Don't Criminalize Education and Libraries

ALL students deserve to see themselves reflected in their educational experience.

Join the Tennessee Library Association in OPPOSING HB0841 and SB1059

  • These bills would threaten educators and school librarians with felonies for doing their job to educate young people.
  • Threatens booksellers and other educational suppliers with felonies.

The removing of exemption does not address any legitimate issues in schools. 

  • Schools only contain constitutionally protected materials.
  • Schools already have policies in place for protecting young people from obscenity.
  • School librarians and educators are professionally trained on providing developmentally appropriate content.
  • Parents already have the right to decide what books are appropriate for their own family, not other families.

Books are tools for understanding complex issues. Limiting young people's access to books does not protect them from life's complex and challenging issues.