Bolivia Pure Water Project

Bolivia Pure Water Project

The recently established Rhonda Jarvis Boys’ Dream Center, situated on the Joe Morici Boys’ Campus in Bolivia, implemented a cutting-edge water filtration system in 2023 that connects directly to the original well. This innovative solution has already made a substantial impact by saving the facility thousands of dollars annually. We owe this remarkable idea to Robert McMath, the dedication of Men and Women of Action (MWOA) teams, and the unwavering support from Persimmon Church of God, home sponsors, and compassionate donors, like you!

Regrettably, the original well at Refugio de Esperanza (Haven of Hope Bolivia) faced contamination due to a septic tank issue. However, because the larger water filtration system was put in place at the Boy's Dream Center, we now have a solution available to provide free purified water for the girls at Refugio de Esperanza.

We are reaching out to you with a request for support of Phase II to expand the drinking water system utilized by the Dream Center to the entire HOH Campus. This expansion would result in an estimated annual savings of $12,000 in water expenses from the city of Bolivia.

Would you kindly consider joining us in this mission through your support? Your contribution will enable all the children to access clean drinking water without imposing costly fees on the home from the city.

Your consideration and support are greatly appreciated.