#!/usr/bin/env bash export MODE="$1" # Start debug: ./installer.sh debug # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////// ARCH OS INSTALLER ///////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # SOURCE: https://github.com/murkl/arch-os # AUTOR: murkl # ORIGIN: Germany # LICENCE: GPL 2.0 # VERSION VERSION='1.5.4' VERSION_GUM="0.13.0" # ENVIRONMENT SCRIPT_CONFIG="./installer.conf" SCRIPT_LOG="./installer.log" # TEMP SCRIPT_TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d "./.tmp.XXXXX")" ERROR_MSG="${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/installer.err" PROCESS_LOG="${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/process.log" PROCESS_RET="${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/process.ret" # COLORS COLOR_WHITE=251 COLOR_GREEN=36 COLOR_PURPLE=212 COLOR_YELLOW=221 COLOR_RED=9 # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # MAIN # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main() { # Configuration set -o pipefail # A pipeline error results in the error status of the entire pipeline set -e # Terminate if any command exits with a non-zero set -E # ERR trap inherited by shell functions (errtrace) # Init rm -f "$SCRIPT_LOG" # Clear logfile gum_init # Check gum binary or download # Traps (error & exit) trap 'trap_exit' EXIT trap 'trap_error ${FUNCNAME} ${LINENO}' ERR # Load existing config or remove if [ -f "$SCRIPT_CONFIG" ] && print_header && ! gum_confirm "Continue Installation?"; then gum_confirm "Remove existing properties?" || trap_gum_exit # If not want remove config, exit script rm -f "$SCRIPT_CONFIG" fi # Loop properties step to update screen if user edit properties while (true); do # Print Welcome print_header && print_title "Welcome to Arch OS Installation" # Load properties file (if exists) and auto export variables properties_source # Selectors until select_username; do :; done until select_password; do :; done until select_timezone; do :; done until select_language; do :; done until select_keyboard; do :; done until select_disk; do :; done until select_enable_encryption; do :; done until select_enable_bootsplash; do :; done until select_enable_multilib; do :; done until select_enable_aur; do :; done until select_enable_housekeeping; do :; done until select_enable_shell_enhancement; do :; done until select_enable_manager; do :; done until select_enable_desktop; do :; done # Edit properties? if gum_confirm "Edit Properties?"; then log_info "Edit properties..." local gum_header="Exit with CTRL + C and save with CTRL + D or ESC" if gum_write --height=10 --width=100 --header=" ${gum_header}" --value="$(cat "$SCRIPT_CONFIG")" >"${SCRIPT_CONFIG}.new"; then mv "${SCRIPT_CONFIG}.new" "${SCRIPT_CONFIG}" && properties_source fi rm -f "${SCRIPT_CONFIG}.new" # Remove tmp properties gum_confirm "Change Password?" && until select_password --force; do :; done continue # Restart properties step to refresh log above if changed fi print_info "Properties successfully initialized" break # Exit properties step and continue installation done # Start installation in 5 seconds? gum_confirm "Start Arch OS Installation?" || trap_gum_exit local spin_title="Arch OS Installation starts in 5 seconds. Press CTRL + C to cancel..." gum_spin --title=" $spin_title" -- sleep 5 || trap_gum_exit # CTRL + C pressed print_info "Arch OS Installation starts..." SECONDS=0 # Messure execution time of installation # Executors exec_init_installation exec_prepare_disk exec_pacstrap_core exec_enable_multilib exec_install_bootsplash exec_install_aur_helper exec_install_housekeeping exec_install_shell_enhancement exec_install_desktop exec_install_graphics_driver exec_install_manager exec_install_vm_support exec_cleanup_installation # Calc installation duration duration=$SECONDS # This is set before install starts duration_min="$((duration / 60))" duration_sec="$((duration % 60))" # Finish & reboot print_info "Installation successful in ${duration_min} minutes and ${duration_sec} seconds" # Copy installer files to users home if [ "$MODE" != "debug" ]; then cp -f "$SCRIPT_CONFIG" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/installer.conf" cp -f "$SCRIPT_LOG" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/installer.log" arch-chroot /mnt chown -R "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME":"$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/installer.conf" arch-chroot /mnt chown -R "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME":"$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/installer.log" fi wait # Wait for sub processes # Show reboot & unmount promt local do_reboot="false" local do_unmount="false" gum_confirm "Reboot to Arch OS now?" && do_reboot="true" && do_unmount="true" [ "$do_reboot" = "false" ] && gum_confirm "Unmount Arch OS from /mnt?" && do_unmount="true" # Unmount if [ "$do_unmount" = "true" ] && [ "$MODE" != "debug" ]; then swapoff -a umount -A -R /mnt [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ] && cryptsetup close cryptroot print_info "Unmounting successful" fi # Reboot [ "$do_reboot" = "true" ] && [ "$MODE" != "debug" ] && print_warn "Rebooting..." && reboot exit 0 } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # GUM # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gum_init() { if [ ! -x ./gum ] && ! command -v /usr/bin/gum &>/dev/null; then clear && echo "Loading Arch OS Installer..." # Loading local gum_url # Prepare URL with version os and arch # https://github.com/charmbracelet/gum/releases gum_url="https://github.com/charmbracelet/gum/releases/download/v${VERSION_GUM}/gum_${VERSION_GUM}_$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" if ! curl -Lsf "$gum_url" >"${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/gum.tar.gz"; then echo "Error downloading ${gum_url}" && exit 1; fi if ! tar -xf "${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/gum.tar.gz" --directory "$SCRIPT_TMP_DIR"; then echo "Error extracting ${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/gum.tar.gz" && exit 1; fi if ! mv "${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/gum" ./gum; then echo "Error moving ${SCRIPT_TMP_DIR}/gum to ./gum" && exit 1; fi if ! chmod +x ./gum; then echo "Error chmod +x ./gum" && exit 1; fi fi } gum() { if [ -x ./gum ]; then ./gum "$@"; else /usr/bin/gum "$@"; fi # Force open ./gum if exists } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # TRAPS # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # shellcheck disable=SC2317 trap_error() { # If process calls this trap, write error to file to use in exit trap echo "Command '${BASH_COMMAND}' failed with exit code $? in function '${1}' (line ${2})" >"$ERROR_MSG" } # shellcheck disable=SC2317 trap_exit() { local result_code="$?" # Read error msg from file (written in error trap) local error && [ -f "$ERROR_MSG" ] && error="$(<"$ERROR_MSG")" && rm -f "$ERROR_MSG" # Remove cache files rm -rf "$SCRIPT_TMP_DIR" # When ctrl + c pressed exit without other stuff below [ "$result_code" = "130" ] && print_warn "Exit..." && exit 1 # Check if failed and print error if [ "$result_code" -gt "0" ]; then [ -n "$error" ] && print_fail "$error" # Print error message (if exists) [ -z "$error" ] && print_fail "Arch OS Installation failed" # Otherwise pint default error message gum_confirm "Show Logs?" && gum_pager --show-line-numbers <"$SCRIPT_LOG" # Ask for show logs? fi exit "$result_code" # Exit installer.sh } trap_gum_exit_confirm() { gum_confirm "Exit Installation?" && trap_gum_exit } trap_gum_exit() { exit 130; } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # PROCESS # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// process_init() { [ -f "$PROCESS_RET" ] && print_fail "${PROCESS_RET} already exists" && exit 1 echo 1 >"$PROCESS_RET" # Init result with 1 log_proc "${1}..." # Log starting } process_run() { local pid="$1" # Set process pid local process_name="$2" # Set process name local user_canceled="false" # Will set to true if user press ctrl + c # Show gum spinner until pid is not exists anymore and set user_canceled to true on failure gum_spin --title " ${process_name}..." -- bash -c "while kill -0 $pid &> /dev/null; do sleep 1; done" || user_canceled="true" cat "$PROCESS_LOG" >>"$SCRIPT_LOG" # Write process log to logfile # When user press ctrl + c while process is running if [ "$user_canceled" = "true" ]; then kill -0 "$pid" &>/dev/null && pkill -P "$pid" # Kill process if running print_fail "Process with PID ${pid} was killed by user" && trap_gum_exit # Exit with 130 fi # Handle error while executing process [ ! -f "$PROCESS_RET" ] && print_fail "${PROCESS_RET} not found (do not init process?)" && exit 1 [ "$(<"$PROCESS_RET")" != "0" ] && print_fail "${process_name} failed" && exit 1 # If process failed (result code 0 was not write in the end) # Finish rm -f "$PROCESS_RET" # Remove process result file print_info "${process_name} sucessfully finished" # Print process success } process_return() { # 1. Write from sub process 0 to file when succeed (at the end of the script part) # 2. Rread from parent process after sub process finished (0=success 1=failed) echo "$1" >"$PROCESS_RET" exit "$1" } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # LOG & PRINT # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print_header() { local header_logo header_title header_container header_logo=' █████ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██████ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ███████ ' && header_logo=$(gum_purple --bold "$header_logo") header_title="Arch OS Installer ${VERSION}" && header_title=$(gum_white --bold "$header_title") header_container=$(gum join --vertical --align center "$header_logo" "$header_title") clear && gum_style --padding "0 1" "$header_container" } # Log write_log() { echo -e "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') | arch-os | ${*}" >>"$SCRIPT_LOG"; } log_info() { write_log "INFO | ${*}"; } log_warn() { write_log "WARN | ${*}"; } log_fail() { write_log "FAIL | ${*}"; } log_proc() { write_log "PROC | ${*}"; } # Print print_title() { gum_purple --margin "1 1" --bold "${*}"; } print_info() { log_info "$*" && gum join --horizontal "$(gum_green --bold " • ")" "$(gum_white --bold "${*}")"; } print_warn() { log_warn "$*" && gum join --horizontal "$(gum_yellow --bold " • ")" "$(gum_white --bold "${*}")"; } print_fail() { log_fail "$*" && gum join --horizontal "$(gum_red --bold " • ")" "$(gum_white --bold "${*}")"; } # Colors (https://github.com/muesli/termenv?tab=readme-ov-file#color-chart) gum_white() { gum_style --foreground "$COLOR_WHITE" "${@}"; } gum_purple() { gum_style --foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } gum_yellow() { gum_style --foreground "$COLOR_YELLOW" "${@}"; } gum_red() { gum_style --foreground "$COLOR_RED" "${@}"; } gum_green() { gum_style --foreground "$COLOR_GREEN" "${@}"; } # Gum gum_style() { gum style "${@}"; } gum_confirm() { gum confirm --prompt.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } gum_input() { gum input --placeholder "..." --prompt " + " --prompt.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" --header.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } gum_write() { gum write --prompt " • " --header.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" --show-cursor-line --char-limit 0 "${@}"; } gum_choose() { gum choose --cursor " > " --header.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" --cursor.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } gum_filter() { gum filter --prompt " > " --indicator " • " --placeholder "Type to filter ..." --height 8 --header.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } gum_spin() { gum spin --spinner line --title.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" --spinner.foreground "$COLOR_PURPLE" "${@}"; } # shellcheck disable=SC2317 gum_pager() { gum pager "${@}"; } # Only used in exit trap # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # PROPERTIES # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # shellcheck disable=SC1090 properties_source() { if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT_CONFIG" ]; then local preset options options=("desktop" "minimal" "custom") preset=$(gum_choose --header " + Choose Installation Preset" "${options[@]}") || trap_gum_exit_confirm # Default presets ARCH_OS_HOSTNAME="arch-os" ARCH_OS_KERNEL="linux-zen" ARCH_OS_VM_SUPPORT_ENABLED="true" ARCH_OS_ECN_ENABLED="true" ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_MODEL="pc105" # Set microcode grep -E "GenuineIntel" &>/dev/null <<<"$(lscpu)" && ARCH_OS_MICROCODE="intel-ucode" grep -E "AuthenticAMD" &>/dev/null <<<"$(lscpu)" && ARCH_OS_MICROCODE="amd-ucode" # Minimal presets if [ "$preset" = "minimal" ]; then ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER='none' ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED='false' ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER="none" fi # Desktop presets if [ "$preset" = "desktop" ]; then ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED='true' ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED='true' ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED='true' ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED='true' ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED='true' ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER='paru-bin' ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED='true' fi # Write properties properties_generate && print_info "Preset is set to ${preset}" else print_info "Preset is set to config" # If config exists already fi # Source properties set -a # Enable auto export of variables source "$SCRIPT_CONFIG" set +a # Disable auto export of variables } properties_generate() { { # Write properties to installer.conf echo "ARCH_OS_HOSTNAME='${ARCH_OS_HOSTNAME}'" echo "ARCH_OS_USERNAME='${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DISK='${ARCH_OS_DISK}'" echo "ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION='${ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION}'" echo "ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION='${ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION}'" echo "ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE='${ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE}'" echo "ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG='${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG}'" echo "ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST=(${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[*]@Q})" echo "ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP='${ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP}'" echo "ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_FONT='${ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_FONT}'" echo "ARCH_OS_KERNEL='${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}'" echo "ARCH_OS_MICROCODE='${ARCH_OS_MICROCODE}'" echo "ARCH_OS_ECN_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_ECN_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER='${ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER}'" echo "ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_REFLECTOR_COUNTRY='${ARCH_OS_REFLECTOR_COUNTRY}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER='${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT='${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_MODEL='${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_MODEL}'" echo "ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT='${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT}'" echo "ARCH_OS_VM_SUPPORT_ENABLED='${ARCH_OS_VM_SUPPORT_ENABLED}'" } >"$SCRIPT_CONFIG" # Write properties to file } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # SELECTORS # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// select_username() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" ]; then local user_input user_input=$(gum_input --header " + Enter Username") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null ARCH_OS_USERNAME="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Username is set to ${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_password() { # --force if [ "$1" = "--force" ] || [ -z "$ARCH_OS_PASSWORD" ]; then local user_password user_password_check user_password=$(gum_input --password --header " + Enter Password") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_password" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null user_password_check=$(gum_input --password --header " + Enter Password again") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_password_check" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null [ "$user_password" != "$user_password_check" ] && print_fail "Passwords not identical" && return 1 ARCH_OS_PASSWORD="$user_password" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Password is set to *******" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_timezone() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE" ]; then local tz_auto user_input tz_auto="$(curl -s http://ip-api.com/line?fields=timezone)" user_input=$(gum_input --header " + Enter Timezone (auto)" --value "$tz_auto") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${user_input}" ] && print_fail "Timezone '${user_input}' is not supported" && return 1 ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set property and generate properties file fi print_info "Timezone is set to ${ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC2001 select_language() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG" ] || [ -z "${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[*]}" ]; then local user_input items options # Fetch available options (list all from /usr/share/i18n/locales and check if entry exists in /etc/locale.gen) mapfile -t items < <(basename -a /usr/share/i18n/locales/* | grep -v "@") # Create array without @ files # Add only available locales (!!! intense command !!!) options=() && for item in "${items[@]}"; do grep -q -e "^$item" -e "^#$item" /etc/locale.gen && options+=("$item"); done # Select locale user_input=$(gum_filter --header " + Choose Language" "${options[@]}") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG="$user_input" # Set property # Set locale.gen properties (auto generate ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST) ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST=() && while read -r locale_entry; do ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST+=("$locale_entry") done < <(sed "/^#${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG}/s/^#//" /etc/locale.gen | grep "$ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG") # Add en_US fallback (every language) [[ "${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[*]}" != *'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8'* ]] && ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST+=('en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8') properties_generate # Generate properties file (for ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG & ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST) fi print_info "Language is set to ${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_keyboard() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP" ]; then local user_input items options mapfile -t items < <(command localectl list-keymaps) options=() && for item in "${items[@]}"; do options+=("$item"); done user_input=$(gum_filter --header " + Choose Keyboard" "${options[@]}") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Keyboard is set to ${ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_disk() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_DISK" ] || [ -z "$ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION" ] || [ -z "$ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION" ]; then local user_input items options mapfile -t items < <(lsblk -I 8,259,254 -d -o KNAME,SIZE -n) # size: $(lsblk -d -n -o SIZE "/dev/${item}") options=() && for item in "${items[@]}"; do options+=("/dev/${item}"); done user_input=$(gum_choose --header " + Choose Disk" "${options[@]}") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null user_input=$(echo "$user_input" | awk -F' ' '{print $1}') # Remove size from input [ ! -e "$user_input" ] && log_fail "Disk does not exists" && return 1 ARCH_OS_DISK="$user_input" # Set property [[ "$ARCH_OS_DISK" = "/dev/nvm"* ]] && ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION="${ARCH_OS_DISK}p1" || ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION="${ARCH_OS_DISK}1" [[ "$ARCH_OS_DISK" = "/dev/nvm"* ]] && ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION="${ARCH_OS_DISK}p2" || ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION="${ARCH_OS_DISK}2" properties_generate # Generate properties file fi print_info "Disk is set to ${ARCH_OS_DISK}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_encryption() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Disk Encryption?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Disk Encryption is set to ${ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_bootsplash() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Bootsplash?