We’ve all heard and read about the magic of feminine softness. It almost seems as if this is something that we need to create in order to experience the gifts of the feminine polarity but what we don’t hear about is the amount of inner work necessary to get there and the environment that nourishes and nurtures the divine feminine. In order for the feminine in all of us to feel safe in its soft vulnerability, there are three primary needs that need to be met:

1. SAFETY: Safety is a complex web of conditions that must be present to protect the raw innocence of the divine feminine. One of the three feminine needs is safety in all its dimensions. This includes physical safety, financial safety, emotional safety, spiritual safety, and psychological safety. 

2. SPACIOUSNESS: The feminine is BIG. The divine feminine is the expression of the power of Shakti and the polarity of “everything”. This “everything-ness” needs space to exist. This means both internal space and external space. This requires an environment and people around you that allow your big-ness to exist without trying to put you back into a box or label your feelings as wrong or not valid. You learn to self-contain and allow your inner nature to radiate out into the physical spaces you inhabit. 

3. CONNECTION: We are born alone and will die alone. But nothing in this existence happens on its own. Life is an interconnected web of energy in constant motion and the fuel for the feminine is connection. Connection begins with ourselves. Connection to our body and soul. Connection to divinity. Connection to others. Connection to our planet. Connection. This is a NEED of the divine feminine that can be cultivated through your physical vessel. 

Venusian Woman is an experience that will take you through an inner journey where you will explore your roots, heal your developmental childhood wounds, and experience the feminine softness that’s underneath your armor. 

It will teach you how to own and claim your primary needs while giving you the tools to provide these needs for yourself. 

In this online program, you will be guided through the roots of your emotional nature to heal your inner child from parental wounds and unearth the treasure of your divine feminine. This reconciliation with all parts of yourself will allow you to understand your deepest desires, your foundational values, and your boundaries. 

Once your roots are established, you can dive into your own feminine mystery and unlock the essence of softness, passion, magnetism, and seduction within yourself. This is an internal experience that will change your perception and sense of worth. 

From your activated and expressed feminine softness you will be able to attract the relationships and experiences that your soul desires and will be able to navigate your life as the sovereign creator where the entire universe conspires to serve the goddess within. 

This is the power of the Venusian Woman - the woman who knows who she is knows her worth, knows the gifts she offers, is clear on the relationships she deserves, and feels worthy of receiving it all with ease and grace.

Become a leader of this divine feminine movement in your own life and inspire all the women around you to reveal the depth and power of feminine softness!

Who would you be if you didn’t feel the need to guard and defend yourself from the world? How would you express yourself if you could retire the ‘inner warrior’ and simply enjoy being a woman who’s anchored in her softness?

The world that we live in demands we hold a robust masculine shell to help us navigate life, work, and be productive. In relationships, we are expected to be soft, sweet, and gentle even though we live in a reality where our softness gets constantly punished and shamed for being “too much.” But what if being open, soft, and vulnerable didn’t hurt as much as it does? What if you didn’t feel exposed and uncomfortable in your openness? Once you’ve dealt with your root system, alchemized the pain of your wounds into power, created an inner structure with healthy boundaries, and explored the feeling of your softness, you will be able to radiate feminine softness not as an action but as a natural byproduct of this inner transformation. This is a gradual process that you’ll be able to feel and witness in yourself as you go through the program.


This journey started as a way to heal myself and relieve the pain I carried from my childhood wounds. Even though the process began as a way of changing myself and ‘improving’ I quickly realized that the feminine path is one of unconditional self-acceptance. 

Somehow, acceptance has a way of bringing to the surface the highest expressions of our parts. Externally, it looks like change and transformation but internally it was a process of unearthing and discovering. 

I learned this lesson the hard way, getting my heart broken many times, breaking my own heart, failing multiple times, and lots of tears. The process of softening our edges is not linear and controllable. The realm of the feminine is chaos and when we witness our chaos, we organize it through our awareness. Learning to be with my chaos, by witnessing it without judgment was the turning point in my inner journey.

