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Technical Analysis for ETHBTC for 6th April 2023

Ethereum Adds 10% Versus Bitcoin as Traders Target 0.072 BTC

Past Performance of ETHBTC

After underperforming Bitcoin throughout Q1 2023, dropping roughly 20% in three months, the tide is beginning to change. ETH buyers are in control when writing, checking the performance in the daily chart. As it is, ETH is up 10% from March lows. At this pace, and with ETH prices breaking out versus Bitcoin, traders can look to add to their longs, riding the emerging trend.

ETHBTC Technical Analysis

The path of least resistance is northwards as Ethereum recovers after sharp losses in Q1 2023. Critical support lies at March lows at 0.062BTC while a reaction line traders should watch is 0.065 BTC. With prices above the middle BB, every dip is a loading opportunity, with targets set at mid-March 2023 high at around 0.072 BTC. Per the formation in the daily chart, traders can look to buy the dips as momentum picks up. Already, bull bars appear to band along the upper BB, a possible opportunity for bulls.

What to Expect from ETHBTC

The ETH rally is driven by fundamentals as network users look forward to Shanghai. At this pace, ETH may peel back losses posted versus BTC, retest March highs, and even push back to Q1 2023 highs and primary resistance at 0.077 BTC.

Resistance level to watch: 0.072 BTC

Support level to watch: 0.065 BTC

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are not investment advice. Do your research.

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