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Bootsplash is set to ${ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_desktop() { local user_input options # Select desktop environment if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Desktop Environment?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Desktop Environment is set to ${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED}" # Return if desktop disabled [ "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED" = "false" ] && return 0 # Keyboard layout if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" ]; then user_input=$(gum_input --header " + Enter Desktop Keyboard Layout" --value "us") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT="$user_input" user_input=$(gum_input --header " + Enter Desktop Keyboard Variant" --value "") || trap_gum_exit_confirm ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT="$user_input" properties_generate fi print_info "Desktop Keyboard Layout is set to ${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT}" [ -n "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT" ] && print_info "Desktop Keyboard Variant is set to ${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT}" # Graphics driver if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER" ] || [ "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER" = "none" ]; then options=("mesa" "intel_i915" "nvidia" "amd" "ati") user_input=$(gum_choose --header " + Choose Desktop Graphics Driver" "${options[@]}") || trap_gum_exit_confirm [ -z "$user_input" ] && return 1 # Check if new value is null ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Desktop Graphics Driver is set to ${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER}" return 0 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_aur() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable AUR Helper?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "AUR Helper is set to ${ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_multilib() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable 32 Bit Support?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "32 Bit Support is set to ${ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_housekeeping() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Housekeeping?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Housekeeping is set to ${ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_shell_enhancement() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Shell Enhancement?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Shell Enhancement is set to ${ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED}" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_enable_manager() { if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED" ]; then gum_confirm "Enable Arch OS Manager?" local user_confirm=$? [ $user_confirm = 130 ] && { trap_gum_exit_confirm return 1 } local user_input [ $user_confirm = 1 ] && user_input="false" [ $user_confirm = 0 ] && user_input="true" ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED="$user_input" && properties_generate # Set value and generate properties file fi print_info "Arch OS Manager is set to ${ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED}" } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # CHROOT HELPER # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// chroot_pacman_install() { local packages=("$@") local pacman_failed="true" # Retry installing packages 5 times (in case of connection issues) for ((i = 1; i < 6; i++)); do # Print updated whiptail info [ "$i" -gt 1 ] && log_warn "${i}. Retry Pacman installation..." # Try installing packages if ! arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --noconfirm --needed --disable-download-timeout "${packages[@]}"; then sleep 10 && continue # Wait 10 seconds & try again else pacman_failed="false" && break # Success: break loop fi done # Result [ "$pacman_failed" = "true" ] && return 1 # Failed after 5 retries [ "$pacman_failed" = "false" ] && return 0 # Success } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- chroot_aur_install() { local repo repo_url repo_tmp_dir repo="$1" repo_url="https://aur.archlinux.org/${repo}.git" repo_tmp_dir=$(mktemp -u "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/${repo}.XXXXXXXXXX") sed -i 's/^# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /mnt/etc/sudoers # Disable sudo needs no password rights arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- git clone "$repo_url" "$repo_tmp_dir" arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- bash -c "cd $repo_tmp_dir && makepkg -si --noconfirm" arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- rm -rf "$repo_tmp_dir" sed -i 's/^%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /mnt/etc/sudoers # Enable sudo needs no password rights } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # EXECUTORS (SUB PROCESSES) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exec_init_installation() { local process_name="Initialize Installation" process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return # Check installation prerequisites [ ! -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && log_fail "BIOS not supported! Please set your boot mode to UEFI." && exit 1 log_info "UEFI detected" [ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)" != "archiso" ] && log_fail "You must execute the Installer from Arch ISO!" && exit 1 log_info "Waiting for Reflector from Arch ISO" # This mirrorlist will copied to new Arch system during installation while timeout 180 tail --pid=$(pgrep reflector) -f /dev/null &>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done pgrep reflector &>/dev/null && log_fail "Reflector timeout after 180 seconds" && exit 1 timedatectl set-ntp true # Set time # Make sure everything is unmounted before start install swapoff -a &>/dev/null || true umount -A -R /mnt &>/dev/null || true cryptsetup close cryptroot &>/dev/null || true vgchange -an || true # Temporarily disable ECN (prevent traffic problems with some old routers) [ "$ARCH_OS_ECN_ENABLED" = "false" ] && sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=0 pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring # Update keyring process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_prepare_disk() { local process_name="Prepare Disk" process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return # Wipe and create partitions wipefs -af "$ARCH_OS_DISK" # Wipe all partitions sgdisk -o "$ARCH_OS_DISK" # Create new GPT partition table sgdisk -n 1:0:+1G -t 1:ef00 -c 1:boot "$ARCH_OS_DISK" # Create partition /boot efi partition: 1 GiB sgdisk -n 2:0:0 -t 2:8300 -c 2:root "$ARCH_OS_DISK" # Create partition / partition: Rest of space partprobe "$ARCH_OS_DISK" # Reload partition table # Disk encryption if [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then log_info "Enable Disk Encryption for ${ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION}" echo -n "$ARCH_OS_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup