
Parents Kill Five-Year-Old Daughter In Failed Mass Suicide Attempt

A father and mother planned to kill themselves and their children, a 5-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy. The two parents survived the mass suicide attempt, but their daughter did not.

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Two parents survived their attempts to suicide, but killed their five-year-old daughter instead

A five-year-old girl died while her elder brother survived in their parents' three attempts to commit multiple suicides in Sri Manja Square 1, here.

Two parents survived their attempts to suicide, but killed their five-year-old daughter instead

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Two parents survived two botched suicide attempts. However, their five-year-old daughter died when the couple tried to kill themselves and their two children.

The 50-something father and 30-something mother first suicide attempt by inhaling carbon monoxide on 11 Sept failed

PJ OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed said the 50-something father and 30-something mother first attempted suicide on Sept 11 at their house at Sri Manja Square, off Old Klang Road here.

“They burnt charcoal in the master bedroom before they all went to bed but they were not successful,” he said.

They tried again the next day, and managed to kill only the little girl

The next day, the parents attempted suicide again. This time they manage to kill their daughter. "The girl was believed to have died during the second attempt," he told reporters at the scene on Wednesday.
The attempt to use carbon monoxide asphyxiation was also second such attempt by the family of three, according to The Star on its website today.

On 13 Sept, the parents brought their son along to dump the girl's body but could not find a suitable spot

"The parents then, on Sept 13, brought the body and their 7-year-old son to Klang to find a spot to dump the body and make another attempt. However, they could not find one and returned home"

The 7-year-old brother told the victim's kidnergarten classmate and parent that his sister is dead when they visited his house five days later

On Wednesday morning, the girl’s body was discovered after her kindergarten teacher told her classmate’s parent to check on the girl because she did not turn up for school for five days.

“The parent and her son went to the apartment and rang the bell but no one answered,” a shop owner at the nearby Sri Manja Square told the newspaper.

“The seven-year-old son (of the couple who attempted suicide) opened the door and he told them that his sister was dead. They then found the girl dead in the master bedroom.”

Police say the couple, who was planning to hang themselves, was facing financial problems

"Early investigations showed that the family was facing financial problems. The father, who was a contractor who had no work for almost a month," he said, adding that police also found wire cables in the home.

Arjunaidi said police also found at least one noose in the house, believed to have been prepared for another attempt. "We believe that they also planned to hang themselves but we are still investigating," he said.

The parents have been arrested for murder

He said the victim's father - aged 50, who works as a contractor, and the mother in her 30's, were arrested for murder.

The victim's elder brother was handed over to a close relative.

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