Save Manila Heritage: San Sebastian Church

Renacimiento Manila
19 Sept 2020

Renacimiento Manila’s Statement on Condominium Project behind San Sebastian Church

Renacimiento Manila voices its utmost rage at the news of the groundbreaking on the controversial condominium project that will be built behind the iconic San Sebastian Basilica in Quiapo, Manila.

This monstrosity is the latest in a series of cultural vandalisms that are defacing the rich heritage of Manila. While the pandemic wreaks havoc across the land, a plague of heritage destruction has also infected the city of Manila – with heritage structures such as the PhilAm Life Building, Sunico Foundry and Paco Public Market being the latest casualties.

And now, San Sebastian Basilica’s neighborhood and the basilica itself are at risk of being the next victims of cultural vandalism.

The value of San Sebastian Basilica to the heritage of Manila is immeasurable and irreplaceable.  The church is one of the most recognizable in the country due to its unique architecture, magnificent interiors and unique building material. Being the only All-Steel Church in Asia, its structural integrity is in danger due to the proposed condominium behind it.

More so, the 30-floor condominium will loom behind the basilica like a monstrous brute, destroying the very ambience of the church compound and the neighborhood around it that is known for its surviving (but struggling) colonial era bahay-na-bato residences.

In this plague of cultural barbarism and vandalism, it seems that the “doctors” – the very entities supposedly tasked by the people to safeguard our collective heritage – have given up the fight or are incognito.

We hope that thru this statement, we can encourage everyone especially the people of Manila to actively disapprove of these kinds of projects that will destroy not only San Sebastian Basilica but the whole city of Manila. Manila’s unique heritage structures and cultural tapestry has the potential to create jobs, while its destruction will scar the faceless and senseless city forever. We would also implore, with the strongest of words, the respective government agencies to reconsider their decision not just on this project, but all projects that involve the destruction of Manila’s heritage.

On the Moral grounds on why the project should not be allowed in the ideal world

  1. The Structural Integrity of the San Sebastian Basilica would be compromised once the condominium project excavates its foundations – its immediate proximity to the heritage church would directly cause concerning vibrations to the ground when they start drilling for foundations.
  2. The San Sebastian Basilica, as the only steel church in Asia, has a chance for the recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This chance may be affected however with the proposed condominium potentially destroying the church and its environment.
  3. The environment around San Sebastian Basilica is in a state of continuous deterioration due to the poor maintenance of other heritage structures like the old houses along Calle Hidalgo, considered before as one of the streets where influential families lived. The condominium will further destroy the overall heritage value San Sebastian and its surroundings.
  4. Neighboring households of the community will be affected because of the massive obstruction of the condominium, keeping houses from receiving natural sunlight and ventilation as mentioned in the Implementing Rules and Regulation of the National Building Code.
  5. Its structure is a massive hazard to the houses surrounding the community, including the San Sebastian Basilica in case it collapses because of earthquakes or any force majeure.

Renacimiento Manila
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RENACIMIENTO MANILA is a group of artists, creators and history enthusiasts committed to heritage advocacy, with particular interest on Manila’s built heritage. As such, the purpose of Renacimiento Manila is to produce art to promote and realize Manila’s cultural rebirth and for it to materialize its core philosophy, the Renacimiento MovementThe Renacimiento Movement. What, then, is the Renacimiento Movement? The movement is the core philosophy of the organization. It is founded on the reality that heritage is a cornerstone of holistic development and that it is indispensable in ensuring quality of life. As such, cultural revival is necessary for the promotion of heritage in the national agenda. Heritage should be driven by the people, regardless of race, gender, creed, or religion. This cultural revival can be achieved through the following ways: government support, the advancement of private initiatives, and the engagement of the people.

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