over the place - happy, sad, scared and hopeful. I cannot wait to read the continuation of the story in the next book.

To be honest I’m a little mad at Ryder…

I’m also a little mad at Presley…she deserves better.

Xavier’s writing is amazing and the perspective of how this story is told is fantastic!

I received a complimentary copy and I am leaving my honest review.
Profile Image for Laura .
835 reviews23 followers
May 9, 2022
Ooh did I fall hard for Presley & Ryder's story!

From their high school romance, to their soul mate like connection, I just could not get enough. Yet Ryder has this dark element to him that brought on conflict. These two opposites held my attention throughout the book, and I cannot wait to see how their story concludes in Last Love.

Xavier Neal did a fantastic job of taking us from current day back to when they were in high school. We were able to witness everything that happened, and see how it is still affecting Ryder and Presley to this day.

These deeper books, the ones that hit a bit harder, are some of my favorites of Xavier's. They are what keep me coming back for more.
51 reviews
May 9, 2022
Wow this book will have you in your feelings more than you thought possible from a book. Presley will have you rooting for her, crying with her and ready to fight for her. Ryder is dark and full of despair. But once you get deeper into what makes him who he is, you’re going to be rooting for him as well. He definitely isn’t your typical book boyfriend but you can’t help but end up rooting for the love the two once shared. Have the tissues ready because you’ll need them. I absolutely cannot wait for part 2.
Profile Image for Imari McClure.
367 reviews
May 11, 2022
This was such an emotional and vulnerable book.

Have you ever had a love that got away.?
Have you ever just loved someone so much it hurt.

This was an amazing start to a duet.
This rollercoaster ride for ry and Prez
So excited to see how this plays out.
Does end in a cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Teresa Lara.
3,160 reviews48 followers
May 10, 2022
Love this duet
Ry and Pres broken intense emotional heartstopping love story
Ready for book 2
Profile Image for Anni.
1,149 reviews3 followers
October 2, 2022
I adore Xavier Neal - she is the absolute best!
All of her books are completely different from one another, and you can always count on that when you pick any of them up, that you are going to find something that is totally unlike her last release.

The Love Duet (at least, so far, First Love) is so far and beyond any of Xavier's other books that I have read - but be forewarned, you are going to have emotions firing all over the place, you're going to want to cry, scream, throw things at her, shout, and at the end, the cliffhanger leading into the second part of the duet is absolutely going to leave you dangling on that cliff edge, after completely stringing you along for 425 pages, that for 2 weeks until the second book releases, you're going to wonder why you didn't wait until both halves of the duet were available!!

Part one is two young folk speaking to others, and reliving their first love - Ryder is speaking to a therapist by force, in rehab, in order to finish the program and be able to leave. He's pinpointed the exact moment and conversation where everything in his life went wrong - the words that were spoken that caused the decision that lead him down a path of destruction. Presley is speaking with a friend of hers, writing a book and looking for a case study to follow (also, oddly enough, a therapist). Presley is recalling the moment that everything changed, when her high school boyfriend made a snap decision to break up, started making stupid decisions, when she also started going a bit wild because she wanted to win him back... how things got messy.

First Love follows Ry and Pres and how they recall their first love in high school, where everything went wrong, and why they can't function as loving adults now, and wondering about where that old partner is now and ... that age old question - "what if" - that we will hopefully learn more about in part two, Last Love.

I enjoyed this but, oh, boy, were the heart strings ever pulled the entire way through, learning the stories from both sides, the present day with all of the flash backs to high school, their friends and family and all of the influence then and now, and how one little interaction can have such a profound effect on everything. Keep those Kleenex handy. I don't normally get too emotional when it comes to books (or movies, or really anything not real life), and I definitely teared up with this one.

I recommend this book to absolutely everybody, but if you're not OK with a cliffhanger, maybe hold on 2 weeks to be able to grab both parts of the duet at once.

