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Point @Education #Academy

For Freedom Sakes!
We POINT you in the right direction :)

Parallel Lines

How it Works? Glad you asked!

Here at Point @Education #Academy, our students are always at the heart of what we do. That’s why our online learning program is easily adapted and customized to meet every student’s needs, no matter where they are located. With a passionate team educators, tutors, directors and students working alongside each other.

Study Abroad & Study On Campus!

Knowledge for Every Level!

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Workday 22nd July (8).jpeg
Workday 22nd July (6).jpeg

Study At Home?
Study At Campus?

We have a flexible schedule for all of our students - they can decide where to learn whether at home or on campus at one of our branches.
We utilize the use of all our available resources.

Online Curriculums
Online courses

We are proud affiliate partners of several highly accredited, certified curricula and courses recognized at both the national and international level! You can take your academia worldwide!

24/7 Administration & Student support

We are a team of zeal-driven educators, tutors, directors and students to over achieve and accomplish. We achieve these results better because we work as a synchronized team - we are there for each other.

Parallel Lines

Talk to Us!

Western Cape - Contact:
DIRECTOR Annastazia Zwiegelaar: +27 (0) 84 945 9595
DIRECTOR Aunty Yo: +27 (0) 84 560 5677

KwaZulu-Natal - Contact:
DIRECTOR Chantelle Steenkamp: +27 (0) 60 967 2257 
DIRECTOR Zhevaun Roberts: +27 (0) 65 855 7143

KwaZulu-Natal, Uvongo Beach Rd
& Marine Drive, Uvongo Village, Shop 9A

Thank you for your interest in Point Academy

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