Pioneer UP

Join us for Pioneer UP!

Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center (DARCC) will be joining us for Pioneer UP! A program that addresses the importance of intervening in situations where someone displays attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors supportive of sexual violence, develop skills to keep themselves safe during intervention, and make pledges to intervene to keep their communities safe.

Fall 2022

November 14th

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Virtual - Click HERE to join!

November 15th
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location TBD

Organizations will receive honorary mentions for their participants attending! During the virtual & in-person sessions, you will have an opportunity to list any organizations in which you are a member.

Organizations with 100% membership participation will receive a fun prize!

Organizations with members who have Pioneer UP'd!

Thank you members of:

Fall 2021: Tri Sigma - Eta Kappa Chapter at TWU

Primary Program Objectives:

  • Participants will understand the concept of bystander intervention

  • Participants will be able to identify a continuum of inappropriate sexual behaviors, sexual and relationship violence.

  • Participants will develop empathy for those who have experienced sexual violence.

  • Participants will understand their role in bystander intervention and commit to intervene in the case of sexual and relationship violence before, during and after an incident.

  • Participants will understand the personal barriers to bystander intervention and techniques to overcome them, including the role that factors of identity (i.e. sexual orientations, race, gender identity, etc.) play.

  • Participants will develop strategies for safely intervening in instances of sexual and relationship violence in ways that fit their given ability and skill set.

Participants will come to understand that everyone has an important role to play in the intervention and prevention of sexual violence and relationship violence. Although most of us who live in the University or Community college community will not be survivors or perpetrators of sexual and relationship violence, each of us will be a bystander or witness inappropriate behavior at some time in our lives. This program identifies a continuum of inappropriate behavior that contributes to a culture of sexual and relationship violence and asks that each member of the community commit to intervene. The participants will come to explore safe, individualized strategies that reflect an appropriate level of intervention needed for the inappropriate behavior.

Research has indicated the predictors of successful bystander intervention including but not limited to:

  • Recognition of a situation as a problem

  • Being asked to intervene

  • And group size

This prevention program incorporates those predicators that we can reinforce through education:

  • Recognition of inappropriate behavior

  • Skill building

  • Asking for a commitment to intervene

  • And role modeling

Consistent with recommendations in the general prevention literature, the program includes educational, motivational, and skill-building components.