There was some structure to the madness and I saw the patterns of my process which started from the root of emotional mastery, progressed into re-building healthy internal structures, and culminated in embracing the feminine principles of openness, surrender, trust, and compassion. 

Exploring about myself became my life’s work and passion and this has led me into the study of Shakta Tantra, Vedic Astrology, and exploring plant medicines as a means to understand the vastness of the divine feminine. 

Venusian Woman is the reflection of the process I guided my inner feminine through and the inner re-structuring that allowed for the most authentic version of myself to come to life and it is my hope that this program will guide you to do the same. 


The feminine creates by opening from the inside, towards her inner world!

Maybe you have already taken many self-development courses and programs to help you with these processes. Venusian is unique because we are not tackling the surface-level expressions of the divine feminine. 

We are taking the shortcut of working at the root level. At first, it feels slow and disconnected but over time, you’ll start noticing that you don’t even have to consciously try to soften into your feminine, it simply happens. 

Venusian Woman is a program rooted in the power of unconditional self-acceptance for what it is. So how do you transform yourself if you are not changing yourself? The answer is simple… When we accept everything that we think we are, the energies that are not innate to us, return to their creator (in this case, you are the creator!) and they no longer need to be active participants in your life. This allows you to reveal only the most authentic versions of yourself and connect you with your innate power without the middle man of “protective identities.” 

This is a transformational path through feeling it all which makes you a master of your emotional world and in turn allows you to be present with all the sides of life.

Venusian Woman will guide you through the healing process of your childhood wounds and give you a new framework that will allow you to soften into the divine feminine.

Inside Venusian Woman, you will learn how to understand and master your emotions, how to cultivate an empowering identity that feels safe yet expansive, and how to deepen your own practice of occult feminine mysteries based on Yoni Tantra. 

This is a 28-module, pre-recorded program that you can take at your own pace over the course of a year. Venusian Woman will take you through the full transformation that will allow you to show up authentically and with confidence in your romantic partnerships and your work.


“When I started this course, I was in an incredibly dark night of the soul. I was facing so much pain and fear internally and externally that I had no idea what to do with it. I am no stranger to shadow work and trauma healing, but Silvana's guidance was next level. All of the areas that had me stuck in a fear cycle broke away during this course. I experienced a tremendous breakthrough in the way I was able to mother myself and feel my way through the darkness. Following the course, my dark season lifted. My experience felt like a beautiful rebirth and I am now feeling anchored in my light. So much clarity has come to me since and I am even working on rewriting my vision for my future and the way I want to serve the world. I believe this is the result of finally feeling safe and secure within myself. Mothering myself in this way has spilled over into all areas of my life. I am so grateful for Silvana and the way she activates, empowers, and loves.”

Kathryn Brown

“I am a new woman after taking Venusian. I radically accept myself and I feel safer within myself, therefore, life has begun to reflect a new reality to me. My dreams and desires seem more available and I feel I can now fully receive them. Space has been made for me to allow in what I desire, which prior to this program felt forced. Silvana stands in her power, she owns who she is. Her presence is inspiring. She is so authentic, insightful, graceful, genius, and the most amazing woman. Every module is perspective-shifting and allows you to move gracefully to your next level of consciousness. She’s powerful and a joy to work with!”

Lindsey Felling

You will walk away from this program with powerful tools that will help you master your emotions and develop your sense of identity. You will feel beautiful, magnetic, abundant, and worthy of all your desires. 

The woman that walks through the world owning her femininity and magnetic power gets the relationships she desires, receives overflowing abundance, and enjoys longevity. 

