RLC Nomination Form
We believe that every neighborhood deserves passionate, motivated leaders who uplift and empower those around them. Is your nominee one of those future young leaders with amazing potential to make their dreams into reality? Our team will help them discover their passions and fan their flames so that they become beacons of hope for their neighborhoods and for the future of our city.

To nominate your future leader, please complete the below form. Our team will reach out to them to explore next steps with Rising Leaders Cincinnati. Thank you!
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Nominator’s Name *
Nominator’s Phone Number *
Nominator’s Email *
Nominee’s Name *
Nominee’s Email *
Nominee’s Phone Number *
How do you know nominee? *
What have you seen the nominee have to overcome? *
Current challenges for the nominee? *
What neighborhood does nominee live in? *
Other information about nominee? *
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