You Only Get One First Impression

Make it positive by mastering these 3 things

UF Innovate
UF Innovate
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2023


Graphic image displays UF Innovate | Accelerate’s entrepreneurial hack of the week: You Only Get One First Impression, featuring content from Karl LaPan’s book Entrepreneurial Hacks: Practical Insights for Business Builders.
Want more tips on networking? You can get my best tips here.

Imagine a job interview on Zoom. The dog is barking in the background, your internet is spotty, and you spilled your drink all over your laptop. You are frantically cleaning up and trying to mentally get in the zone for an interactive conversation with your potential future boss.

While you might receive empathy, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and those initial moments can shape how others perceive you.

A good first impression is crucial whether attending a job interview, meeting new people, or even going on a first date. It sets the tone for future interactions and can significantly impact the opportunities that come your way.

If you make a bad first impression, you might still change others’ opinions of you by making a good impression next time — but remember, it’s essential to be consistent.

In our digital world, a pre-impression has become the new first impression. Many of us initially interact with people in our network through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. But you can be sure some people conduct a simple Google search on you before meeting in person. What are they finding? How do you want strangers to perceive your “personal brand”?

Please don’t make the mistake of merely deleting something on social media, thinking you’re erasing it from your digital history. Your digital footprint follows you for your entire lifetime. Sometimes, what you erase makes a bigger impression than what remains.

Put your best foot forward at every stage of building a good impression. I’d suggest three ways you can improve that impression.

Confidence is key

Confidence is magnetic, drawing people toward you and giving them faith in your abilities. When you exude self-assurance, you inspire trust and often receive respect. It is no wonder that confidence is one of Gallup’s Ten business builder talents.

One way to exhibit confidence is through body language. Stand tall, make eye contact, and offer a firm handshake when appropriate. Additionally, speak clearly and confidently, expressing your thoughts and ideas without hesitation.

By projecting confidence, you show others that you believe in yourself, instilling confidence in them.

Show your smile

Being approachable, warm, and friendly goes a long way in creating a positive first impression. Smile! You may not be on Candid Camera, but you are being recorded by the eyes of people who meet you.

Extroverted individuals are often perceived as pleasant, engaging, and ready to connect. Smile and maintain an open posture, signaling your willingness to interact. Then, show genuine interest in others by actively listening, asking thoughtful and insightful questions, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

And keep smiling. Remember, a friendly demeanor can help alleviate tension and foster a comfortable environment for everyone involved. Smiling invites others in and provides a warm and welcoming energy.

Dress your best for the occasion

While we should never judge a book by its cover, our attire sends powerful signals about who we are and how seriously we take certain situations.

Dressing appropriately for an event demonstrates respect for the occasion and the people involved. Whether it’s a professional setting, a social gathering, or a casual outing, aim to balance personal style and appropriateness, not too underdressed or overdressed.

While casual business attire is often the go-to business standard, know your audience and their values when deciding your appearance etiquette. A boundaryless culture still requires you to look and feel your best.

In the realm of first impressions, it’s to understand the impact we can make on others in those initial moments. Exhibiting confidence, being extroverted and friendly, and dressing appropriately are crucial elements in creating a positive and lasting impression.

Embodying these qualities can cultivate trust, forge meaningful connections, and open doors to countless opportunities.

Every interaction is an opportunity to showcase the best version of yourself. While first impressions are important, being authentic and genuine in your interactions is equally essential.

Combining these qualities with sincerity, empathy, and respect will make a great first impression and lay the foundation for meaningful and lasting relationships in your personal and professional spheres.

Want more tips on networking? You can get my best tips here.

Karl R. LaPan is the director of UF Innovate | Accelerate, the place-making, entrepreneurial support organization within UF Innovate dedicated to working with entrepreneurs, innovators, and business builders. Through two award-winning, globally recognized facilities, UF Innovate | Accelerate delivers industry-leading entrepreneurial programs and services designed (1) to accelerate the growth and development of its client companies and (2) to increase the likelihood of success of the business ventures it serves.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



UF Innovate
UF Innovate

Tech Licensing, Ventures, Pathways, and Accelerate, which includes two business incubators, The Hub and Sid Martin Biotech. We build business on innovation.