luksFormat "$ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION" echo -n "$ARCH_OS_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup open "$ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION" cryptroot fi # Format disk mkfs.fat -F 32 -n BOOT "$ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION" [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ] && mkfs.ext4 -F -L ROOT /dev/mapper/cryptroot [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "false" ] && mkfs.ext4 -F -L ROOT "$ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION" # Mount disk to /mnt [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ] && mount -v /dev/mapper/cryptroot /mnt [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "false" ] && mount -v "$ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION" /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/boot mount -v "$ARCH_OS_BOOT_PARTITION" /mnt/boot # Return process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_pacstrap_core() { local process_name="Pacstrap Arch OS Core System" process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return # Minimal Core packages local packages=("$ARCH_OS_KERNEL" base sudo linux-firmware zram-generator networkmanager) # Add microcode package [ -n "$ARCH_OS_MICROCODE" ] && [ "$ARCH_OS_MICROCODE" != "none" ] && packages+=("$ARCH_OS_MICROCODE") # Install core packages and initialize an empty pacman keyring in the target pacstrap -K /mnt "${packages[@]}" # Generate /etc/fstab genfstab -U /mnt >>/mnt/etc/fstab # Set timezone & system clock arch-chroot /mnt ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${ARCH_OS_TIMEZONE}" /etc/localtime arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --systohc # Set hardware clock from system clock # Create swap (zram-generator with zstd compression) { # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Zram#Using_zram-generator echo '[zram0]' echo 'zram-size = ram / 2' echo 'compression-algorithm = zstd' echo 'swap-priority = 100' echo 'fs-type = swap' } >/mnt/etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf # Optimize swap on zram (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Zram#Optimizing_swap_on_zram) { echo 'vm.swappiness = 180' echo 'vm.watermark_boost_factor = 0' echo 'vm.watermark_scale_factor = 125' echo 'vm.page-cluster = 0' } >/mnt/etc/sysctl.d/99-vm-zram-parameters.conf # Set console keymap in /etc/vconsole.conf echo "KEYMAP=$ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_KEYMAP" >/mnt/etc/vconsole.conf [ -n "$ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_FONT" ] && echo "FONT=$ARCH_OS_VCONSOLE_FONT" >>/mnt/etc/vconsole.conf # Set & Generate Locale echo "LANG=${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_LANG}.UTF-8" >/mnt/etc/locale.conf for ((i = 0; i < ${#ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[@]}; i++)); do sed -i "s/^#${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[$i]}/${ARCH_OS_LOCALE_GEN_LIST[$i]}/g" "/mnt/etc/locale.gen"; done arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen # Set hostname & hosts echo "$ARCH_OS_HOSTNAME" >/mnt/etc/hostname { echo ' localhost' echo '::1 localhost' } >/mnt/etc/hosts # Create initial ramdisk from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Mkinitcpio#Common_hooks # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Microcode#mkinitcpio [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ] && sed -i "s/^HOOKS=(.*)$/HOOKS=(base systemd keyboard autodetect microcode modconf block sd-encrypt filesystems sd-vconsole fsck)/" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "false" ] && sed -i "s/^HOOKS=(.*)$/HOOKS=(base systemd keyboard autodetect microcode modconf block filesystems sd-vconsole fsck)/" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -P # Install Bootloader to /boot (systemdboot) arch-chroot /mnt bootctl --esp-path=/boot install # Install systemdboot to /boot # Kernel args # Zswap should be disabled when using zram (https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/881) # Silent boot: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Silent_boot kernel_args_default="rw init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd zswap.enabled=0 quiet splash vt.global_cursor_default=0" [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "true" ] && kernel_args="rd.luks.name=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION}")=cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot ${kernel_args_default}" [ "$ARCH_OS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = "false" ] && kernel_args="root=PARTUUID=$(lsblk -dno PARTUUID "${ARCH_OS_ROOT_PARTITION}") ${kernel_args_default}" # Create Bootloader config { echo 'default arch.conf' echo 'console-mode auto' echo 'timeout 0' echo 'editor yes' } >/mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf # Create default boot entry { echo 'title Arch OS' echo "linux /vmlinuz-${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}" echo "initrd /initramfs-${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}.img" echo "options ${kernel_args}" } >/mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf # Create fallback boot entry { echo 'title Arch OS (Fallback)' echo "linux /vmlinuz-${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}" echo "initrd /initramfs-${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}-fallback.img" echo "options ${kernel_args}" } >/mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch-fallback.conf # Create new user arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" # Allow users in group wheel to use sudo sed -i 's^# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL^%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL^g' /mnt/etc/sudoers # Add password feedback echo -e "\n## Enable sudo password feedback\nDefaults pwfeedback" >>/mnt/etc/sudoers # Change passwords printf "%s\n%s" "${ARCH_OS_PASSWORD}" "${ARCH_OS_PASSWORD}" | arch-chroot /mnt passwd printf "%s\n%s" "${ARCH_OS_PASSWORD}" "${ARCH_OS_PASSWORD}" | arch-chroot /mnt passwd "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" # Enable services arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable NetworkManager # Network Manager arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable fstrim.timer # SSD support arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-zram-setup@zram0.service # Swap (zram-generator) arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-oomd.service # Out of memory killer (swap is required) arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-boot-update.service # Auto bootloader update arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service # Sync time from internet after boot # Reduce shutdown timeout sed -i "s/^#DefaultTimeoutStopSec=.