I received an advance copy from Xavier Neal and DS Book Promotions, and this is my honest feedback.
Profile Image for Mommy’s Book Escape .
307 reviews11 followers
May 11, 2022
Xavier Neal has once again written an emotionally gripping story that pulls you in. Presley and Ryder’s story is full of pain and trying to hold on to what they have.
Presley is a smart, good hearted, girl next door kind of woman. She longs for the relationship that has kept her heart for years that apparently was never meant to be.
Ryder’s family life was lousy at best. After making a decision, that he would regret for life, so he can try to gain some acceptance from his father, his life continues on a downward spiral.
First Love is a highly addictive emotional read. Throughout the story, both Presley and Ryder have memories that create a very vivid look into their pasts and how those memories have shaped them into the people they are today. The memories show the consequences of choices made and how life is full of choices and circumstances. Be advised, First Love ends with a huge cliffhanger.
I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine and were not influenced by the author or her promotional team.
286 reviews41 followers
May 11, 2022
Oh man, this is a story and then some. Beautifully written with raw emotion and real-world struggles. You get two points of view, you get the past to make the present make sense, you get character development and growth, you get it all. This is a tale of two lives, one love and all the crossroads that can come at you even when you think you're on one single path. It's also about redemption and finding yourself, overcoming and learning to forgive yourself. It's powerful and touching, angsty and aching, endearing and more. This is the whole package and the only thing that makes it better is knowing there is a second book that lets us continue this journey with these characters. Loved it!
Profile Image for Erin Figueiredo.
3,143 reviews67 followers
May 12, 2022
OMG WOW! This story was heartbreakingly beautiful, soul shattering and insanely emotional. There is just so much emotional turmoil and angst packed into this amazing story that I am just sitting here in awe of how powerful the words written on these pages were. I am totally blown away. I laughed a lot, I cried even more, and I didn’t know whether to bash my kindle against the wall or just scream and shout – WHY – by the way this book ended. My heart was definitely put through the ringer.

Presley and Ryder have a love that is addictive, sometimes toxic, but undeniably earth shattering. Their story is not an easy one and at times the healing process they both go through will have you sobbing uncontrollably.

I loved how this story is written from both of their memories separately. The fact that they both felt that this first love was the only real love for them but that they both played a part in destroying it. It was a love that will always be unforgettable, and nothing will ever compare to it. UGH – my heart ached over what they both slowly revealed to us. Their raw emotions and gut-wrenching pain seeped off the pages and shattered my heart.

Beautifully and poignantly written hooking me instantly on this incredible love story and capturing my heart and soul. I cannot wait to see how their story evolves in the next part.
Profile Image for Jenn Allen.
2,723 reviews44 followers
May 12, 2022
Wow! This is such an intense read from start to finish. I loved getting to dig in to Presley and Ryder, their shared history, their present lives, everything in between. I love Ryder, his struggles and what keeps him going. Presley has became a favorite of mine, there's so much that makes her tick. It's a great read, a story that pulls you in and keeps you involved in their lives. I am on the edge of my seat and looking forward to the second part of this duet!

I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Isabel Debono.
806 reviews12 followers
May 12, 2022
Part 1 of the Love duet.
This book was raw and emotional and full of angst.
It was heavy reading, Ryder had my heart breaking and I was crying for what he lost.
Presley breaks your heart for different reasons. She is broken and will never be the same.
This finished on a cliffhanger... which only left me yearning for more. I need the conclusion. Thank goodness we don’t have long to wait.
I guess it’s true... you never forget your first love.

I was given a ARC but voluntarily chose to review
May 12, 2022
I have no words when it comes to explaining how much I loved this story. I am so deeply invested in their love story. The connection they have and the history they carry with them. They are both held down by a history they wish could be different. They both have regrets, they both have a life that did not turn out how they wanted. Each emotion hit me harder than the last.
The ending killed me and I cannot wait to see if she stays dormant or lives her blue dream.
Profile Image for Latifa Morrisette.
2,482 reviews61 followers
May 12, 2022
First Love is book one in The Love Duet and Ryder and Presley's story. This book pulls no punches in the emotions that hit you from the first page to the last. I can't wait to read book two because I just know it'll be worth the emotions
Profile Image for Inked Orca.
313 reviews9 followers
May 12, 2022

First love is always the hardest to forget.
But can you ever get over your first love?

Ryder is stuck trying to overcome his addiction, refusing to get better because he thinks he deserves the worst. When his addiction turned him into someone he didn’t recognize, the love of his life walked out, letting him go to save herself from more pain.

Presley is running a successful business, but she can’t say the same about her relationship. When her friend asks for her help in a study case, she didn’t enjoy having to open up and talk about the past. Most importantly, Ryder.

Both Ryder and Presley have to visit the past and work out their feeling if they want to move forward and live their lives free of demons.


This book is a second chance romance that jumps between two timelines. It shows how love could turn into an addiction and what happens when you try to be someone you’re not. It’s book one in The Love Duet and it ends in a cliffhanger.

I loved reading the raw emotions the couple felt for each other and how they tried to cope after the breakup. Their story of imperfections made this book interesting. The flashbacks show how everything happened connecting you to their story and then showing you where their decisions led them. They intertwined the past with the present, and I loved every word.


