This month
Spamfield at dawn, by Garry Roberts
THIS year’s Spamfield was epic, according to Cath Spence. Read her full report in your next MF.
In fact, C42 pilot Gary Hanlon heard it was so good that he got there from Draycott in two minutes. Either that, or he’s been watching Tom Cruise doing Mach 10 in Top Gun: Maverick.
Photo Competition
By Jove, Biggles, what a cracking feast of entries this month: 23 great pics, ranging from Venice and Monticello in sunny Italy to just as sunny Ailsa Craig, that hunky chunk of Scottish granite, taken by John Mundy on his way to Glenforsa airfield’s 50th anniversary fly-in.

In between those two are a couple of dawn delights from Spamfield, which according to MF’s Cath Spence was epic. Read all about it in your next issue. VIEW THE JULY ENTRIES.
The competitors in the Darley Moor Open Series event (photo: Giles Fowler)
Just do it 
GILES Fowler, the Dalai Lama of YouTube, was at Darley Moor to show what fun the Open Series is, as well as improving your flying skills.

Those taking part ranged from nervous newbies to seasoned veterans such as Adrian Jones, who won the precision circuit event with this very impressive display in his immaculately restored Shadow.

His prize was a Sharpie pen, showing the disturbing commercialism that’s creeping into microlighting these days.

Full Open Series report in your next MF.
Join the BMAA
Deepak defies death daily 
Nerves of steel
CAN someone do Deepak Mahajan a favour and buy him a weather app before he does himself a mischief?

Here he is landing the Pipistrel Alpha in a 40mph crosswind at Damyns Hall with student Carl Barry.

Deepak, in the meantime, here’s a handy hint at no charge: if the windsock has torn itself off the pole, stay on the ground and make a nice cup of tea.
Mack making progress  
AFTER being grounded in Heraklion, Greece for over a month after Fedex lost the documents he needed, Mack Rutherford has now made it as far as Dubai before setting off for Iran, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.

The 16-year-old is bidding to become the youngest pilot to fly solo around the world. His big sister Zara, 19, in January became the youngest woman to fly solo around the world, and the first to do it in a microlight – the Shark, which is the same type Mack is using.

Follow his progress on 
World exclusive – new C42Bee 
CAMERON Spence was wandering around the Private Flyer show at Wycombe Air Park when he spotted the new C42Bee.

“There was a real buzz around the microlights, and everyone swarmed to the BeeMAA trailer,” said his better half, MF reporter Cath, who’s obviously been well trained in the MF Global HQ School of Puns.

“I left before the end, and just wonder how the owner got them off.”

‘Clearly they were all drones,’ concludes MF Deputy Editor Norman Burr.
A blissful bimble    
Kai Føyen took friend Trevor Robinson to Tynemouth to get some footage of his house in Whitley Bay and the Costa del Tyneside. Who says it’s grim oop north? 
Jamming sessions at Spadeadam   
IF you’re flying anywhere near RAF Spadeadam for the next few months, don’t be surprised if your GPS has a fit.

The folks there are having jamming trials on 13-17 June, 13-22 July, 14-23 September, 19-28 October and 16-25 November.
One for the birds 
You don't see that every day!
SPOTTING a flock of geese dead ahead on climbout can be a disaster. Ask Sully.

But not for French flexwing pilot Christian Moullec, who flies with them. Spotted by Brendan Digney.
DeltaJet 500
Cruise control 
Everyone wishes they could fly in a Mustang
LATE Late Show host James Corden swore never to go flying with Tom Cruise again after the Top Gun star persuaded him to go skydiving.

After a tragic attack of amnesia, James then found himself in the back of Cruise’s P-51 Mustang then an Aero L-39 Albatros jet trainer.

And if you haven’t seen the movie yet, do. It’s excellent. And if you haven't seen the movie yet, do. It's excellent. Even Top Gun instructors think so
Left a bit, right a bit…    
ROBERT Morgan is the controller who talked down passenger Darren Harrison after the pilot of a Cessna Caravan passed out.

Pilot Kenneth Allen, 64, meanwhile, is recovering from the torn artery which made him black out.
Shock treatment   
FULLY Charged Show presenter Robert Llewellyn goes for a bumpy ride in the Pipistel Velis Electro with Deepak Mahajan – and lands very impressed. 
Alive to tell the tale    
INSTRUCTORS will tell you that wise pilots learn from their mistakes, and even wiser pilots learn from the mistakes of others.

Stratotramp, aka Martin Blandy, looks back at a couple of dodgy landings on his nav solo.
Cable call 
Lucky escape for Italian pilot and passenger
THE pilot and passenger of this Italian Tecnam P92 were lucky to live to tell the tale when they hit a cable in the mountains.

The pilot was injured but survived, and the passenger was rescued. Spotted by David Bremner.
Viva Zapata   
FRENCH jetpack inventor Franky Zapata is alive and recovering after crashing into Lake Biscarosse in France.

The former jet-ski champion rose to fame after crossing the English Channel on his device in 2019.
Wind over matter     
MIKE Hart with some useful advice on how not to suffer from wind.
Radar? So last week, dude      
SCOTT Manley on how airliners don’t bother with that any more. Spotted by Rob Hughes at 7am on his holidays. El Supremo, your dedication to the cause has been noted. 
The longest day  
Famous for generally appearing in films as tangled wreckage
THE next time you struggle to land in a gentle crosswind, spare a thought for the Waco glider pilots putting their frail craft down in small French fields at night under fire in Operation Overlord, the 1944 landing by Allied forces 78 years ago this month.
and finally...
Top Gun, bottom dollar
This is so random that I can't think of a witty caption
SINCE we started with the new Tom Cruise movie, let’s finish with it. The real thing cost $170M, but the team at Cracked could have saved the producers a fortune. They’ve made their version for $20.

Warning: contains really silly juvenile humour. So we know you’ll like it.
Microlight Flying June 2022