*/DefaultTimeoutStopSec=10s/" /mnt/etc/systemd/system.conf # Set max VMAs (need for some apps/games) #echo vm.max_map_count=1048576 >/mnt/etc/sysctl.d/vm.max_map_count.conf # Configure pacman parrallel downloads, colors, eyecandy sed -i 's/^#ParallelDownloads/ParallelDownloads/' /mnt/etc/pacman.conf sed -i 's/^#Color/Color\nILoveCandy/' /mnt/etc/pacman.conf # Return process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_desktop() { local process_name="Install Desktop Environment" if [ "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return # GNOME base packages local packages=(gnome gnome-tweaks gnome-browser-connector gnome-themes-extra gnome-firmware file-roller power-profiles-daemon rygel cups) # GNOME wayland screensharing, flatpak & pipewire support packages+=(xdg-utils xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-gnome) # Audio (Pipewire replacements + session manager) packages+=(pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack wireplumber) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-pipewire lib32-pipewire-jack) # Networking & Access packages+=(samba gvfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb gvfs-nfs gvfs-afc gvfs-goa gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-google gvfs-dnssd gvfs-wsdd) # Utils (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/File_systems) packages+=(git dhcp net-tools inetutils nfs-utils f2fs-tools udftools dosfstools ntfs-3g exfat-utils p7zip zip unzip unrar tar) # Certificates packages+=(ca-certificates) # Codecs (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Codecs_and_containers) packages+=(ffmpeg gstreamer gst-libav gst-plugin-pipewire gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly libdvdcss libheif webp-pixbuf-loader) packages+=(a52dec faac faad2 flac jasper lame libdca libdv libmad libmpeg2 libtheora libvorbis libxv wavpack x264 xvidcore libdvdnav libdvdread openh264) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-gstreamer lib32-gst-plugins-good) # Optimization packages+=(gamemode) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-gamemode) # Fonts packages+=(noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-firacode-nerd ttf-liberation ttf-dejavu) # Install packages chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" # Add user to gamemode group arch-chroot /mnt gpasswd -a "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" gamemode # Enable GNOME auto login grep -qrnw /mnt/etc/gdm/custom.conf -e "AutomaticLoginEnable" || sed -i "s/^\[security\]/AutomaticLoginEnable=True\nAutomaticLogin=${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}\n\n\[security\]/g" /mnt/etc/gdm/custom.conf # Set git-credential-libsecret in ~/.gitconfig arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- git config --global credential.helper /usr/lib/git-core/git-credential-libsecret # GnuPG integration (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GNOME/Keyring#GnuPG_integration) mkdir -p "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.gnupg" echo 'pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gnome3' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" # Set environment mkdir -p "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/environment.d/" # shellcheck disable=SC2016 { echo '# SSH AGENT' echo 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gcr/ssh' # Set gcr sock (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GNOME/Keyring#Setup_gcr) echo '' echo '# PATH' echo 'PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin"' echo '' echo '# XDG' echo 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/.config"' echo 'XDG_DATA_HOME="${HOME}/.local/share"' echo 'XDG_STATE_HOME="${HOME}/.local/state"' echo 'XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/.cache" ' } >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/environment.d/00-arch.conf" # Samba mkdir -p "/mnt/etc/samba/" { echo "[global]" echo " workgroup = WORKGROUP" echo " log file = /var/log/samba/%m" } >/mnt/etc/samba/smb.conf # Set X11 keyboard layout in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf mkdir -p /mnt/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ { echo 'Section "InputClass"' echo ' Identifier "system-keyboard"' echo ' MatchIsKeyboard "yes"' echo ' Option "XkbLayout" "'"${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT}"'"' echo ' Option "XkbModel" "'"${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_MODEL}"'"' echo ' Option "XkbVariant" "'"${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD_VARIANT}"'"' echo 'EndSection' } >/mnt/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf # Enable Arch OS Desktop services arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable gdm.service # GNOME arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable bluetooth.service # Bluetooth arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable avahi-daemon # Network browsing service arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable power-profiles-daemon # Power daemon arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable cups.socket # Printer arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable smb.service # Samba arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable nmb.service # Samba arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- systemctl enable --user pipewire.service # Pipewire arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- systemctl enable --user pipewire-pulse.service # Pipewire arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- systemctl enable --user wireplumber.service # Pipewire arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/runuser -u "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" -- systemctl enable --user gcr-ssh-agent.socket # GCR ssh-agent # Create users applications dir mkdir -p "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications" # Create UEFI Boot desktop entry { echo '[Desktop Entry]' echo 'Name=Reboot to UEFI' echo 'Icon=system-reboot' echo 'Exec=systemctl reboot --firmware-setup' echo 'Type=Application' echo 'Terminal=false' } >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/systemctl-reboot-firmware.desktop" # Hide desktop Aaplications icons echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/bssh.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/bvnc.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/avahi-discover.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/qv4l2.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/qvidcap.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/lstopo.