

歡迎您加入士林靈糧堂網路教會(SLLLC Church Online),不限海內外,我們期盼與您在主裡成為一家人!

了解更多網路教會>> https://online.slllc.org.tw/
Dear friends, we welcome you to join Shihlin Bread of Life Church Online Family! After overcoming the challenge of the pandemic, which activates the church to have a new way to gather people. God leads and expand us into a worldwide online ministry. Therefore, our worship service online will be transformed into SLLLC Online Family. We wish to serve you more and to bless the new generation online.

If you are…
1. A Christian who does not attend any other church events
2. A friend who are interested in Christian faith, but cannot attend our physical service.

We welcome you to join our SLLLC Online Family! No matter if you are in Taiwan or in other nations, we are looking forward to be your family in Christ!

Please filled up the questionnaire below! We would reached out to you ASAP!

Question Title

* 1. 姓名(請填全名) Name (please write down your full name)

Question Title

* 2. 聯絡資訊 Contact information
※通訊軟體填寫一項即可 Line/whatapp/wechat Just fill in one.

Question Title

* 3. 我所在國家The country where I stay

Question Title

* 4. 我所在區域(居住的州或城市/行政區)The place where I stay (State or City / District)

Question Title

* 5. 信仰狀況 Faith status

Question Title

* 6. 聚會情況 How do you want to join us