Zoo Story Neighbor Finder Add Me List Teamlava Storm8 ID

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<p style="color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; ">NOTE: This game is retired from the App Stores. If you want to continue to play this game, do not uninstall it from your device. </p>

Contribute your ID to the growing list and add some for neighbors :).

Please note that I do not work for TeamLava, just simply a player who has provided this tool to add new neighbors.
Thank You :)

Entries older than 2 months or older than the first 100 entries will be deleted if the list happens to be long.
It also helps to keep the list fairly readable, help loading times and possibly remove players who do not play anymore.

You may re-enter your ID to get new or more neighbors, but please do not repost a gazillion times in a row :p lol, it pushes other IDs down the list.
<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold; ">Be courteous :)</span> people do appreciate it :) If you really need neighbors, post your ID every 5 or so entries :) . I understand that sometimes Google doesn't always respond to submissions though. :)

<span style="font-weight:bold; ">ID Neighbor List: http://bit.ly/TLZSadd1cl </span>

More neighbor forms and additional tools:
<span style="font-weight:bold; ">Supreme Dynasty: http://bit.ly/dynapps</span> .

(Optional) Form Feedback: http://bit.ly/FormFBk1 . This is just for any concern, problem or suggestions with the forms and such :)

<div style="font-size:11px; ">I know there's a lot of questions for what used to be a simple list, but the community has grown and so do preferences.
From the feedback from various users, you all have helped these lists to really find the neighbor for you.
Please understand and be patient with some players that may add you even though they don't fit your neighbor standards. Although I did make the form, I do not have control over who adds who :)</div>


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Storm8 ID: *
To find your Storm8 ID, go to menu, click on Social tab
Device *
What do you use to play on?
Zoo Name *
Game time (GT) *
Pick the closest time. or Create a new time :)
Tourist or Gifter *
(Check all that apply)
My Star Rating (SR) *
What is your star rating?... Mostly kept at... click up to 3 for a range
I mostly gift *
Select from list below (Multiple options has been disabled as some people have contacted me regarding the readability of the lists)
Gifts I would like *
Nbrs I accept *
I remove neighbors *
Check 1 to 3 options please to keep it clean and easy to read (SR = Star Rating)
form suggestions, there is a feedback form you can fill out above. NOTE: I am not a rep from TeamLava.
How did you find this form/list?
check all that apply
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