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Bike Buzz: Sept 2018 News from Bicycling Monterey

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This special edition of Bike Buzz for September 2018 includes reminders about Open Streets dates, along with links to new Bicycling Monterey posts since the Midsummer 2018 newsletter to subscribers went out. Also included are links to a couple of the updated posts and a sampling from social media.
For news after September 9, 2018, refer to this site’s sidebar for archives by month. For some upcoming calendar highlights—e.g., bike valet at 9/22-23 Monterey Jazz Festival and 10/7 Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day —scroll on down the sidebar.

Not included in these newsletters are the many updates made to other Bicycling Monterey content every month. For example, updates to the 33-section directory, such as the new bike-ped coordinator at the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (Virginia Murillo departed September 7, 2018); and updates to the posters and fliers page, such as the mini below.

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Monterey County’s

only 2018 Open Streets

There are two Open Streets locations in Monterey County, with just one date for each location in 2018. In case you missed earlier announcements, they are:
Sunday, September 9, 1 p.m. – 6 p.m., Ciclovía Gonzales.
Sunday, October 7, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.,  Ciclovía Salinas.

As reported in the Gonzales Tribune on September 6, 2018…

“Open Streets are rare in Monterey County. How can Monterey County communities support biking year-round? Infrastructure improvements, such as Class 4 bike lanes with a physical barrier, are most helpful. And simple steps can be worthwhile too, such as making local ordinances — including about sidewalk riding — appropriately accommodating.” Click the post link below to continue reading.

Advocate for bike-friendly local ordinances in Gonzales and elsewhere in Monterey County — or wherever you live

Monterey County’s Safe Routes to School efforts are in the news again. 

Click here for some September 2018 SRTS updates.

The HER Helmet Thursdays Project rolls on

As Passionfish and Monterey Museum of Art remind their followers, one of numerous Bicycling Monterey projects is HER Helmet Thursdays, a long-term ecology-economy sustainability project launched Nov 2009. Hundreds of participating businesses and organizations in 19 Monterey County communities give 10-50% discounts to people who bike.
Learn more about charter participant Passionfish of Pacific Grove. Click here.

And learn more about participant Monterey Museum of Art; click here.

Overtourism — And did you know?

Bicycling Monterey’s first focus, back in May 2009, was sharing tips for tourists/visitors on biking in Monterey County. Likewise, the HER Helmet Thursdays Project was founded as a way to help get people to park their motor vehicles, at least some of the time, and get out and bike.
We know that increasing numbers of people want to visit this beautiful county, which has both positive and negative impacts. Take 2-mins, 30-secs for Tim Harrington’s video message on overtourism.

Big Sur: “(not) Big (enough) Sur” by Tim Harrington

Monterey County’s annual August “Car Week” is over, but safety tips for biking around big trucks and buses (and for commercial drivers) are timeless.

Bicycle Lanes and Parking Big Rigs: Truckers Sharing the Road / Bus Drivers Sharing the Road

See what’s ahead for people whose bike-and-ride preference is

Train Travel

Traveling by train in Monterey County, and beyond: new Salinas train station; “future commuter” train trip; more improvements ahead

A sampling of social media buzz

To catch some news not found on, such as the Bicycle Swap Meet mentioned below…

Follow @bikemonterey on Twitter or Instagram, and follow @HERHelmetThurs on Twitter as well. For more about social media, plus how to contact Bicycling Monterey directly, refer to this site’s Contact/Subscribe page.

SAVE THE DATE. Among activities and events that have been added to the Monterey County bike calendar this month is the annual Critical Christmas Monterey / Lighted Bike Parade on December 23, 2018.

This post was published on 9 September 2018. One or more changes last made to this post on 5 May 2019.

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