In Venusian Woman you will: 

  • Develop greater self-confidence and self-esteem, that will impact both your personal and professional life.
  • Learn how to establish better boundaries in your relationships, including setting limits with others, saying no to unreasonable requests, and creating space for self-care.
  • Develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of your unique talents, strengths, and values to align your professional path with your passions and purpose.
  • Transmute childhood traumas and stuck emotions in an intentional and time-controlled manner.
  • Learn how to source motherly energy from the divine mother so that you can nurture your inner child in moments of triggering emotions.
  • Get a clear sense of identity, discover your purpose, take control of your finances, and experience safety receiving masculine energy.  
  • Cultivate a healthy and empowering sense of worthiness and radical self-love that will be externally perceived. 
  • Claim your heart’s desires as certainties and learn the same manifestation techniques that allowed me to completely transform my relationships and professional life. 
  • Learn the art of magnetism and cosmic seduction. 
  • Energetically clear your aura of past sexual partners and masculine impressions with a powerful ritual so your aura is clear and magnetizing. 
  • Ritualistically embrace the art and power of conscious adornment.
  • Learn practices that you can embody for the rest of your life that will allow you to respond to triggering moments of strong emotional reactions, with grace, compassion, and personal responsibility.


This program includes 3 pillars made up of 28 modules that you can explore at your own pace over the course of a year. When you join Venusian Woman, you will get immediate access to all 28 modules so you can begin your journey right away, on your own time.

    1. START HERE! Onboarding Information


    2. 1. Introduction to the Mother Wound

    3. 2. Uncovering the Story

    4. 2.1 Uncovering the Story - Integration Exercise

    5. 3. Fire Alchemy

    6. 4. Earth Alchemy

    7. 5. Air Alchemy

    8. 6. Water Alchemy

    9. 7. Identity Shift

    10. 8. Embodying the Divine Mother


    2. 1. Healing the Father Wound

    3. 2. Exploring your Dominant Identities

    4. 3. Cultivating Safety

    5. 4. Recreating the Father

    6. 5. Releasing your Burdens

    7. 6. The Art of Receiving

    8. 7. Containment: Voice and Boundaries

    9. 8. Forgiving The Father


    2. 1. Self Audit & Beauty

    3. 2. Worthiness

    4. 3. Radical Self-Acceptance

    5. 4. Desires

    6. 5. Space & Manifestation

    7. 6. Creating Channels of Receivership

    8. 7. Abundance, Value, and Money

    9. 8. Magnetism

    10. 9. Soul Purification and Auric Cleansing

    11. 10. Empress, Queen, and Consort Archetypes

    12. 11. The Art of Adornment to Beautify

    1. Integrating the Venusian Woman & Defining Womanhood

    1. Introduction to the Mother Wound - Live Questions

    2. Embodying the Divine Mother - Live Questions

    3. Uncovering the Story - Live Questions

    4. Identity Shift - Live Questions

    5. Air Alchemy - Live Questions

    6. Earth Alchemy - Live Questions

    7. Fire Alchemy - Live Questions

    8. Radical Self-acceptance - Live Questions

    9. Abundance, Value, and Money - Live Questions

    10. Channels of Receivership - Live Questions

    11. Purification and Auric Cleansing - Live Question

    12. Empress, Queen, and Consort Archetypes - Live Questions

    13. The Art of Adornment to Beautify - Live Questions

About this course

  • 46 lessons
  • 18 hours of video content

“Thanks to Venusian, I've been able to understand how shame holds me back, how to accept the part of me that feels shame, and how to move beyond shame so I can be in the spaces I really want to be in. In general, I've also developed a much more compassionate relationship with myself, I'm kinder to myself and far more understanding, specifically, I've stopped judging myself for what I feel, think, and perceive. I'm overall much softer with where I'm currently at. Silvana’s work is not for everyone, I would say that if people don’t have the ability to be radically self-reflective and hold deep awareness around themselves and their wounds, then maybe this work won’t resonate. So unless you’re ready to get to know yourself, including your shadows and darkness intimately and without judgment, then you might not be ready to experience Silvana’s work.”

