Ready! Set! Sell! MASTERCLASS


Purchasing this class will be the best decision you will make when it comes to selling your home fast and for more money!

100% Guarantee or Your Money Back!

You want to sell your home fast and for more money. But you do not know where to start.

You aren't sure where your first call should be.

Do you reach out to an agent?

A decorator?

You have no idea how to get your home ready to sell.

Should you remodel?

Should you paint?

You feel like this should be easier than it is!

You want to educate yourself on this process, but you literally have no idea where to begin.

I have worked with thousands of clients. And on every single transaction I have worked on, I have learned something new. The knowledge that I have is not something that you can learn on your own without a guide.

And what I know for a FACT, is that sellers who engage and educate themselves early on in the selling process make way more money and sell their home with less stress and trauma.

(Yes... selling your home can be traumatic)

If you don't start planning early, you could be costing yourself money because you don't know where to spend your money to get your home ready. And you DO NOT want to make a mistake.

And the last thing you want to do is spend tens of thousands of dollars on updates that might be a complete waste and won't get you an additional dollar before you sell.

I know that sellers who engage with me early in the process (and I'm talking years early) are the ones who make the most money and have the least stress during their process.

Selling your home is really a game. I understand that game and will guide you through the process in a very easy-to understand way that won't overwhelm you.

I have sold almost half a billion dollars in real estate, and I have been sharing my real-life, honest advice about how to sell your home on my YouTube channel for years.

I have been in thousands of homes. I have seen tens of thousands of photos online of both good and bad listings.

By purchasing this class you will become an expert in selling your home...

(Sadly, maybe even more than agents in your own area!)

I have narrowed down the home selling process to FIVE pillars to achieve success. If you understand each of these pillars you will make more money when you go to sell.

If you master all five of my pillars, I believe you will make an additional $25,000 to $50,000 to you when you go to sell your home.


  • The most expensive updates you should NOT make to your home?

  • How to determine if your agent is the right one.

  • How to "guess" the eventual sales price of your home without calling an agent into your home.

  • Should you stage your home? If so, how do you do that?

  • How do you buy and sell a home at the same time?

  • How do you sell your home without an agent?

  • How do you negotiate your agent's commission?

  • How do you navigate inspection issues that arise?

Not only will you get the knowledge I bring from working with thousands of clients, you will get:

  • Five 90 minute LIVE training sessions with Kati

  • Lifetime access to the member's only "Sell Your Home with Kati" Facebook Group where you can ask questions to me and my team anytime you want.

  • Multiple handouts about what you should update, inspection checklists, showing checklists and questions to ask agents.

  • Recommended paint colors

  • Cheap staging hacks!

  • Ongoing members only monthly live Q&A sessions with me

  • A referral to an agent in your location if needed

This class is normally retailing at $499. However, for time, this class is a steal at only $249!!

By taking me up on this offer you don't have to guess on what to buy or update in your home. You will be confident you've chosen the right agent. You won't make a mistaken when you paint your home.

And you will know that every decision you make in your home-selling process is right and you are confident you've made the right choices.

While you may have never paid any money on any type of training like this before, I promise that the knowledge you receive from this will pay off immediately.

You will not make a mistake getting your home ready to sell if you join my class. I truly believe that the information I'm giving to you is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

This class is normally retailing at $499. However, for a limited time, this class is a steal at only $249!!

In addition, my YouTube channel "Sell Your Home" is one of the most up and coming channels because of its engagement and subscriptions.

This is because I offer honest, no-nonsense advice that no other agents are providing to you. I am a proven resource for hundreds of thousands of sellers across the country.

I have seen too many sellers lose a HUGE amount of money because of their own dumb decisions.

Sellers have no idea the consequences of their decisions which might have been made years prior to selling their home.

If only sellers had reached out sooner or had become educated sooner than right before they decided to sell their home. And they wish they had done things differently. They would have made different choices.

It always pains me to watch sellers who are their "own worst enemy." I have seen so many sellers lose so much money and have so much stress because they didn't plan early enough and they made the wrong decisions that cost them a tremendous amount of money.

I promise this class will be one of the most eye-opening experiences you've ever had.

And you'll be surprised at how simple and easy to understand I've made it.

You Know Kati From "Sell Your Home" on YouTube!

Kati Spaniak is a top 1% sales producer, expert real estate trainer, author, successful team leader and a force to be reckoned with in the real estate industry. In just over a decade, she has successfully closed nearly half a billion in sales and working with thousands of clients.

Nominated for Chicago Agent's Magazine Suburban MVP, Kati secured a top-three position amidst over 15,000 of her peers within the Chicagoland area. Kati has been frequently featured in Chicago Agent Magazine's "Who's Who," and was awarded the prestigious title of Icon Instructor of the Year by eXp Realty out of 90,000 agents, a testament to her ability to communicate and teach difficult topics.

Passionate about empowering sellers to maximize their ROI, Kati brings a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to her YouTube show each week. With simplicity and honesty, Kati shares her extensive knowledge with hundreds of thousands of homeowners on how to sell their homes easier, quicker, and for more money.

With a recent national expansion, Kati serves clients from all 50 states and has built a team of dozens of exceptional agents across the country who service sellers who are loyal followers of Kati’s YouTube channel.

As the former president of one of the largest real estate associations in the country, Kati has solidified herself as a true trailblazer within the industry.


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Copyright 2024 - Terra Lux Consultants

Kati Spaniak - eXp Realty


[email protected]

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