The ending leaves you wanting more. I can’t wait to read the rest of their story. Ryder and Presley made me believe soulmates could survive heartbreak, could still feel the same after years go by and their love never dies.


I also loved how it felt like to be there when Ryder and Presley tried to make sense of their feelings. It showed them at their lowest and then how it felt like when they were high on their love for each other. This book gives second chance romance a new meaning.


I can’t wait to see what else fate has in store for them and if their love will find a way back, leading two soulmates toward each other. With more reasons to love this book, it’s clear why this one is a five star read for me. I love books that show internal struggles, and this book didn’t disappoint.
180 reviews3 followers
May 12, 2022

Once again Xavier has taken us on an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows sometimes to the extreme ends of both spectrums and lots in between. Oh boy, do Ryder and Presley leave you all in your heads with reading what they go through especially Ryder. In this story you will experience a gamut of feelings from drama, humour, anger, loving, anxiety, like I said all in your feelings. Ryder’s journey is one filled with pain and seeing all he went through and is still dealing with just shows his perseverance. Both characters have strength and it definitely shows. It’ll leave you questioning about others behaviours around you as well. It definitely helps to open your eyes more on what others go through in situations like Ryder’s. This just leaves you wanting more and thankfully there’s another book hence why it’s a duet. I couldn’t put it down once I had started, unless it was for sleep or a bathroom break, I kept reading till the end. Highly recommend this story you will not be disappointed!!!
Profile Image for Jackie Bragg.
417 reviews12 followers
May 12, 2022
Emotional and Gripping Story to the End.

OMG, Just FREAKING WOW Xavier. As Chris Tucker said in "Friday". That's my Dog.

Everytime I read a book from this Author, she always had me in my Feelings, and she didn't disappoint.

Ryder is chasing his demons, while looking for someone to love him.

Presley is my girl and I love her to death. But she has issues with trying to be happy and not knowing how to speak her mind to others.

You feel the connection of Ryder and Presley, and thier and roller-coaster of emotions as they try to navigate through life.

Ry loves Presley, but he falls he can't give her what she needs, and broke her heart.

What leads to Presley finding that inner voice, and Boy did I love it.

I love Presley friend Katherine. She has the Huevos to get Presley to open up about her past life and present.

This was a Emotional, and Soul Shattering Book, and if you're not prepared. DON'T READ IT.

The first couple of sentences had me wanting to cry buckets, that and ending had me BALLING.

I can't wait to see what happens in book 2.
493 reviews9 followers
May 12, 2022
Xavier Neal has created characters that are raw, engaging and heart breaking. This book will leave you lost in emotional turmoil for days.

We get so much depth of each character and their stories when we meet Ryder and Presley as teens. They both have testing challenges to over come not only normal teen life but for Ryder he faces difficulties at home and Presley works to fit in with him.

Life spirals out of control when Ryder becomes locked in an inner battle that devastates him putting him in the middle of a game that will only ever go against him. Presley oh poor Presley is reduced to nothing more than collateral that gets swept away.

Their pain and agony is a palpable thing as they fight to remain together but are forever forced apart by circumstance and actions. But when past and present collide is their first love strong enough to over the past, the guilt and their demons.

This book ends on a cliff hanger that will break you and leave you in turmoil for days.
Profile Image for Mandy Reads Indie.
1,755 reviews95 followers
May 14, 2022
I struggled to start this book. Mainly because I wasn’t all that interested in Ryder. I felt he was this one sided character that just gave off bad vibes. I wasn’t into any of his present scenes. Mainly because I know many users that acted the same way as him. Eventually he grew on me. It took reading his past to work some magic on me. I am still not sold on him just yet, though.

However, I would devour all of Presley’s chapters. Past and present. Here is where I learned a lot about her and Ryder. I felt for that girl. I got angry with her. But I also got angry at her. So yes, while I loved her, there were times I didn’t like her very much. She allowed an addict to consume her life and belittle her in front of others. The things he spewed at one party would have been the stopping point. But she recklessly invited him back into her life and love.

Ryder and Presley’s relationship reminded me quite a bit about one I had back in high school. Like they were eerily similar. So I really connected with this story. While my guy was my first love, thankfully we both moved on with other people and still remain friends today, I can’t say that for Ry and Pres. But I absolutely look forward to seeing where their path leads them. Will it lead to hello again or goodbye forever.

FIRST LOVE ends in a heart stopping cliffhanger but we don’t have to wait long to read their conclusion. I just hope my heart can handle it. 4 Stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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