[Register for event]  Unlocking Solutions Together: Accelerating Climate & Health Resilience
30 May 2024
6:00pm - 7:15pm  Panel session 
7:30pm - 9:00pm  Cocktail reception

Auditorium B, IFRC Head Office: Chem. des Crêts 17, 1209 Genève, Switzerland

Hosted by: 
Prudence Foundation, IFRC, Climate Resilience for All and Save The Children

Event objectives:
On the sidelines of the World Health Assembly, the session aims to discuss and highlight the role of public-private partnerships in advancing work on climate and health, with a focus on Asia and Africa:
  • Challenges, approaches and solutions at intersection of climate & health
  • The role of philanthropy and business on the landscape of solutions
  • The multiple levers that the private sector can use to accelerate solutions
  • Innovative philanthropy-public-private partnerships

Learn more about the session on the Prudence Foundation website:
>>  https://bit.ly/PFatWHA2024_LearnMore
For enquiries, please email nicole.ngeow@prudential.com.my
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