Get Stronger Together

Networking can propel your career to new heights

UF Innovate
UF Innovate
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2023


Graphic image displays UF Innovate | Accelerate’s entrepreneurial hack of the week: Get Stronger Together, featuring content from Karl LaPan’s book Entrepreneurial Hacks: Practical Insights for Business Builders.
Want more tips on networking? You can get my best tips here.

In the old days, it was six degrees of separation between two people. With social media and all the available connected platforms, I have said it is half of the degree of separation between any two people.

It often feels like a small world, for sure. I see it in conversations and interactions with strangers or people I know well. The connection might be related to where I grew up, went to school, a former employer, or someone in a previous job who worked for a former boss of mine.

These coincidences pop up everywhere, and I am sure in your life, too.

When I started in the incubation industry, I relied on networking at industry conferences, speaking at workshops, and attending professional development functions.

Today, my network takes me to all parts of the globe, forming connections and relationships effortlessly and in real-time and producing tangible value. Because I cast a wide net to find and leverage value in my network, I have discovered resources for our clients, learned about innovative programs to improve our programs, and made referrals.

I can better build authentic relationships by having insights into our visitors and VIPs and what matters to them. How do I get these insights? I receive briefs about these potential connections and possibilities every day before I meet with people I don’t know.

In today’s interconnected world, networking has become indispensable for professional growth and success. Networking enables individuals to learn from others in their industry, find mentors, and establish valuable connections.

Let’s explore the significance of these three networking aspects and how they can propel your career to new heights.

Learn from others in your industry

One of the most significant advantages of networking is the opportunity to learn from others in your industry. When you engage with professionals who possess different perspectives, experiences, and expertise, you gain valuable insights that can broaden your knowledge base.

Networking events, conferences, and online communities offer platforms to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful discussions.

LinkedIn has multiple industry-specific groups for people to join. Whatever your professional interests, you will likely find a fit for you. If your interest is highly niche, then maybe not; however, others like you probably want to discuss the same topic and have yet to find a group. Don’t be afraid to create your tribe (group) and start the conversation.

You expose yourself to diverse ideas and emerging trends by actively participating in industry-related conversations. These interactions keep you updated with your field’s latest advancements and best practices.

Moreover, networking opens doors to collaborative learning opportunities, where you can collaborate on projects, share resources, and benefit from collective expertise. Embracing a learning mindset within your networking efforts fosters personal and professional growth, enabling you to continuously evolve in your chosen field.

I’ve met some of my closest friends through industry trade associations and some of the best professional experiences I have had through participation in membership organizations or a position on an advisory board.

Find a mentor

A mentor can be a game-changer in your career journey. Networking provides a platform for finding and connecting with mentors who can guide and support your professional development. Mentors are individuals who have walked the path you aspire to traverse, and their insights and advice can prove invaluable.

Networking events and industry-specific gatherings are excellent environments for identifying potential mentors. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and express your eagerness to learn.

Establishing genuine connections with experienced professionals increases the likelihood of finding a mentor who resonates with your goals and can offer guidance tailored to your needs.

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs you know have had mentors. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Facebook, has discussed how Steve Jobs helped shape him into who he is today. Jobs assisted him through unsure times and showed him that he could try to change the world (but not necessarily for the common good).

My mentor (and friend) was substantially older than me, but he taught me valuable lessons about people, coached me through challenging workplace issues, and inspired me to be a better version of myself. He lived his life in stage 3 (legacy). He had long completed the stages of success and significance.

If you are evaluating your own life, a terrific book to learn more about these states is Bob Buford’s Half-Time. And then, to put the third stage into practice — legacy — ask yourself this critical question, “How do I want to be remembered?”

Sharing is caring

Networking facilitates the creation of meaningful connections. You establish relationships built on mutual trust and respect by engaging with professionals in and out of your field. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and even job opportunities.

Furthermore, networking provides a platform for sharing skills and knowledge. Connecting with others lets you exchange expertise, ideas, and resources. By sharing your skills, you contribute to the growth of others in your industry while enhancing your reputation.

This symbiotic relationship strengthens the professional community, fostering an environment where individuals can thrive and get better together.

Like you would in Vegas, place your bets. Find what gives you joy and inspiration — whether professional development, industry association participation, learning journeys, reading, attending trade shows, or taking online classes.

Networking is a powerful catalyst for professional growth, enabling individuals to learn from others in their industry, find mentors, and build valuable networks and connections.

Embracing networking as a proactive tool empowers you to tap into the vast knowledge and experiences that can elevate your career and venture to new heights.

When I hear new heights, I think of the following Dr. Seuss lines from his book, Oh, The Places You’ll Go (and this book is appropriate for more than graduation gifts):

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself.
Any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the person who’ll decide where to go.

Opportunities await. You need to decide where you want to go.

Want more tips on networking? You can get my best tips here.

Karl R. LaPan is the director of UF Innovate | Accelerate, the place-making, entrepreneurial support organization within UF Innovate dedicated to working with entrepreneurs, innovators, and business builders. Through two award-winning, globally recognized facilities, UF Innovate | Accelerate delivers industry-leading entrepreneurial programs and services designed (1) to accelerate the growth and development of its client companies and (2) to increase the likelihood of success of the business ventures it serves.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



UF Innovate
UF Innovate

Tech Licensing, Ventures, Pathways, and Accelerate, which includes two business incubators, The Hub and Sid Martin Biotech. We build business on innovation.