1000 Calls to Rep. Budzinski 
Hello all & peace be unto you!

On Friday, 2/23, the CU Muslim Action Committee, UC Jews for Ceasefire, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of UC held a press conference and demonstration demanding Nikki Budzinski do four things:

  • Sign the US House of Representatives Ceasefire Resolution
  • Publicly call for and help facilitate the sending of humanitarian aid into Gaza
  • Stop US military aid to Israel now
  • Meet in-person with Arab, Muslim and Palestinian constituents who have lost loved ones in Gaza

Afterwards we marched to her office in Champaign to make the same demands. Leaders from the inter-faith groups spoke to her district manager, Brian, and were able to schedule a video conference with Representative Budzinski for Thursday 2/29. 

We call on the community to echo our calls to her so she knows our demands are shared by the majority of her constituents. Our goal is 333 calls on Monday, 333 calls on Tuesday, 333 calls on Wednesday and I'll make one call to bring us to 1,000.

You may call/email one day or all three. All contact is important. 

Please call both her DC office and her Champaign office and say (feel free to personalize):

My name is [name] and I am calling from [zip code]. I am calling on Representative Budzinski to support legislation and do everything within her capacity to:
  1. Call for a permeant and total ceasefire and to sign onto H. Res. 786
  2. Allow sufficient aid into Gaza including reinstating UNRWA funding
  3. Stop all US military funding to Israel
DC Office: 202-225-2371
Champaign: 217-305-6991
Email: Nikki.Budzinski@mail.house.gov

Call her office and log it below. You can call during business hours or after.
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Did you contact Budzinksi today? *
Form of communication? *
Which office(s) did you call? *
First Name + Birth Year (just trying to identify who's a repeat caller and how many unique calls) *
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