New fine art collection DEVOUR connects NFTs and physical art in an unprecedented way

Land DAO
4 min readJan 4, 2022

LandDAO presents their latest collection of unique NFTs by James Peter Henry. The prestigious artist’s debut of DEVOUR at Art Basel in December 2021 was one of the most talked-about events at the fair. During the art performance, his paintings were symbolically smashed into NFT shards.

In 2021, NFTs became central to the fine art discourse. LandDAO was created to be the first-of-its-kind art commission platform, bringing established artists into the NFT space for exclusive drops.

LandDAO teamed up with eBay Luxury and brought a novel showcase to one of the most notorious art events, Art Basel in December 2021. During the art performance, James Peter Henry, along with NFL player Jamal Carter, influencer Riche Rich and eBay General Manager Tirath Kamdar, symbolically smashed four paintings into shards to launch an NFT collection called ‘Devour’.

Watch the video from the ‘Devour’ NFT collection launch.

Devoured by the world

James Peter Henry is an Australian-born, US-based artist whose work is influenced by Cubism, African Art and Australian Aboriginal Art. Since moving to Los Angeles, James has produced a number of large-scale murals, such as the rooftop of the iconic Santa Fe Lofts, officially making his art part of the LA skyline.

James’s inspiration for the ‘Devour’ series was his memories of the childhood urge to paint. Painting enthusiastically from an early age, he told visual stories with a distinctive message. But growing up, he was slowly devoured by the rapacious world surrounding him. He further explains: “As children, we are driven by an authentic desire to express our life’s function. But having bitten the apple, I embarked on a precarious journey, triggering a domino effect that led me deeper and deeper into the underbelly of desire. The temptations of ego, sex and greed corrupted my pure creative spark.”

It is in recalling these visceral experiences — and sharing them candidly in his ‘Devour’ series — that he seeks direction and redemption. Imprinted forever on his artworks, these fragments of memory are unique pieces of art, sharded into NFTs.

Step into the ‘Devour’ series

LandDAO invites all NFT collectors to step into the ‘Devour’ series. Holding a single NFT shard enables the owner to participate in the benefit system of LandDAO’s platform. For the intrepid collector, acquiring a complete set of all five NFT shards of one of four paintings will include the option to burn all constituent shards to ‘reconstitute’ the original piece.

Also, certain NFT shards include Easter Eggs — hidden symbols and elements in the artwork. Each of these surprises is an invitation to expand James’ twisted metaverse of compelling life stories. The Easter Eggs will be revealed over the coming weeks and for collectors holding these NFTs, LandDAO will prepare a special surprise.

The public minting of the ‘Devour’ NFT collection starts on Friday January 14th 2022 at 17:00 ET at

Airdrops, physical prints and the benefits of ORE tokens

Collectors who secure their spot on the whitelist will be able to mint NFTs 24 hours before the public launch and once you mint your NFT you will be entered into a competition to win one of 20 physical signed prints by the artist. To become an early supporter and to take part in NFT giveaways, join the Discord community. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about LandDAO projects, hang out and join special events.

LandDAO brings something novel to the NFT ecosystem by pushing the boundaries of where art and technology meet. By holding NFTs from any LandDAO project, collectors receive ORE tokens every week. They can burn these tokens to receive minting passes for NFTs in future collections or Ethereum from the proceeds of the collections, and other benefits.

Watch the explanatory video below to better understand this unique ORE utility feature.

Follow LandDAO on Twitter to stay in the loop about their art, NFT projects, special events, giveaways and other benefits. Don’t forget to save the date — the public minting of the ‘Devour’ series starts on Friday January 14th 2022 at 17:00 ET at

BONUS: here all four DEVOUR artworks.

DEVOUR 1 — Original sin
DEVOUR 2 — The Fall
DEVOUR 3 — The Orgy
DEVOUR 4— The Awakening

Will the NFT collectors be able to put them back together? Remains to be seen… ‘Devour’ series starts on Friday January 14th 2022 at 17:00 ET at



Land DAO

Land DAO is a first of its kind art commission DAO, bringing established artists into the NFT space for exclusive NFT drops.