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/cups.desktop" # Hide Shell Enhancement apps if [ "$ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/fish.desktop" echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/btop.desktop" fi # Hide Kitty app if [ "$ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nHidden=true' >"/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.local/share/applications/kitty.desktop" fi # Set correct permissions arch-chroot /mnt chown -R "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME":"$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}" # Return process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_graphics_driver() { local process_name="Install Desktop Graphics Driver" if [ -n "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER" ] && [ "$ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER" != "none" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return case "${ARCH_OS_DESKTOP_GRAPHICS_DRIVER}" in "mesa") # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/OpenGL#Installation local packages=(mesa mesa-utils vkd3d) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-mesa lib32-mesa-utils lib32-vkd3d) chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" ;; "intel_i915") # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Intel_graphics#Installation local packages=(vulkan-intel vkd3d libva-intel-driver) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-vulkan-intel lib32-vkd3d lib32-libva-intel-driver) chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" sed -i "s/^MODULES=(.*)/MODULES=(i915)/g" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -P ;; "nvidia") # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA#Installation local packages=("${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}-headers" nvidia-dkms nvidia-settings nvidia-utils opencl-nvidia vkd3d) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia lib32-vkd3d) chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA#DRM_kernel_mode_setting # Alternative (slow boot, bios logo twice, but correct plymouth resolution): #sed -i "s/zswap.enabled=0 quiet/zswap.enabled=0 nvidia_drm.modeset=1 nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 quiet/g" /mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf mkdir -p /mnt/etc/modprobe.d/ && echo -e 'options nvidia_drm modeset=1 fbdev=1' >/mnt/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf sed -i "s/^MODULES=(.*)/MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)/g" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA#pacman_hook mkdir -p /mnt/etc/pacman.d/hooks/ { echo "[Trigger]" echo "Operation=Install" echo "Operation=Upgrade" echo "Operation=Remove" echo "Type=Package" echo "Target=nvidia" echo "Target=${ARCH_OS_KERNEL}" echo "# Change the linux part above if a different kernel is used" echo "" echo "[Action]" echo "Description=Update NVIDIA module in initcpio" echo "Depends=mkinitcpio" echo "When=PostTransaction" echo "NeedsTargets" echo "Exec=/bin/sh -c 'while read -r trg; do case \$trg in linux*) exit 0; esac; done; /usr/bin/mkinitcpio -P'" } >/mnt/etc/pacman.d/hooks/nvidia.hook # Enable Wayland Support (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM#Wayland_and_the_proprietary_NVIDIA_driver) [ ! -f /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules ] && mkdir -p /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/ && ln -s /dev/null /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules # Rebuild initial ram disk arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -P ;; "amd") # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AMDGPU#Installation local packages=(mesa mesa-utils xf86-video-amdgpu vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau vkd3d) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-mesa lib32-vulkan-radeon lib32-libva-mesa-driver lib32-mesa-vdpau lib32-vkd3d) chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" # Must be discussed: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AMDGPU#Disable_loading_radeon_completely_at_boot sed -i "s/^MODULES=(.*)/MODULES=(amdgpu)/g" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -P ;; "ati") # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ATI#Installation local packages=(mesa mesa-utils xf86-video-ati libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau vkd3d) [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ] && packages+=(lib32-mesa lib32-libva-mesa-driver lib32-mesa-vdpau lib32-vkd3d) chroot_pacman_install "${packages[@]}" sed -i "s/^MODULES=(.*)/MODULES=(radeon)/g" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -P ;; esac process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_vm_support() { local process_name="Install VM Support" if [ "$ARCH_OS_VM_SUPPORT_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return case $(systemd-detect-virt || true) in kvm) log_info "KVM detected" chroot_pacman_install spice spice-vdagent spice-protocol spice-gtk qemu-guest-agent arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent ;; vmware) log_info "VMWare Workstation/ESXi detected" chroot_pacman_install open-vm-tools arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable vmtoolsd arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable vmware-vmblock-fuse ;; oracle) log_info "VirtualBox detected" chroot_pacman_install virtualbox-guest-utils arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable vboxservice ;; microsoft) log_info "Hyper-V detected" chroot_pacman_install hyperv arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable hv_fcopy_daemon arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable hv_kvp_daemon arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable hv_vss_daemon ;; *) log_info "No VM detected" ;; # Do nothing esac process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_bootsplash() { local process_name="Install Bootsplash" if [ "$ARCH_OS_BOOTSPLASH_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return chroot_pacman_install plymouth git base-devel # Install packages sed -i "s/base systemd keyboard/base systemd plymouth keyboard/g" /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf # Configure mkinitcpio chroot_aur_install plymouth-theme-arch-os # Install Arch OS plymouth theme from AUR arch-chroot /mnt plymouth-set-default-theme -R arch-os # Set Theme & rebuild initram disk process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_aur_helper() { local process_name="Install AUR Helper" if [ -n "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" ] && [ "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" != "none" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return chroot_pacman_install git base-devel # Install packages chroot_aur_install "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" # Install AUR helper # Paru config if [ "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" = "paru" ] || [ "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" = "paru-bin" ] || [ "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" = "paru-git" ]; then sed -i 's/^#BottomUp/BottomUp/g' /mnt/etc/paru.conf sed -i 's/^#SudoLoop/SudoLoop/g' /mnt/etc/paru.conf fi process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_enable_multilib() { local process_name="Enable Multilib" if [ "$ARCH_OS_MULTILIB_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return sed -i '/\[multilib\]/,/Include/s/^#//' /mnt/etc/pacman.conf arch-chroot /mnt pacman -Syyu --noconfirm process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_housekeeping() { local process_name="Install Housekeeping" if [ "$ARCH_OS_HOUSEKEEPING_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return chroot_pacman_install pacman-contrib reflector pkgfile # Install Base packages { # Configure reflector