Tanya Master

“I joined Venusian because I felt disconnected from my feminine power, and in all honesty, myself. I had a hard time looking at myself in the mirror and I felt in a constant state of struggle. Everything changed when I joined Venusian! I’m healing my relationship with myself. I love looking in the mirror now. I dance every day to feel my feminine power within. I have been always living in financial scarcity (since growing up with my parents), and this is the first time I feel peace with money LITERALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. I have an autoimmune condition that really hindered my work, and stopped me from growing my business… or so I thought. I am currently in one of my worst flare-ups, but able to continue working from a soft, slow space which is what Venusian was able to help me with. My relationship with my parents is dramatically improving. I’m more confident. I embrace my Queen spirit and allow it to hold space in the world. I am going on a second date (my first second date in 8 years). I feel grounded in my body, mind, and soul. I feel like I have finally returned home. There’s so much more, and it continues to unravel over time. Miraculous is the only word I can think of to describe this life-changing program!”

Tara Hettrick

Maybe you’re thinking…

Making a $450 investment in a program that promises to help you soften into your Divine Feminine can feel ungrounded and intangible. The truth is this work is, in fact, intangible but whenever you apply the lessons learned inside Venusian Woman to your everyday life, you will see tangible changes in your relationships, work, and social life.  

Your mood will significantly improve, and the way you relate to others will change as well. With new energy comes a different way of making decisions. Your renewed sense of confidence and magnetism may actually inspire you to apply for that job you’re unqualified for or create that dream business. 

You will feel worthy of dating “the man or woman of your dreams” and you will no longer compromise your values and standards. 

Your standards in how you’re treated in the workplace and in your personal life will be higher and when you live from this place, without feeling anxiety or despair, your life starts presenting better opportunities because your nervous system can handle it. 

But don’t take it from me, if my story is not enough, take a look at some of the reviews from former students of Venusian Woman. Everything I teach in this program is based on practices and philosophies that aided me in my own personal transformation and the transformation of my clients. I spent nearly a decade doing shadow work, journeying with plant medicines, assisting in healing ceremonies, and studying Jungian psychology and tantra so I could understand myself better and experience genuine self-confidence. 

I am sharing all the precious gems I learned from the last 10 years of my life inside Venusian.

You really can’t put a price on this so the investment for this program is equivalent to the amount of time, energy, and structure I’ve put into it to help you digest and implement the information.

Maybe you are already overwhelmed and you don’t have time to take yet another online program. I want to challenge you here because we all know we always find time for Netflix. (At least I know I do!) 

Venusian Woman can be your new Netflix. I will keep you entertained as I teach so you can afford to dedicate an hour per week to your own self-discovery process and inner transformation. You will also get a workbook so you can plan when you’ll be watching each lesson, give Venusian a little space in your calendar… you'll thank yourself!  

If you are ready for this beautiful process, then join Venusian Woman and dive into the depths of your feminine heart.  

Everything you need to experience inner harmony, confidence, and magnetism is already within you. But in order for you to access this gift, you must lead yourself! 

The paradox of housing our divine feminine energy is that you need to create a masculine structure around you to support your inner feminine. Venusian Woman will help you create this structure for your exploration but you are the only one that can take the dive into your psychological depths. 

Even though this process is not ‘easy’, it will transform your life from the inside out! 

Claim your sovereignty and redefine what femininity and confidence mean to you. 

You are a leader of the divine feminine renaissance happening in our planet right now. 

The outdated systems of society are crumbling under the weight of repression.

Women are the way-showers of the feminine way. Begin with yourself and share your light with the world! 

“Silvana is a gifted communicator and a powerful guide… At the beginning of working together, I was experiencing loneliness and wanted to work on my worthiness. After completing her program, I was able to manifest a new relationship, feel more sensual, and experience more pleasure in my everyday life!”

Janiva Cifuentes-Hiss


  • How long do I have access to the program?

    Once you sign up, you will have access to the program for 12 months. Upon joining Venusian Woman you will have access to ALL the lessons. I recommend you schedule some time to actually take the program and complete the modules. This is designed to prevent you from forgetting about the course and actually going through the transformation. If you buy it but don’t take the lessons nothing will change so make sure you are planning ahead and making the time to take the program.

