Students, College Departments, & Parents of Students: What's on your mind?
Masha Evpak, the Career Productivity Coach of, is planning a free online event called Career Productivity Weekend in Fall 2021, which will help students make progress on their goals and help departments support their students in their career productivity.

She wants to understand the specific needs of students and employees in your department, so she can make the event as useful and well-timed as possible!

The only person who will see your full survey response is Masha, who will keep it strictly confidential. You can email if you have any questions, comments, or ideas (all emails will get a response).
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Which of these 45-minute online sessions could you see yourself attending OR inviting others to?
For the next question, please answer based on whether you'd be available for ANY PART of these.
Please select if you're free for any part of this, even if you wouldn't be available the whole time range.
Mornings = 9am-12pm PST
Afternoons = 12pm-5pm PST
Evenings = 5pm-9pm PST

Which of these are you (or your students) likely to be available for to attend an ONLINE event? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
If you would you like to be sent info when registration is available (to attend and/or invite others), please provide your email address. (You will NOT be added to a mailing list.)
Which of these are you?
OPTIONAL -- Is there anything you want to CONFIDENTIALLY share about what's on your mind about your or your students' academic progress or career?
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