service echo "# Reflector config for the systemd service" echo "--save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" [ -n "$ARCH_OS_REFLECTOR_COUNTRY" ] && echo "--country ${ARCH_OS_REFLECTOR_COUNTRY}" echo "--completion-percent 95" echo "--protocol https" echo "--latest 5" echo "--sort rate" } >/mnt/etc/xdg/reflector/reflector.conf # Enable services arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable reflector.service # Rank mirrors after boot (reflector) arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable paccache.timer # Discard cached/unused packages weekly (pacman-contrib) arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer # Pkgfile update timer (pkgfile) process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_manager() { local process_name="Install Arch OS Manager" if [ "$ARCH_OS_MANAGER_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return chroot_pacman_install git base-devel kitty gum libnotify ttf-firacode-nerd # Install dependencies if [ -z "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" ] || [ "$ARCH_OS_AUR_HELPER" = "none" ]; then chroot_aur_install paru-bin # Install AUR Helper if not enabled fi chroot_aur_install arch-os-manager # Install manager process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec_install_shell_enhancement() { local process_name="Install Shell Enhancement" if [ "$ARCH_OS_SHELL_ENHANCEMENT_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return chroot_pacman_install fish starship eza bat neofetch mc btop nano man-db # Install packages mkdir -p "/mnt/root/.config/fish" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/fish" # Create fish config dirs mkdir -p "/mnt/root/.config/neofetch" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/neofetch" # Create neofetch config dirs # shellcheck disable=SC2016 { # Create fish config for root & user echo 'if status is-interactive' echo ' # Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here' echo 'end' echo '' echo '# https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Fish#Troubleshooting' echo 'if status --is-login' echo ' set PATH $PATH /usr/bin /sbin' echo 'end' echo '' echo '# Disable welcome message' echo 'set fish_greeting' echo '' echo '# Colorize man pages (bat)' echo -n 'export MANPAGER="sh -c ' && echo -n "'col -bx | bat -l man -p'" && echo '"' echo 'export MANROFFOPT="-c"' echo '' echo '# Source user aliases' echo 'source "$HOME/.config/fish/aliases.fish"' echo '' echo '# Source starship promt' echo 'starship init fish | source' } | tee "/mnt/root/.config/fish/config.fish" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/fish/config.fish" >/dev/null { # Create fish aliases for root & user echo 'alias ls="eza --color=always --group-directories-first"' echo 'alias diff="diff --color=auto"' echo 'alias grep="grep --color=auto"' echo 'alias ip="ip -color=auto"' echo 'alias lt="ls -Tal"' echo 'alias open="xdg-open"' echo 'alias fetch="neofetch"' echo 'alias logs="systemctl --failed; echo; journalctl -p 3 -b"' echo 'alias q="exit"' } | tee "/mnt/root/.config/fish/aliases.fish" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/fish/aliases.fish" >/dev/null { # Create starship config for root & user echo "# Get editor completions based on the config schema" echo "\"\$schema\" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json'" echo "" echo "# Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory" echo "scan_timeout = 10" echo "" echo "# Set command timeout" echo "command_timeout = 10000" echo "" echo "# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts" echo "add_newline = true" echo "" echo "[directory]" echo "style = 'bold green'" echo "" echo "# Replace the promt symbol" echo "[character]" echo "success_symbol = '[>](bold purple)'" echo "" echo "# Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely" echo "[package]" echo "disabled = true" } | tee "/mnt/root/.config/starship.toml" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/starship.toml" >/dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2028,SC2016 { # Create neofetch config for root & user echo '# https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/wiki/Customizing-Info' echo '' echo 'print_info() {' echo ' prin' echo ' prin "Distro\t" "Arch OS"' echo ' info "Kernel\t" kernel' #echo ' info "Host\t" model' echo ' info "CPU\t" cpu' echo ' info "GPU\t" gpu' echo ' prin' echo ' info "Desktop\t" de' echo ' prin "Window\t" "$([ $XDG_SESSION_TYPE = "x11" ] && echo X11 || echo Wayland)"' echo ' info "Manager\t" wm' echo ' info "Shell\t" shell' echo ' info "Terminal\t" term' echo ' prin' echo ' info "Disk\t" disk' echo ' info "Memory\t" memory' echo ' info "IP\t" local_ip' echo ' info "Uptime\t" uptime' echo ' info "Packages\t" packages' echo ' prin' echo ' prin "$(color 1) ● \n $(color 2) ● \n $(color 3) ● \n $(color 4) ● \n $(color 5) ● \n $(color 6) ● \n $(color 7) ● \n $(color 8) ●"' echo '}' echo '' echo '# Config' echo 'separator=" → "' echo 'ascii_distro="auto"' echo 'ascii_bold="on"' echo 'ascii_colors=(5 5 5 5 5 5)' echo 'bold="on"' echo 'colors=(7 7 7 7 7 7)' echo 'gap=8' echo 'os_arch="off"' echo 'shell_version="off"' echo 'cpu_speed="off"' echo 'cpu_brand="on"' echo 'cpu_cores="off"' echo 'cpu_temp="off"' echo 'memory_display="info"' echo 'memory_percent="on"' echo 'memory_unit="gib"' echo 'disk_display="info"' echo 'disk_subtitle="none"' } | tee "/mnt/root/.config/neofetch/config.conf" "/mnt/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}/.config/neofetch/config.conf" >/dev/null # Set nano environment { echo 'EDITOR=nano' echo 'VISUAL=nano' } >/mnt/etc/environment # Set Nano colors sed -i "s/^# set linenumbers/set linenumbers/" /mnt/etc/nanorc sed -i "s/^# set minibar/set minibar/" /mnt/etc/nanorc sed -i 's;^# include "/usr/share/nano/\*\.nanorc";include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"\ninclude "/usr/share/nano/extra/*.nanorc";g' /mnt/etc/nanorc # Set correct permissions arch-chroot /mnt chown -R "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME":"$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}" # Set Shell for root & user arch-chroot /mnt chsh -s /usr/bin/fish arch-chroot /mnt chsh -s /usr/bin/fish "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" process_return 0 ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC2016 exec_cleanup_installation() { local process_name="Cleanup Installation" process_init "$process_name" ( [ "$MODE" = "debug" ] && sleep 1 && process_return 0 # If debug mode then return arch-chroot /mnt chown -R "$ARCH_OS_USERNAME":"$ARCH_OS_USERNAME" "/home/${ARCH_OS_USERNAME}" # Set correct home permissions arch-chroot /mnt bash -c 'pacman -Qtd &>/dev/null && pacman -Rns --noconfirm $(pacman -Qtdq) || true' # Remove orphans and force return true process_return 0 # Return ) &>"$PROCESS_LOG" & process_run $! "$process_name" } # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # /////////////////////////////////////////// START MAIN /////////////////////////////////////////// # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main "$@"