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Forever Flowers

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. —Isaiah 40:8

One day when he was little, my son Xavier gave me a beautiful bouquet of artificial flowers. He grinned as he arranged the silk white calla lily, yellow sunflower, and purple hydrangea in a glass vase. “Look, Mommy,” he said. “They’ll last forever. That’s how much I love you.”

Since then my boy has grown into a young man. Those silk petals have frayed. The colors have faded. Still, the Forever Flowers remind me of his adoration. And there is something else it brings to mind—one thing that truly stands forever—the limitless and lasting love of God, as revealed in His infallible and enduring Word (ISAIAH 40:8).

As the Israelites faced continual trials, Isaiah comforted them with confidence in God’s enduring words. They trusted the prophet because his focus remained on God rather than their circumstances.

In a world filled with uncertainties and affliction, our feelings are ever shifting and as limited as our mortality (VV. 6–7). Still, we can trust God’s unchanging love and character as revealed through His constant and eternally true Word.

By Xochitl



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