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Coaching Principles for Living a Wholehearted Life

Jul 25, 2019
As coaches our work revolves around supporting our clients to live their best lives. And the tools and processes we use to do this can be just as easily applied to ourselves. 
Coaching teaches us how to communicate with others and ourselves: how to create rapport, how to develop a mindset of non-judgmental curiosity, and how to challenge with courage and respect. 

All these principles can be applied to our every day lives. As coaches we can become adept at communicating with and supporting the people we encounter every day: clients, family, friends, colleagues and anyone we want to connect with more deeply.
Below are some more coaching and life fulfilment principles which can be used by coaches and their clients to live wholehearted, empowering lives. 
  • Taking 100 percent responsibility for our experiences
  • Taking responsibility is recognition we control how we react to the circumstances and experiences of our lives. When we take one hundred percent responsibility for how we feel, what we see, what we hear and how we respond, we put ourselves in charge of our perspectives, meanings, beliefs, emotions and our own destiny. It means not casting ourselves in the passive role of a victim or non conscious awareness about ourselves. And instead, we ask our self; are we on the path we want to be on or what we can do differently to experience a different better outcome.

    This skill is particularly useful when we find ourselves ‘falling off the horse’ from time-to-time – where we don't experience or do things we desire - which is something that happens to everyone. Practicing taking full responsibility allows us to get up, dust ourselves off and quickly get 'back on the horse.'
  • Feel the fear and do it anyway
  • New experiences can be scary. Stepping out of our comfort zone can be uncomfortable. And moving forward requires courage. But when we acknowledge the fear, and still choose to step forward with courage, we open ourselves to wonderful new experiences and to growth. And should we fall and scuff our knees, there is always something to be learned from the experience.
  • Step into vulnerability
  • Brene Brown says, "Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage”. Stepping into our courage as a coach and as a person requires vulnerability. When we worry about what others will think or say, we retreat behind a mask or façade. But when we are courageous enough to drop the mask, and step into and accept our vulnerability, we empower others to be authentic as well.
  • Self love and self compassion
  • Being gentle and kind with our self, especially in those times when we feel like we have failed, is one of the most powerful things we can do. We will all 'fall off the horse and scuff our knees', and that is simply because we are human. 
    When we practice self-love and care, we do not allow ourselves to get caught up in the feeling of failure. Instead, we recognise we are imperfectly perfect human beings who are doing our best with the best intentions. We realise we are enough.
  • Celebrate the success
  • Tony Robbins said, “You can only build on success”. Celebrating the successes in your life gives you a base on which to build even more success. 
    Instead of focusing on what did not go well, if we focus on what went right, we can identify what is working, and how we can replicate it in the future. When we marinate in the joyous moments, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the beauty and joy that comes with being successful, and how that makes us feel inside ourselves.
We encourage all coaches and individuals to practice these principles to live a wholehearted life. When we do this for ourselves, it doesn't mean we avoid what is difficult, but we do build out resilience and ability to move through tougher times, as well as live a beautiful and fulfilled life.

Be empowered.

Listen to Jeanine and Marie discuss how coaching and coaching principles have impacted their lives in the Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 122 here

Episode-122 can be found here: 
Direct Linkhttp://bit.ly/2Vnla0H

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