8 Armpit Fat-Blasting Exercises

 Are you ready to gain strong, toned arms? You'll notice a difference in your... armpits? Not only will these exercises help build your biceps, triceps, and everything in between, but you'll also notice a change in your... armpits?

Don't worry out if that small additional fold of skin between your arm and chest bothers you. It's a common occurrence - and nothing to be ashamed of.

While it's true that there's no method to lose fat in specific areas, everyday fat-burning exercise and strength training can help to tighten muscle groups. So, to assist you lose armpit fat, try these eight targeted arm exercises. Three times a week, do three sets of this workout.

For this workout you'll need the following equipment:

  • light dumbbells (3-5 lbs)
  • heavy dumbbells (8-12 lbs)
  • squishy ball (or a throw pillow)
1. Tricep Pushup

Step 1: Squeeze your elbows to your sides and do a regular pushup with your hands firmly in front of your chest. Keep your upper arms parallel to your sides and your elbows pointing straight back as you lower your chest to the floor.


 Step 2: Return to the starting position.

2. L-Raise

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, palms facing in, and a set of dumbbells at your sides. Roll your shoulders back and forth while bracing your core.

Step 2: Exhale and elevate the arms in a "L" form, with one coming forward and the other out to the side. Maintain a shoulder height with your arms. Lower to your hips and do the same thing on the other side. No swinging! Keep your action under control. Use dumbbells weighing 3-5 pounds.

3. Lying Chest Fly on Stability Ball

Step 1: Lie on a stability ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor, with your head and shoulders supported by the ball. Raise a dumbbell over your chest with your wrists curled slightly inward in either hand.

Step 2: Pull the dumbbells away from each other out to a "T," keeping your elbows relaxed and your wrists curled. You'll control the range of motion, halting it before your elbows contact the floor. Close the fly and repeat the process.

4. Triceps Extension

Step 1: Lie on a stability ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor, with your head and shoulders supported by the ball. Raise a dumbbell over your chest with your wrists curled slightly inward in either hand.

Step 2: Pull the dumbbells away from each other out to a "T," keeping your elbows relaxed and your wrists curled. You'll control the range of motion, halting it before your elbows contact the floor. Close the fly and repeat the process.

5. Back Delt Fly

Standing with your feet hip-width apart is the first step. Lean forward and hinge at the hips so that your hips are behind your heels and your back is flat. Maintain a forward stare towards the floor while holding the dumbbells in front of you with arms outstretched and palms facing in.

Step 2: Lift your dumbbells to the side of your body, keeping your arms straight (without locking your elbows). Reduce your weight if you have to jerk your body to execute this exercise. Avoid putting all of your weight on your lower back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then slowly release the weights under your chest. That counts as one rep.

6. Pyramid Pulse

Step 1: Stand tall and extend your arms straight out from your shoulders, holding a squishy ball between your elbows. Bring the hands together and bend the arms at 90 degrees. Pull your belly button all the way into your spine.

Step 2: Raise your elbows a few inches over your shoulders and then lower them to the beginning position. This is the range of your pulse. Keep your hands together and apply the same amount of pressure to the ball. Shoulders should be kept down; if they rise, take a break and try again.

7. Weighted Arm Circles

Step 1: Place a light weight in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your palms towards the ground, extend your arms out to each side, parallel to the ground.

Step 2: With your weights, draw small, controlled circles in a clockwise direction for 30 seconds. Switch to a counter-clockwise motion for 30 seconds after the first 30 seconds. Keep your back straight and your abs tucked in. Keep your back straight. Drop to a lighter pair of dumbbells if you feel your form is being compromised.

8. Dumbbell Floor Press

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your arms straight and a set of dumbbells above your shoulders. Maintain a bent knee position with your feet flat on the floor.

Step 2: Lower your arms till your upper arms contact the floor swiftly (do not rest them on the floor), then press back up to the beginning position. That counts as one rep. After a brief pause at the peak, slowly reverse the action.