  • Since I’ll get access to all the modules upon signing up, what’s the recommended flow to take Venusian Woman?

    Venusian Woman is divided into 3 pillars. You can take the course in the order that you desire. However, I recommend going through the pillars in order because the work builds upon itself. Pillar 1 will help you master your emotional nature and nurture yourself. This is connected to the Mother Wound. Even if you had an excellent relationship with your mother, there is a collective mother wound that we all carry within. If you master your emotions, you can unconditionally love yourself regardless of the external circumstances in your life. Pillar 2 will help you experience safety and embody an empowering identity. This pillar is connected to the Father Wound and your relationship to the masculine within. Once you’ve mastered your emotional nature and you’re embodying an empowered identity, you will be ready for Pillar 3. Pillar 3 will help you embody the Venusian Woman fully and discover the gifts of your feminine mystery. This is the pillar where you will see the importance of mastering the first two pillars because they provide the foundation to begin the journey within to extract the wisdom of your feminine wisdom.

  • How long is each module?

    Each module varies from 20 minutes to one hour. The average length of each video is 40 minutes depending on the material and if practices were shared during the module.

  • What else is included in Venusian Woman besides the 28 modules?

    There is a Q&A audio vault that you’ll have access to referring back to most modules. These Q&A audio files come from the live calls that came up when the program was being delivered live. This is an amazing resource to get an idea of what other women are going through and exploring. In addition to this, upon completion, you will be invited to join a Discord group where you can connect with other women that have dived into this work. This is a great place to build community, meet like-minded women, and share your findings and inner exploration.

  • Are there any refunds?

    Given the digital nature of this program, there are no refunds. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase after completing the program, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will work something out with you once we understand your situation.

  • Is this only for women?

    Throughout all the modules I use binary language. I refer to the feminine and masculine as energies that are present in all human beings. This program is tailored for individuals that identify as women. There are some practices that include Yoni and Womb breathing. If you are comfortable with these guidelines and the language and you identify as a woman, then this program will deliver the transformation it offers. We strive to be inclusive but Venusian speaks specifically to the feminine hearts that identify as women so this may not be the best program for someone that has a non-binary or male identity.

  • How is the content delivered?

    As soon as you join Venusian Woman, you will have access to all 28 modules. I trust that you will organize yourself and make time each week to go through the modules. If you take a module a week, you’d still have six months of space to repeat any lesson that resonated with you and go through the Q&A vault. You will get an email each month, the first four months as a friendly reminder to log in and take the course. A month before you lose access, you will receive an e-mail reminding you that your access is about to expire.

  • Are there any guarantees?

    This is a pre-recorded program and you are responsible for taking it in your own time. I’ve poured my heart and soul into Venusian Woman. Everything in this program includes processes, tools, and understandings I’ve personally acquired in my own de-conditioning process of healing and my own inner exploration. Venusian Woman is a guide that seeks to accompany you in your own self-discovery process. I share openly everything that has worked for me and offer a guideline that brings your awareness into specific areas of your life. I cannot heal you and neither can Venusian Woman. Only YOU have the power of doing that because only YOU can feel your emotions, bring awareness to the parts of yourself that are difficult to accept, and love yourself. This is your journey and I am only a guide sharing a process that worked for me. If you choose to join Venusian, do it from a place of empowerment and know that the results are in your hands. Everything inside Venusian Woman will be an added tool to your own self-leadership.

Ready to soften into your feminine power?

Silvana Isaza is the founder of the Venusian Academy, a practitioner of Shakta Tantra, and astrologer.

She helps women of all walks of life de-condition their minds and reconnect with their innate divine feminine energy. Her background in occult feminine wisdom, astrology, Shakta Tantra, plant medicine ceremonies, and her personal healing journey allows her to support her students and mentees through their self-discovery process. Silvana supports her students in the transformation of their core wounds, embracing their feminine nature, and creating a life that feels spacious and nourishing.